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The No. 1 figure in Ryukyu (Okinawa) is preparing to visit China, and Chinese FM Qin Gang’s reminder is very clear: Ryukyu is not Japan’s territory


Nov 9, 2021
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The No. 1 figure in Ryukyu is preparing to visit China, and Chinese FM Qin Gang’s reminder is very clear: Ryukyu is not Japan’s territory​

2023-04-21 Military

The G7 foreign ministers meeting held in Japan ended, and the published Joint Statement Among them, the length of China is quite high. In the statement, the G7 countries ignored China's solemn position and objective facts, grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, pointed fingers at the Taiwan issue, and clamored not to "change the status quo across the Taiwan Strait." Among them, Japan jumped up and down, instigating the G7 countries to unite against China, and the Chinese side was not polite to Japan, and directly looked at Ryukyu. Foreign Minister Qin Gang also mentioned "Potsdam Proclamation", a reminder to Japan: Ryukyu is not Japan's territory.

The G7 is a "platform to contain China" established by the United States, and Japan, as the only Asian country in the G7, actively plays the role of an anti-China pawn and becomes an accomplice to the expansion of US hegemony. Japan as World War II The defeated country has always wanted to get rid of the status of an "abnormal country" and tried every means to improve its international status and regional influence. In order to gain the support of Western countries, Japan continues to hype the "China threat" and even calls China "the biggest strategic challenge" in order to cooperate with the US strategy and win the favor of the West.


Japan has repeatedly called on the G7 countries to "unite and unite" and want to be an "anti-China leader". However, China also focused on beating Japan and first lodged stern representations with Japan. Liu Jinsong, director of the Department of Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also met with Tsutomu Koizumi, Minister of the Japanese Embassy in China, expressing his strong dissatisfaction with Japan's negative moves during the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting.

Since Japan is unbenevolent and unrighteous, the Chinese side is not polite, and began to attack Japan's weaknesses. According to the "Ryukyu Shinpo" report, recently, Chinese Ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao, andOkinawa PrefectureDeputy Governor Teruya Yoshimi held a closed-door meeting. This is also the first senior Japanese local official that Wu Jianghao met after taking office. Yoshimi Teruya said that Okinawa Prefecture is preparing to set up a "regional diplomatic office", and Okinawa Governor Tamaki Danny is also planning to visit China.


Okinawa Prefecture is Ryukyu islands, there used to be a kingdom here, which was conferred by the Chinese government for generations, and the tribute relationship has been maintained for more than 450 years. However, due to the Japanese invasion, Ryukyu was destroyed. Due to Japan's brutal suppression of Ryukyu, the original residents of Ryukyu did not have a high sense of belonging to Japan, and the "Ryukyu Independence Movement" has never stopped. According to polls, only 3% of Ryukyu residents consider themselves Japanese, and the Ryukyu Restoration Movement even sued the United Nations.UN Human Rights Council Meetings were also held to discuss the issue of Ryukyu self-determination.

Although there was no result in the end, the Ryukyu people did not give up. Wei Xiao chang, an activist of the "Rejuvenation Movement", said that he
is grateful for China's help to Ryukyu. Ryukyu people use Chinese characters and have Chinese names, and they have never given up hope of restoring the country. Japan and the United States are aggressors to Ryukyu.

At present, the Ryukyu Islands have become the United States military base, 70% of the US troops stationed in Japan are in Ryukyu. Ryukyu people are disgusted by the noise, pollution and crime created by the US military base. The father of Danny Tamaki, the governor of Okinawa Prefecture, is an American garrison who doesn’t care about giving birth to a child. Therefore, the Ryukyu people have no affection for the U.S. military base. Danny Tamaki has also been speaking for the locals and resisting the pressure from the U.S. and Japanese governments. .

A few days ago, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang delivered a keynote speech at an event, directly naming Japan. Qin Gang said that China suffered heavy casualties in World War II and was also the first the charter of the united nations Signed on the country, safeguarding the post-World War IIinternational order, is China's sacred duty. Taiwan is a part of China. After World War II, Taiwan returned to China. In "cairo declaration" and the "Potsdam Proclamation" are clearly written. Qin Gang emphasized that once China's land is recovered, it will not be lost again, and the post-war international order will never be allowed to be subverted.

In addition to the ownership of Taiwan, the "Potsdam Proclamation" also stated that Japan's territory is limited to the four major islands and nearby small islands, that is to say, the Ryukyu Islands are not Japan's territory. Before Yucheng Denny's visit to China, Foreign Minister Qin Gang mentioned the "Potsdam Proclamation", Japan should know what it means.

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After Abe was assassinated and died, the current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida almost went down to accompany Abe. In addition, there are condemnations from various countries for Japan's discharge of nuclear wastewater, and an explosion near the prime minister's residence.

Even the Japanese say that Okinawa belongs to China, hate Japanese and Americans, but like Chinese
Ancient China has always protected the Ryukyu Kingdom. The previous Ryukyu kings had to be canonized by the Chinese emperor to be considered legal. Don’t look at the fact that Okinawa belongs to Japan now, but the real Okinawans are clearly separated from the Japanese. Most Okinawa People still don't recognize that they are Japanese until now, and they hate American Day to the core. Okinawans have blood feuds with Japanese and Americans.

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China - Ryukyu Relations: presentation at University of Hawaii at Manoa​


琉球学生,唱中国歌曲《歌唱祖国》Ryukyu children, sing the Chinese song "Ode to the Motherland(China)"​


Hong kong high school students having PLA military training sing "Ode to the Motherland" on PLA battle ship

Lyrics (original)
Our flags are waving in the wind
With the glorious praise of victory
Ode to our gracious motherland
Marching toward prosperity from today
Ode to our gracious motherland
Marching toward the prosperity from today
Over the mountains, across the plains
Cross the Yangtze and Huang River
Tis’ the dear home of ours,
the grand and beautiful land of China
Hail the Chinese people stand up from today
We are united, affectionate, and strong as steel!

Our flags are waving in the wind
With the glorious praise of victory
Ode to our gracious motherland
Marching toward prosperity from today
Ode to our gracious motherland
Marching toward the prosperity from today
We work tirelessly, we share bravery
Splendid is our Five-thousands years history
How many challenges we have encountered
To gain today's liberation
We love peace, we love our motherland
But we pledge to tear any aggression

Our flags are waving in the wind
With the glorious praise of victory
Ode to our gracious motherland
Marching toward prosperity from today
Ode to our gracious motherland
Marching toward the prosperity from today
People's republic is thriving
As the oriental rising sun
Great leader Mao is pointing the path toward victory
Our future is bright and fruitful
We the people will enjoy her plenteousness!

Our flags are waving in the wind
With the glorious praise of victory
Ode to our gracious motherland
Marching toward prosperity from today
Ode to our gracious motherland
Marching toward the prosperity from today!

2008 Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremoney "Ode to the Motherland"​


The No. 1 figure in Ryukyu is preparing to visit China, and Chinese FM Qin Gang’s reminder is very clear: Ryukyu is not Japan’s territory​

2023-04-21 Military

The G7 foreign ministers meeting held in Japan ended, and the published Joint Statement Among them, the length of China is quite high. In the statement, the G7 countries ignored China's solemn position and objective facts, grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, pointed fingers at the Taiwan issue, and clamored not to "change the status quo across the Taiwan Strait." Among them, Japan jumped up and down, instigating the G7 countries to unite against China, and the Chinese side was not polite to Japan, and directly looked at Ryukyu. Foreign Minister Qin Gang also mentioned "Potsdam Proclamation", a reminder to Japan: Ryukyu is not Japan's territory.

The G7 is a "platform to contain China" established by the United States, and Japan, as the only Asian country in the G7, actively plays the role of an anti-China pawn and becomes an accomplice to the expansion of US hegemony. Japan as World War II The defeated country has always wanted to get rid of the status of an "abnormal country" and tried every means to improve its international status and regional influence. In order to gain the support of Western countries, Japan continues to hype the "China threat" and even calls China "the biggest strategic challenge" in order to cooperate with the US strategy and win the favor of the West.


Japan has repeatedly called on the G7 countries to "unite and unite" and want to be an "anti-China leader". However, China also focused on beating Japan and first lodged stern representations with Japan. Liu Jinsong, director of the Department of Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also met with Tsutomu Koizumi, Minister of the Japanese Embassy in China, expressing his strong dissatisfaction with Japan's negative moves during the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting.

Since Japan is unbenevolent and unrighteous, the Chinese side is not polite, and began to attack Japan's weaknesses. According to the "Ryukyu Shinpo" report, recently, Chinese Ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao, andOkinawa PrefectureDeputy Governor Teruya Yoshimi held a closed-door meeting. This is also the first senior Japanese local official that Wu Jianghao met after taking office. Yoshimi Teruya said that Okinawa Prefecture is preparing to set up a "regional diplomatic office", and Okinawa Governor Tamaki Danny is also planning to visit China.


Okinawa Prefecture is Ryukyu islands, there used to be a kingdom here, which was conferred by the Chinese government for generations, and the tribute relationship has been maintained for more than 450 years. However, due to the Japanese invasion, Ryukyu was destroyed. Due to Japan's brutal suppression of Ryukyu, the original residents of Ryukyu did not have a high sense of belonging to Japan, and the "Ryukyu Independence Movement" has never stopped. According to polls, only 3% of Ryukyu residents consider themselves Japanese, and the Ryukyu Restoration Movement even sued the United Nations.UN Human Rights Council Meetings were also held to discuss the issue of Ryukyu self-determination.

Although there was no result in the end, the Ryukyu people did not give up. Wei Xiao chang, an activist of the "Rejuvenation Movement", said that he
is grateful for China's help to Ryukyu. Ryukyu people use Chinese characters and have Chinese names, and they have never given up hope of restoring the country. Japan and the United States are aggressors to Ryukyu.

At present, the Ryukyu Islands have become the United States military base, 70% of the US troops stationed in Japan are in Ryukyu. Ryukyu people are disgusted by the noise, pollution and crime created by the US military base. The father of Danny Tamaki, the governor of Okinawa Prefecture, is an American garrison who doesn’t care about giving birth to a child. Therefore, the Ryukyu people have no affection for the U.S. military base. Danny Tamaki has also been speaking for the locals and resisting the pressure from the U.S. and Japanese governments. .

A few days ago, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang delivered a keynote speech at an event, directly naming Japan. Qin Gang said that China suffered heavy casualties in World War II and was also the first the charter of the united nations Signed on the country, safeguarding the post-World War IIinternational order, is China's sacred duty. Taiwan is a part of China. After World War II, Taiwan returned to China. In "cairo declaration" and the "Potsdam Proclamation" are clearly written. Qin Gang emphasized that once China's land is recovered, it will not be lost again, and the post-war international order will never be allowed to be subverted.

In addition to the ownership of Taiwan, the "Potsdam Proclamation" also stated that Japan's territory is limited to the four major islands and nearby small islands, that is to say, the Ryukyu Islands are not Japan's territory. Before Yucheng Denny's visit to China, Foreign Minister Qin Gang mentioned the "Potsdam Proclamation", Japan should know what it means.

related articles​

What happens to Taiwan means what happens to Japan? Japan is facing a political earthquake! Ryukyu: This time you have something to do first
After Abe was assassinated and died, the current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida almost went down to accompany Abe. In addition, there are condemnations from various countries for Japan's discharge of nuclear wastewater, and an explosion near the prime minister's residence.

Even the Japanese say that Okinawa belongs to China, hate Japanese and Americans, but like Chinese
Ancient China has always protected the Ryukyu Kingdom. The previous Ryukyu kings had to be canonized by the Chinese emperor to be considered legal. Don’t look at the fact that Okinawa belongs to Japan now, but the real Okinawans are clearly separated from the Japanese. Most Okinawa People still don't recognize that they are Japanese until now, and they hate American Day to the core. Okinawans have blood feuds with Japanese and Americans.

Long overdue.
Now Japan is very weak, it is a good time to ignite Okinawa's independent movement.
This region gonna be the next flash point after Taiwan reunification. It's quite easy for China to support this independence movement because it has legal basis whereas Taiwan is an unfinished civil war. After China cripples Japan for interference in Taiwan reunification, it's very simple for China to push liberation of Okinawa thru military support.
Lưu Cầu (Ryukyu, translated to Vietnamese) was an independent state until 19th century. If Japan want to continue to be a rogue state, Lưu Cầu can and should become independent again.
Japan has already been neutered but now it’s going to get all its appendages lopped off. Holy shit.

Okinawans aren’t Japanese, historically they were much closer to China.
Japan has already been neutered but now it’s going to get all its appendages lopped off. Holy shit.

Okinawans aren’t Japanese, historically they were much closer to China.
Most are descendants from Chinese Fujian province
Most are descendants from Chinese Fujian province
No they aren't. They are an ancient people and are distinct from Han Chinese and Japanese. They may have gotten cultural influences from Fujian but they are certainly not descendants of Fujianese, unlike the Taiwanese.
Do you people really believe Okinawa are going to separated??

You do know the last poll these people made in 2017, 82% of Okinawan said they considering themselves as Japanese??

I mean Hawaii independence movement have more support than that.....

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