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America bombs, China builds! China builds 1,000 schools in Iraq

LOl, yes, everyone knows


Intelligence organisations are working in a different universe from ordinary people.
Chinese intelligence would behave the same way.

The Chinese will sell you a ”64GB” USB stick with a 128MB real capacity.
I have several friends that got scammed this way.
Business relations have similar experience getting shipped crap products, instead of what was agreed.

I doubt that Chinese are taught to not lie, cheat or steal anywhere.
Intelligence organisations are working in a different universe from ordinary people.
Chinese intelligence would behave the same way.

The Chinese will sell you a ”64GB” USB stick with a 128MB real capacity.
I have several friends that got scammed this way.
Business relations have similar experience getting shipped crap products, instead of what was agreed.

I doubt that Chinese are taught to not lie, cheat or steal anywhere.
Funny westerners don't even realize how big a fool you are when you are badmouthing China on one hand and buying up Chinese products like there 's no tomorrow on the other hand, didn't you even see this irony?
Why does no one ever bring up the Iraqis who were murdered and displaced by their own people? NATO just took advantage of an already volatile and unstable society.
They are butt-hurt over American power. Saddam used chemical weapons on Kurdish villages killing 5000 which is forgotten. They don't care about Iraqi lives.
Intelligence organisations are working in a different universe from ordinary people.
Chinese intelligence would behave the same way.

The Chinese will sell you a ”64GB” USB stick with a 128MB real capacity.
I have several friends that got scammed this way.
Business relations have similar experience getting shipped crap products, instead of what was agreed.

I doubt that Chinese are taught to not lie, cheat or steal anywhere.
Lol, a good example of how you very honest and honorable Swedish engage in business deal with the Chinese, CHEAT.

The original destroyer blade failed to pass the inspection, Sweden made strong arguments, and the Chinese representative: Use the blackboard to teach you how to behave​

2023-07-04 09:30

After the founding of New China, it has been actively integrating with the world. In the past few decades, our country has often sent people to foreign countries to purchase items.

Our country has always paid attention to fairness. Every transaction is given at a sufficient price and suppliers will not suffer losses. Therefore, many of our country's international transactions are very smooth. However, there are some surprises.

For example, at the end of the 1980s, because my country needed to purchase propellers for the 052 destroyer, it entered into a cooperation with the Swedish company Kameva.


The 052 destroyer is a high-performance warship built by China at a huge cost of manpower and material resources. It was one of the most powerful weapons of the Chinese Navy in the 1990s.

Therefore, the country attaches great importance to the procurement of destroyers. Before the transaction, it has repeatedly emphasized to Sweden that the quality must be controlled to avoid any problems.

However, when our representatives went for inspection, they found that the destroyer blades produced in Sweden were obviously defective and were substandard products.

According to our country's requirements, the propellers of the destroyer should be internally filled with oil and can be flexibly controlled. Therefore, during the acceptance inspection, our representatives conducted an "oil retention test" on the blades and found that some oil seeped out of the edges of the blades produced in Sweden.


This problem may not seem big, but it is actually a safety hazard that cannot be ignored. Representatives of our country know very well that a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest. If we do not pay attention to this issue, it is likely to cause a huge disaster in the future.

In order to nip the danger in the bud, our representative directly requested that the Swedish side "scrap" the problematic blades that have been produced.

The so-called "scrap" refers to the complete abandonment of these defective propellers and re-production. However, in order to save costs and reduce its own losses, Sweden tried to return the machine to the factory for repairs.


Because of their different opinions, the two sides began to argue with each other. They talked about it from day to night, but no agreement was reached.

The next day, the Chinese representative found an opportunity to enter the Swedish blade production workshop and met with the other party's workshop director. The workshop director was a technician. He conducted a technical inspection on the blade in question in accordance with my country's requirements. It was found that the blade not only had obvious oil leakage problems, but also had major flaws in its casting structure.

In other words, even if a propeller with such a problem is returned to the factory for repair, it cannot be used normally. Therefore, Sweden chose to relent and agreed to produce blades again.


The failure of the first acceptance inspection was mainly due to quality problems on the Swedish side. Therefore, during the second acceptance inspection, Sweden needs to be responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of our representatives in accordance with international regulations, and reimburse all expenses.

The Swedish representative responsible for the specific arrangements may have felt that they were at a disadvantage and deliberately made things difficult for the Chinese representative during the itinerary. Our representatives could have taken a direct flight, but due to their deliberate troubles, they were forced to transfer three times and spent 24 hours in a row.

After finally arriving in Sweden, the accommodation arranged by the other party was also infuriating. Some gays live in rooms that don't even have beds, so they can only sleep on the floor.


Faced with Sweden's "making things difficult", our representatives can be said to be full of resentment, but everyone still adheres to the principle of putting work first and does not bother with Sweden in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation. They only hope that the acceptance will be successful as soon as possible and the work related to the 052 destroyer will be completed. .

What is speechless is that our representatives once again discovered obvious problems during the acceptance inspection. Chinese representatives conducted technical tests on propellers produced in Sweden in accordance with relevant standards. The parameters obtained were significantly different from those provided by Sweden.

The Swedish side said nonchalantly that this was a normal error and there was no need to make a fuss.


If it is a reasonable error, our representatives will certainly not embarrass them, but the gap in their data is so large that it cannot be explained by errors.

The Swedish side failed to meet the standard twice, and it also tried to use force and excuses. This kind of irresponsible behavior made our representatives very angry.

The person in charge of our country, General Golden Spear, was so angry that he rose up in anger and directly acted as a representative of China to launch an amazing counterattack against Sweden.


General Golden Spear's counterattack was, specifically, to "teach you how to behave with a blackboard." He asked the Swedish side to prepare a larger blackboard, drew a few sketches in a smooth manner, and then used extremely professional knowledge to explain and analyze to the other party, and used superb technology to impress the other party on the spot.

It is worth mentioning that General Golden Spear is not only a high-level cadre in our country, but also an experienced technician. He has studied in the Kazakh military industry, conducted equipment research for a long time, and is very familiar with the specific technology of each weapon.

Because of this, the country can safely entrust General Golden Spear with important tasks and make him responsible for purchasing important accessories abroad.


If a person who does not understand technology is responsible for this kind of work, he is likely to be deceived by the other party. General Golden Spear's powerful ability and firm attitude allowed Sweden to completely give up its struggle and start production again.

Other comrades originally had some complaints because of Sweden's "making things difficult". When they saw General Golden Spear educating the Swedish representatives with his strength, they were very excited and felt quite proud.

At the same time, Sweden has become completely honest and does not dare to make small moves behind the scenes. When the Chinese representative went for the acceptance inspection for the third time, Sweden, which was responsible for food, clothing, housing and transportation, directly arranged a direct special flight and enthusiastically invited the Chinese representative to stay in a relatively high-end hotel.


Even so, our representatives did not show any negligence during the acceptance inspection, but were as strict as ever. After repeated verification, Chinese representatives finally confirmed that the blades produced by Sweden had basically no technical problems and could be used normally.

Since then, the long-running paddle procurement activity has finally come to an end. General Golden Spear, who was still in charge, knew that the previous inspection and acceptance had delayed a lot of time. He originally wanted to take people back to China as soon as possible to carry out other work.


However, the Swedish representative insisted that he stay as a guest. China always pays attention to etiquette. Faced with the warm invitation of the Swedish representative, General Golden Spear could not resist the invitation, so he had no choice but to agree to the invitation.

Since the work has been completed, the group sat together and enjoyed the guests, and the atmosphere was very pleasant. During this period, Swedish representatives even proposed that they hope to hang a photo of General Golden Spear in their workshop to remind workers to pay attention to product quality.


To be fair, paying attention to product quality is indeed a good thing. The more high-end and complex technical products are, the more attention should be paid to product quality issues.

Throughout history, there have been countless product safety problems caused by negligence. It is better to prevent risks and losses beforehand than to remedy them.

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Funny westerners don't even realize how big a fool you are when you are badmouthing China on one hand and buying up Chinese products like there 's no tomorrow on the other hand, didn't you even see this irony?
I am certainly not buying Chinese products like there is no tomorrow.
There are quality Chinese stuff, but the Chinese business practices needs to be filtered through people with honour and decency.
Intelligence organisations are working in a different universe from ordinary people.
Chinese intelligence would behave the same way.

The Chinese will sell you a ”64GB” USB stick with a 128MB real capacity.
I have several friends that got scammed this way.
Business relations have similar experience getting shipped crap products, instead of what was agreed.

I doubt that Chinese are taught to not lie, cheat or steal anywhere.

If they do this to their own, they would hardly care about others.



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If they do this to their own, they would hardly care about others.

It's about making a quick buck. Even re-selling used, dirty, bacteria infested, toxic, carcinogenic oil from the gutter. I am glad he mentioned this is a result of a general loss of moral compass due to enforced atheism by the communist party.
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It's all about making a quick buck. Even re-selling used, dirty, bacteria infested, toxic, carcinogenic oil from the gutter. I am glad he mentioned this is a result of a general loss of moral compass due to enforced atheism by the communist party.
Yeah, how about you "religiously morally superior" Indians doing then, lol,

Yeah, how about you "religiously morally superior" Indians doing then, lol,

It's all from Godlessness, even religious extremism and terrorism.
Godlessness is 'associated with amoral nihilism'.
Then, your most religious in the world morally right India should be 10 times better than China in every respect, but India is a shithole in nearly all the metrics compared to China, lol.
Then, your most religious morally right India should be 10 times better than China in every respect, but India is a shithole in nearly all the metrics compared to China, lol.
Everyone is not in submission to God. However, in China there is enforced atheism.

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