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26-year-old Aviad called from the festival: "I'm shot - they're killing everyone here"

GAN HADAROM. On Saturday morning, thousands of people fled for their lives when Hamas terrorists attacked a trance festival. Now the childhood friends Aviad Halevi and Zur Saidi are buried next to each other in their home village.

- Aviad called and said he had been shot, says uncle Hazi Dean.

Aviad Halevi's father washes off his front steps in the village of Gan HaDarom, outside Ashdod, with a hose. He can't bear to talk, he can't. But he welcomes us into the house where the relatives are preparing for the funeral reception.

- I am not supposed to bury him. He was going to bury me, says Aviad's grandfather.

He holds up a couple of handwritten A4 sheets, flips through them.

- I will give a speech for him today. My oldest grandson. How will I manage it?

The voice breaks. Aviad's grandfather turns away, pours orange juice and offers. The tables are set, the house in the village of Gan HaDarom is ready.

But Aviad Halevi's relatives are not.

Uncle Hazi Dean shows us to a small room upstairs. The family is in deep sorrow, but they jointly want Aviad's story to be told. Hazi Dean is given the responsibility of conveying it on behalf of the family.

The festival is called "nature festival" and was for trance music lovers. It was held outdoors in a desert-like area not far from Gaza, in southern Israel, from late Friday night and through the night into Saturday. The 26-year-old childhood friends Aviad Halevi and Zur Saidi went there together last Friday.

- There were thousands of young people there. Hamas knew it. They went straight there, because they knew they would find young people who had come there just to dance and have fun, says Hazi Dean.

At 8 o'clock on Saturday morning, Aviad Halevi called home.

- "I've been shot, I can't walk," he said. He sent his exact location via Whatsapp. "Please come and help us!" he pleaded, says Hazi Dean.

They spoke to Aviad again at nine o'clock. No help had arrived.

- He had lost a lot of blood. At 10 o'clock he again begged us to come. "They kill everyone here," he said.

That was the last time Hazi Dean heard his niece's voice. Then the mobile battery was discharged.

The death toll in Israel passed 600 on Sunday. Many believe it will end at a much higher figure. Emergency departments in the country are overcrowded and it is difficult to have time to notify relatives, which means that the official figures lag behind.

In addition, fighting continued between Israeli soldiers and the terrorist group Hamas in several places in southern Israel. The extent of the attack is not yet fully understood.

It is not yet known how many were killed at the music festival, other than that "dozens" of bodies have been found. Reports suggest that the dead could number in the hundreds. Among the visitors to the festival were a large number of Europeans and Americans, in addition to the Israeli youth.

- Hamas came back and looked for survivors. They came back and shot them again to make sure they were really dead, says Hazi Dean.


Outside the room we are sitting in, several women are crying. The heartbreaking screams enter through the cracks in the door and make Hazi Dean take a deep breath.

- We sent in some very brave men who took weapons with them and went there. One of them found Aviad and Zur dead. He lifted them into the car and drove them home, he says.

Then he bets. This is important to him.

- I want you to write exactly what I say now. Hamas - we are talking about a group of killers, a group of animals. They are not normal people. I don't know where all these hundreds of animals came from. I don't understand how they think. It's crazy.

Hazi Dean looks at his phone, pulls up a clip.
- It's really strange that you just met me. Google my name, says Hazi Dean, spelling.

Hazi Dean is the maternal uncle of Aviad Halevi.

The hits in the search engine show that the man sitting before us is one of Israel's most famous magicians. Aviad Halevi was his assistant.

- And it wasn't even his job! He worked in finance, wanted to make the big bucks, but still, every time I called and asked for his help... he came.
In the clip, Hazi Dean is strapped in and hanging upside down from a crane. He is about to start being lifted upwards, tens of meters into the air. A young Aviad Halevi grabs his cheeks and says something.

- He was the last person I saw in the eyes before I did my trick, the one who said "you can do it". That was the way he was. He was incredibly smart and he didn't have to work with me, but he did it for me, says Hazi Dean.

The burial site is ten minutes by car from the family's house in the village, which is a so-called "moshav". It traditionally means a type of agricultural society where all families have their own businesses, but share tools and vehicles with each other. In Israel there are also kibbutzim, which are collective communities where the residents run businesses together. In Hamas's surprise attack, precisely these types of villages have been hit hard.

In the aftermath, many wonder how it could happen. And why no rescue came for several hours.

It is quiet at the newly dug graves that will soon be filled again. Before the funeral procession arrives, the only thing heard are regular, dull bangs. Sometimes the silence is broken by fighter jets and helicopters passing in the air above us.

The firecrackers come from Israel's bombing of Gaza. Israel is a small country, Gaza is only a few miles south of Ashdod.

- If the flight alarm goes off, don't panic! says a man into the microphone at the funeral.

- Just lie down and hold your hands over your heads.

There, in Gaza, are an unknown number of kidnapped Israelis. Israeli media and websites are flooded with calls from worried relatives, who have lost contact with their loved ones since Saturday and fear the worst.

One of the missing is 23-year-old Dorin Atias. She, like Aviad Halevi, was last seen at the music festival.

"We have turned the world upside down, we have spoken to everyone we can think of. We've looked everywhere, but we can't find her," writes Dorin Atia's mother Tali Atias in an international search.

The only clue to Dorin's whereabouts came via the friend she was at the festival with.

The friend called his sister early Saturday morning and said "they've caught us".

This is how DN works with quality journalism: information published must be true and relevant. Rumors are not enough. We strive for first-hand sources and to be there where it happens. Credibility and impartiality are central values for our news journalism.
What would you do If your lands is occupied and occupier bring people/civilian there to change demographic of the area and no one hear your voice, your right would be systematically violated and ignored?
Israel is a result of violent resistance to immigration by Arabs.
If that did not happen, then I believe there would have been one state in the former mandate populated by Jews and Arabs.
The West Bank and Gaza are now occupied because of Egypt and Syria was adamant on invading Israel and gave Israel enough reasons by acts of war to make a preempive strike in a war of self-defense.
Israel negotiated with Egypt and returned Sinai, but Egypt which had illegally occupied Gaza in 1948 did not want Sinai because of the behaviour of the Palestinians. There has been peace between Egypt and Israel since then.
Israel negotiated with the Palestinians, returned Gaza and Palestinians started firing missiles.
Palestinians have an aim of occupying Israel and slaughtering the inhabitants.
There is no incentive for Israel to leave the West Bank when Palestinians are led by war criminals that do not care about human rights one but.
I am not particularily fond of Netanyahu, but Palestinian leadership is way, way worse.

What would you do if same happens in Sweden? don't you consider those people as occupier? how you take your lands back?
We are not trying to slaughter Muslim immigrants for starters so there is no reason for that to happen. Muslim immigrants are however slaughtering other Muslim immigrants at the moment and are also attacking innocent civilians.

Besides what Hezbollah has done?
Crimes against Humanity for starters.
just like a ballistic missile or bullet or tank shell

Unguided missiles does not have enough precision to be legally fired at population centers. Firing them on cities has been considered a war crime since 1949.

GPS guided missiles go to their designated target.
Bullets and tank shells go where the are aimed with little variation.

and the video is clear and the fact they want and pulled out a video from 1-2 year ago and claimed it was missile attack by Hamas .
now go and support the child murderer , and war criminals in a certain country east of Mediterranean Sea.
this war and what happened after it showed western civilization Holy Idol is nothing but a rabid dog
Waiting for an investigation is not ”supporting a child murderer”. You are projecting your love for killing innocent non-Muslim civilians on others.

You just now tried to show fake pictures to support Hamas genocide and denied that Hamas slaughtered innocent civilians. What A hypocrite…
Unguided missiles does not have enough precision to be legally fired at population centers. Firing them on cities has been considered a war crime since 1949.

GPS guided missiles go to their designated target.
Bullets and tank shells go where the are aimed with little variation.
are you aware our unguided artillery have less than 20m precision ?
artillery rockets are not unguided , they use ins or some other sort of stabilization
and artillery rocket go where they are aimed with little variation
Waiting for an investigation is not ”supporting a child murderer”. You are projecting your love for killing innocent non-Muslim civilians on others.
well you can wait , the evidence is clear and its not the first time
You just now tried to show fake pictures to support Hamas genocide and denied that Hamas slaughtered innocent civilians. What A hypocrite…
even Israel and USA admit they can't confirm Netanyahu and Biden claims on that matter
you are only here to whitewash Israel war-crimes. always forget Israel intentionally target civilians and bring cases of weapon failure as evidence of war-crime of resistance while international treaties clearly state the importance of planning or not caring

Crimes against Humanity for starters.
never . and they are saints compared to your beloved child murderer and genocidal regime
are you aware our unguided artillery have less than 20m precision ?
artillery rockets are not unguided , they use ins or some other sort of stabilization
and artillery rocket go where they are aimed with little variation
Your usual lies without sources.

Many of the home made missiles are much, much worse.
well you can wait , the evidence is clear and its not the first time

even Israel and USA admit they can't confirm Netanyahu and Biden claims on that matter
you are only here to whitewash Israel war-crimes. always forget Israel intentionally target civilians and bring cases of weapon failure as evidence of war-crime of resistance while international treaties clearly state the importance of planning or not caring
No, I am here to counter Your claims which are mostly lies without sources, and when You produce sources, they are mostly fake.

I do not claim that Israel does not commit war crimes.
I claim that You do not have evidence of such war crimes.
I definitely claim that Hamas is much worse in this respect.

never . and they are saints compared to your beloved child murderer and genocidal regime
You however try to whitewash crime after crime committed by Hamas and Hezbollah. It is past embarrassment.
Your usual lies without sources.

Many of the home made missiles are much, much worse
And you don't understand that Fajr artillery rockets are different from. Grads they are precise enough
By the way are you claiming israel put it's base inside civilian areas
Many of the home made missiles are much, much worse
I guess it's decades that Hezbollah didn't use any home made missile and if you think of Palestinians missiles. I suggest stop being hypocrite. Israel use precision weapon to. Attack rescue person els who were trying to remove dead from the hospital they claim they didn't attack. Then bo bed a mosque which was used to house children's who lost all their family. And killed 30 of them it's not even 6 houri didn't saw any comment of you that it's a war crime.
not claim that Israel does not commit war crimes.
I claim that You do not have evidence of such war crimes.
I definitely claim that Hamas is much worse in this respect.
Yeah only in your lala land according to Palestinian register all members from 70 Palestinian family get killed and those families completely destroyed and according to gazza health authority 2/3rd of dead Palestinian are. Women and children
What would you do If your lands is occupied and occupier bring people/civilian there to change demographic of the area and no one hear your voice, your right would be systematically violated and ignored? What would you do if same happens in Sweden? don't you consider those people as occupier? how you take your lands back?
Besides what Hezbollah has done?
What did the isrealis do ,after they were driven out of their land, They scattered around the world ,waited ,invested on human capital and took back the land when they got an opportunity.
I`ve no doubt that Mr Gardener will have some truly astonishing intellectual gymnastic routine worthy of olga korbut to excuse,to rationalize and to justify both this,and indeed everything and anything else that the zionists may/will do as well.

I`m hoping for a 🥇gold medal🥇 performance,mr gardener.
What did the isrealis do ,after they were driven out of their land, They scattered around the world ,waited ,invested on human capital and took back the land when they got an opportunity.
You know that would also be a pretty accurate description of what the nazis did during both the run up to and the first half of ww2.

Plus theres the obvious problem with the idea that 19th/20th century european jews are somehow the direct descendants of the jews who lived in palestine 2000-odd years ago.
Thats about as likely as the belief that the native americans are the descendants of the lost tribes of israel.
And you don't understand that Fajr artillery rockets are different from. Grads they are precise enough
By the way are you claiming israel put it's base inside civilian areas

I guess it's decades that Hezbollah didn't use any home made missile and if you think of Palestinians missiles. I suggest stop being hypocrite. Israel use precision weapon to. Attack rescue person els who were trying to remove dead from the hospital they claim they didn't attack. Then bo bed a mosque which was used to house children's who lost all their family. And killed 30 of them it's not even 6 houri didn't saw any comment of you that it's a war crime.

Yeah only in your lala land according to Palestinian register all members from 70 Palestinian family get killed and those families completely destroyed and according to gazza health authority 2/3rd of dead Palestinian are. Women and children
As usual, claims and no sources…

You know that would also be a pretty accurate description of what the nazis did during both the run up to and the first half of ww2.

Plus theres the obvious problem with the idea that 19th/20th century european jews are somehow the direct descendants of the jews who lived in palestine 2000-odd years ago.
Thats about as likely as the belief that the native americans are the descendants of the lost tribes of israel.
Except that the DNA can be tracked, but foil hats deny science.
As usual, claims and no sources…

Except that the DNA can be tracked, but foil hats deny science.
No medal for you today it seems,oh well. 😏

If anyone here is a member of the tinfoil hat brigade,its you mr gardener,for believing that a bunch of european zionists deserved to be given half of palestine without anyone even bothering to ask the indigenous population what they thought of that idea.

Yes,studies of local DNA has some rather interesting things to say.
No medal for you today it seems,oh well. 😏

If anyone here is a member of the tinfoil hat brigade,its you mr gardener,for believing that a bunch of european zionists deserved to be given half of palestine without anyone even bothering to ask the indigenous population what they thought of that idea.
That is Your claim and the claim of the Bible. Not my claim.
The murderous behaviour of some of the local Arabs which may or may not be indigenous quite clearly showed what they thought.
That was the reason why the World thought splitting the Mandate was the best idea.

Yes,studies of local DNA has some rather interesting things to say.

You find it surprising that the Jewish tribe which originated in the Middle East share DNA with other people in the Middle East?
That is Your claim and the claim of the Bible. Not my claim
Yet it is one that you clearly support.....

You find it surprising that the Jewish tribe which originated in the Middle East share DNA with other people in the Middle East?
You mean "other people" such as the indigenous inhabitants of palestine....?

which may or may not be indigenous
DNA is a bit of a bitch isnt it,mr gardner?

I have to say,I`m VERY disappointed in your performance mr gardner,I was expecting GREATNESS,not this shocking display.....
You are less olga korbut and more just a horses butt.🐴 💩
As an atheist descended from a Baptist family, I find it perplexing that people kill each other, seize each other's lands and support each other based on religious beliefs. If any God does exist and such God wants you to have land or kill people of the other religion then surely that God would be powerful enough to do the work themselves. These outright condemnations because the other side is Jew or Muslim is outrageous. Individual acts of violence by both sides shows the levels of madness which the civilians are being subject to. The conduct of Hamas is and was abhorrent. Likewise the conduct of Israel since its formation was and is abhorrent. Israel is unleashing terror and genocide on the Palestinian people on a wider scale than they usually do. America and the West is assisting them while Russia is too preoccupied and China and Turkey are too chicken to do anything. The world is powerless in watching a genocide against a nation of people.
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