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China Actually Won It's War On Terror. Ask yourself, have you ever seen any real evidence of a genocide in China?


Nov 4, 2011
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China Actually Won It's War On Terror. Ask yourself, have you ever seen any real evidence of a genocide in China?​

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Western media had painted itself into a corner, now no one in their sane mind would believe that wester propaganda again

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Don’t think you won’t have to pay for it dearly.

Pay with blood and tears.

And the process will be very very slow and extremely painful.

So much suffering.

It's a thousand years of hatred and anger.

Like this:

The Antichrist.
China genocides Uyghurs.
Don’t think you won’t have to pay for it dearly.
Just wait, your time will come.
East Turkistan will be free In Sha Allah 🔵
China is probably the only place where Jews were assimilated. Chinese culture is strong enough to assimilate Muslims. I saw many Huis who have totally forgotten their religion. I also saw a Uyghur girl in Bilibili(Chinese version Youtube) who made some videos condemning Islam. All replies in these videos are like "You are brave girl". Believe me, Islam is fadding in China
China did not drop any bombs on the Uighur Muslims unlike what the Americans
have done in Afghanistan, Iraq and other Muslim Countries. Americans and Israeli's
have used white phosphorous and other chemical weapons on Muslims.

Muslim Countries need to unite and get into alliance with China and Russia against
America and Europe.
China is probably the only place where Jews were assimilated. Chinese culture is strong enough to assimilate Muslims. I saw many Huis who have totally forgotten their religion. I also saw a Uyghur girl in Bilibili(Chinese version Youtube) who made some videos condemning Islam. All replies in these videos are like "You are brave girl". Believe me, Islam is fadding in China
This is why east Turkestan needs to happen, you don't have freedom of religion
This is why east Turkestan needs to happen, you don't have freedom of religion
Lol, people just dont want to believe those nonsense anymore just as many in the West. Those people can go live in your delusional mind.
Lol, people just dont want to believe those nonsense anymore just as many in the West. Those people can go live in your delusional mind.
Or maybe you become civilized and accept diversity of thought and religion
Or maybe you become civilized and accept diversity of thought and religion
Lol, you think you people are more civilized to have fanatic believes, and what diversity of thought and religions do you Muslim countries accept and have besides Islam ? China have more religions and followers of large numbers way more than you Muslim countries. Lol, you like to preach others you dont practice, isnt that hypocritical.
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