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If the wife works family is ruined, the veil is ruined. If the wife works, society is ruined : Bangladeshi bowler Tanzim Hasan Sakib

All the women in my house in India are working 9-5 and juggling family and work. You just adapt and have fewer kids. You stay home until the kids are school going and then you start your career. You can have servants and maids, if you make good income.
Nothing wrong with working women, my wife works, my sisters work, but family life is compromised to a degree.

My wife does not work when my children are back from school - my condition was during school hours only. I want my children to have a full time mother. It doesn't matter if you have 2 children or 8 - when they come home from school/college - i want someone at home who will great them, I want someone who will ask them about their day, who will feed them, who will express interest in what they have to say.

I'm blessed, I WFH, when my children come home they rush into my home office and tell me about their day. If they returned to empty walls, or went to day care, or even if a nanny picked them up - would they get the love and attention they seek at that time? Absolutely not. You cannot put a value on that.

If my wife made more money than me, i'd happily have her working full time and i'd work part time around the needs of the children. Maids, cleaners etc can provide services for your household, but they can never make it a home - love and affection make that.

Women in the workplace shot off as a necessity in western europe after WW2, but the concept of 2 full time adults working has had it's golden period. The second income was generating wealth for people, today, inflation of essentials (especially property prices) has gone up so high that they've squeezed the wealth out and the second income has become a necessity to live a middle class lifestyle - unless you earn a lot of money.

Not all wives have rich cricket players as husbands though,right mate?

Excellent point.

I'm not against women in the workplace, but i think if our societal model requires 2 adults to work full time to fund a household comfortably, then the model is broken.

90% of the people on this forum probably had a mum or dad who was at home for them during their childhood, who cooked meals for them. Society is evolving, or rather devolving in my opinion to a position where kids are coming home to empty walls, TV's and eventually frozen meals.
The natural way is for the man to work and the woman to run the home/kids. Better.

Unless financial necessity forces the woman to work.
Prophet of Islam (pbuh) was married to Hazrat Khadijah (as) who owned her own buisness. Over the years, the so called Muslims have amended Islam for their own personal shortcomings.
He has the right to express his opinion on women. In a democratic society people should respect freedom of speech.
I went to Pakistan a long time ago, and I was amazed at the food. Even though the average Pakistani earns a fraction of the average Britain, he eats far better. Also, with a lack of processed food and chemicals, far healthier.

Why? Because Pakistani women are trained from childhood to cook, and have the time to do so.

Would you rather come home to a chemical dinner from Tesco's?

That works only Pakistani kids raised by housewives do well
There are a lot of strong opinions from a lot of folks on the role of women.

Like our Prophet (SAW) has said on multiple occasions, best approach is a balanced approach.

Bangladesh is more or less a balanced and moderate Muslim country, just like Malaysia and Indonesia (I especially like the latter country's approach for Muslima's roles in society).

I am sure we will find a balanced approach just like Indonesia, as most of their approaches on women's role integration are very much ideal in my opinion.

@Indos brother - your opinions and thoughts on this please.
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I went to Pakistan a long time ago, and I was amazed at the food. Even though the average Pakistani earns a fraction of the average Britain, he eats far better. Also, with a lack of processed food and chemicals, far healthier.

Why? Because Pakistani women are trained from childhood to cook, and have the time to do so.

Would you rather come home to a chemical dinner from Tesco's?

Actually no. With some 40% of Pakistani children under 5 stunted, the average Pakistani probably does NOT eat better than the average Britain.

There are numerous ways that having a mother at home is better for the children if that can be done. Ditto for home cooked meals. But if we are going to compare a country so far down the human development index to a western country like Britain, you really want to bring supporting evidence. A tourist visit from long ago is not such evidence. Any small downside a working mother might be responsible for is vastly eclipsed by poverty, malnutrition, below par health and medical care, below par infrastructure and did I mention it? Poverty!

With a World Bank recognized 37%+ of the Pakistani population even below the ridiculously low poverty line (of $3.65/day), to think that it's working mothers who are somehow a main cause of family problems is pretty laughable. If anything it is a tragedy even to focus on working mothers who, statistically, are often working just to survive, instead of laser sharp focusing on the real urgent challanges affecting vast numbers of families in Pakistan.

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How can this guy be the proponent of mazars - isn't that shirq?

Absolutely. 100% shirk.

The mazar/grave worshippers will tell you that we believe Allah and we are just using these saints and sufis as medium to get closer to Allah.

Now for comparison - let's look at the pre Islamic Arabs. They knew Allah existed. They even had the tradition of Hajj (although a perverted version of it involving their idols) dating back from the time of Abraham (PBUH) and yet they used to worship idols as they believe these idols would get them closer to Allah.

Do you see any difference here between the two groups?

If anyone associate anything with Allah, they are committing shirk.
He is entitled to hold his personal opinion. He comes from a wealthy family. Womens from his family can afford to maintain "Khas Pardah". Not everyone in Bangladesh have this luxury...
Someone from the parents has to take regular care of the kids , can't just abandon them in day care or with any nanny . It's either gonna be the dad or the mother .
I went to Pakistan a long time ago, and I was amazed at the food. Even though the average Pakistani earns a fraction of the average Britain, he eats far better. Also, with a lack of processed food and chemicals, far healthier.

Why? Because Pakistani women are trained from childhood to cook, and have the time to do so.

Would you rather come home to a chemical dinner from Tesco's?
Yeah NO, Unless you have your own farm and everything, and totally cut off from others, this might be the case, even than the fertilizer and other chemicals are being used as well.
But Quality control doesn't exist in Pakistan. thats the biggest issue even with lot of named brands.
EU at least has some quality control on food, it's just in more developed countries, unhealthy food is cheaper and much quicker to get hence you see a lot of people ordering junk over decent home meals as that just saves time.
When it comes to Families for less developed countries you will see families sharing meals, which in that aspect is better than just ordering something.

As for what he said, it's our job to provide for the family, but as more modern we become more harder it gets for a single parent to support family. It can still be done but with just modern life style it's harder for the majority.
The natural way is for the man to work and the woman to run the home/kids. Better.

Unless financial necessity forces the woman to work.
No thats the grandparents jobs to look after kids and help with house work when they retire.

Both parents should be working and making contribution to society and demonstrating as a hard working role model with no excuses. Thats why East asian countries are generally ahead in productivity because they utilise their elderly to look after kids/chores so that both parents can work and elevate the family financially

At the end of the day its a cultural issue as well and if some families are left behind, don't cry racism etc just man up and get to work

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