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Al Khalid camo scheme..


Sep 12, 2010
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i have visited a tanks cavalry base in multan and saw the tanks there and all are in green camo....i also saw in TV the indian tanks of brown or sand like camo but never pakistani tanks in the sand camo....so do we go in the deserts with the wsame green camo.....because then the whole point of having a camo is null!!
i dont quite know.....it was in the multan region or maybe just maybe bahawalpur.....it was about a year or two back....i cant remember ...sorry....but it was either multan or bahawalpur
i visited EME battalion in Multan . i saw many tanks with dirty green & light brown color but they are t 69 and t 80 tanks going through maintenance process . But the tanks in Bahawalpur are perfectly camouflaged for deserts. May be green color tanks are for different terrains .
i didnt see them in brown camo...they were al zarrars and APC's....all were green...they stuck out like a sour thoumb in the desert!
i didnt see them in brown camo...they were al zarrars and APC's....all were green...they stuck out like a sour thoumb in the desert!

Camo is different between Corps. All the tanks and APCs in the Karachi Corp are light brown.
but multan and bahawalpur are in deserts or close proximity to them...so in case of war they are expected to be in a desert terrain.
They must be used for Forest. We have got brown camo colour too. Are you sure that was Al-Khalid not Al-Zarrar ??
i have visited a tanks cavalry base in multan and saw the tanks there and all are in green camo....i also saw in TV the indian tanks of brown or sand like camo but never pakistani tanks in the sand camo....so do we go in the deserts with the wsame green camo.....because then the whole point of having a camo is null!!

Like this..

al-khalid_main_battle_tank_ideas_2008_international_d  efence_exhibition_pakistan_karachi_002.jpg



The camo seems fine.
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in these pics the camo seems fine because of the mud....but in the base the al zarrars were ofvery solid dark green colour....so the point is that why dont u paint these tansk sand in colour from the beginning if they are intended for use in the desert regions??
It is common knowledge that tanks in multan are of the strike corps. and yes you'd mostly find them in Olive Green Drab cam scheme. The tanks in Bahawalpur are all in desert cam. You move further north and you'd find tanks in Green cam because of their employment area being mostly Punjab. The tanks in Sindh are all pure desert color or a combination of desert brown and olive green. I wont want to go in details of why tanks in Multan are not desert colored and and all, just let that be known that whatever cam scheme is being followed, is well thought out and army exactly knows what it's doing ..!!!
in these pics the camo seems fine because of the mud....but in the base the al zarrars were ofvery solid dark green colour....so the point is that why dont u paint these tansk sand in colour from the beginning if they are intended for use in the desert regions??





These are fine..

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