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Fourth Plutonium reactor under construction

Who is he to pass a judgment call on the needs of Pakistan and on what basis? The only country who can do that is Pakistan and no one else.

Alhamdolillah ..Pak is doing excellent job...we need at least 10 reactorz running day and night ...to make sure we r safe...Insha-Allah:)
be it for A Bomb or electricity we should build it west and indians should mind their own business. It doesn't concerns them. And for arms race first tell India to stop arms buying spree.
Nuclear experts say Pakistan may be building 4th plutonium reactor

By Joby Warrick
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 9, 2011; 8:33 PM

Pakistan has begun work on what independent experts say appears to be a fourth plutonium-producing reactor at the country's Khushab nuclear complex, a move that could signal a further escalation in Pakistan's arms race with arch-rival India.

Global Master

ye sab bachoon ko dekhanay kiliye kareed raha hey India ???? *****
salam to all, i do not understand that y the western countries are fingering Pakistan, we have enmies.....world knows better......we can do all measures for secure Pakistan. Go ahead Pakistan:sniper:
when you are secure you think for electricity and welfare of nation......for your referance think that palestian.......india never never stop buying arms ........"Out of every 100 men, 10 shouldn't even be there, 80 are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back."
my appeal to both indian and pakistani govt pleae stop further production of nuclear weapons and concentrate on providing energy to u r people. afterll both india and pak have enough war heads to cater for each other. india also has enough war heads to cater for china.

nuclear weapons only reduce chances of full scale conventional war, they do not prevent LICO as was seen during kargil war.

my appeal to people please stop making it a prestige issue.
Global Master

ye sab bachoon ko dekhanay kiliye kareed raha hey India ???? *****

**** sake some ppl annoy me with their lack of understanding.....all the weapons of war mentioned above are conventionel weapons, their is no comparison with nuclear warheads.
Let me explain bit more, india buying so many conventional weapons in a sign that india is moving away from a nuclear based stratergy(which is good for pakistan).....

Where as pakistan is making more warheads, that indicates a nuclear based stratergy for war (i pesonally have no problem with it because pakistan can't really afford conventional weapons in substancial numbers)
why world is not talking about Israel's nuclear weopans and why not India's nuclear deals....?? when pakistan does something ,,west has pain in his a**....
Pakistan has right to use nuclear technology for both peaceful and military purposes...:sick:

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