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Apple CEO Tim Cook on "low manufacturing wage" in China

There is no bonded labour in china. How can you call it exploitation?
These companies over 30 years contributed to Chinese economy.
Lol, Apple squeezes the absolute maximum profits out from its manufacturers, leaving these companies to pay compensations to their workers as little as possible, if that' not exploitation then what. I know you typical Indian will go out all the way to defend your master US. I hope more Apple Iphones manufacturing will move to India since you love them so much.
BUT that's just the way White trashes and White trash companies operate -- always more money grubbing than their Asian counterpart. When you fly for longer than 4 hours on a White trash airline, you're lucky to get a free coke. On a Chinese airline at least you're given a free meal. When the White trash invites you out for lunch, they expect you to foot your share of the bill. When an Asian man invites you out for lunch, he's too eager to pay the whole bill. White trashes are like Indians their whole purpose of existence to make Chinese look good (ie. common courtesy towards their fellow men)!
When it comes to the way that the Chinese work , it is impossible for an Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, or Sri Lankan to work, because it is not part of our DNA. One of the most significant contributions of Chinese culture lies in the language itself, a language that enables a 3 dimensional view of everything. Learn chinese is key for success in future.
Lol, Apple squeezes the absolute maximum profits out from its manufacturers, leaving these companies to pay compensations to their workers as little as possible, if that' not exploitation then what.

You mean Apple puts out bids and the lowest cost suppliers win. What is new about this?

BUT that's just the way White trashes and White trash companies operate

Those white trash companies are getting the Chinese people out of the rice fields. If China had such great companies I'm sure the people would have happily worked for them from Day 1 instead. But China didn't...and the white man stepped in (as usual) to save the day. So cry all you want but the reality on the ground was different.
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On their part, they should raise the standards. But, it's still exploitation to the fullest by Apple.

Likely it is exploitation to the fullest by lots of companies.

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Lol, Apple squeezes the absolute maximum profits out from its manufacturers, leaving these companies to pay compensations to their workers as little as possible, if that' not exploitation then what. I know you typical Indian will go out all the way to defend your master US. I hope more Apple Iphones manufacturing will move to India since you love them so much.
Explain to me who was the first to invite Apple
They are sure exploiting Chinse work force to the fullest extent. Maybe they can make them in US or India.

Not possible. US workers are too lazy and raise Union blackmail stakes.

Indians are - well, Indians. :p:

This is iPhone (Wistron) in Bengaluru, India. Yes that is a woman in the first picture.





China manufacturing wages is no longer low -- but China total manufacturing cost (including hidden cost is still more competitive).

These days, it is integrated supply chain, short lead time, low defect rates that make China competitive.

Chinese work hard.

Chinese government allows people to work 12 -16 hours a day.

This is not possible in other countries.
You didn't listen to Tim Cook's message, or you don't understand, or you don't care to understand. It's SKILLS, not the length of time working. BTW, the number of hours you spat out was false also. In very rare cases, you could see some work 16 hours a day, but that's just temporary emergencies. Most work to maybe 10. Some go to 12. But over 12 and for a consistent period of time? No.. this only happens in the US because it's not uncommon to see health care workers working 12 hours a day. Some may go over 12 in emergency situations. BUT they are well paid 2x in OT.

You just made up lies about China because you've lost to the Chinese: "Oh they're not better or smarter, they just work like slaves." You're patheticly Anglo-Saxon in the inside.
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