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Pak to become 4th largest nuclear state at end of decade

The main problem right now for you, is the terrorist in your country who are blowing up people everyday. Read news another 6 people died in suicide attack yesterday.

The more you accept this, more you can move on.
Yes, I agree with you here but with CIA working close with terrorist and giving them more power,And we are confused who do defeat terrorists or CIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The evidence suggests that Pakistan is trying to develop a second-strike nuclear capability. Pakistan has tested cruise and other missiles that can carry strategic warheads from land or even from submarines.
North Korea and Pakistan also continue to partner each other such as in matters of missile and uranium enrichment technologies.

Pak to become 4th largest nuclear state at end of decade[/QUOTE]
Tell me thats a Lie or just B.S :angry:
Wait over here !!

Something is fishy. We were to overtake UK to fourth place, by the end of 2015 as others suggesed (Thread exists). And this website is talking about decade, i.e. 2020 (If I am not wrong).

What about the projects building four reacotrs (2 got a green signal last month).
our Main problem is Hindustan, No Hindustan means no problems for Pakistan :sniper:

I don't know why people feel happy about it.

More then anything it will bring negative publicity for pakistan.

Yaar, if no Hindustan that means no pakistan also.

So keep ur finger cross for both of us.
The world is changing steady We should slow down our military nuclear program and should concentrate over its civilian use.We have more than 2 % of world total urimium but we are still importing fuel for our power plants.The civilian use can solve our problem of energy shortage.We should try to concentrate over civilian research.
On missile side; we should expand our this program because it is more important than nuclear as in any small conflict we may not be able or need to use our nuclear weapon but we will have to use our cruise missile as we can not compete our rivals in conventional side due to lack of resources.
Wait over here !!

Something is fishy. We were to overtake UK to fourth place, by the end of 2015 as others suggesed (Thread exists). And this website is talking about decade, i.e. 2020 (If I am not wrong).

What about the projects building four reacotrs (2 got a green signal last month).

The CHASMANUP projects are civilian ones and they cant be used for military purpose.they come under IAEA safeguard and it is a pledge with China that these plants will not be used for military purposes.
The Kahutta and Khushab ones are for our weapon program and they dont come under IAEA.
This is all bullshit propaganda of the eval countries , no one knows about the current counting of our nukes, we should not waste our resources on building nukes, there is need of 2,3 Nuclear sub that will give us 2nd strike capability enough to counter any western aggression .................
yaar its all propaganda U.S and RUSSIA have 1000's of nukes why don't we produce more probably we are using them to scare others otherwise
pakistan would be another iraq and afghanistan ...

NEW YORK: Pakistan would become fourth largest nuclear state at the end of this decade, A US website, The Huffington Post reported.

The website claimed that the world's five original nuclear weapons countries have all suspended production of fissile materials for new weapons and are negotiating cuts in their nuclear arsenals. But Pakistan is steadily building more nuclear weapons, adding production capacity to produce plutonium and enrich uranium, and building new missiles to deliver nuclear warheads.

It further claimed that the nuclear risks in Pakistan are three-fold: its non-proliferation record is poor, there are concerns about the security of sensitive nuclear materials, and there is no sign of a slowdown in its nuclear weapons drive. A global response needs to be calibrated to address all three of these potential threats.

Former UN weapons inspector David Albright, reported that Pakistan appears to be building a fourth plutonium reactor at the Khushab complex, and is expanding plutonium separation capabilities at another site.

Another report, from a US think tank, says Pakistan now has 70 to 90 nuclear warheads, more than its rival India. This puts Pakistan on track to command the world's fourth-largest nuclear weapons arsenal by the end of the decade.

The evidence suggests that Pakistan is trying to develop a second-strike nuclear capability. Pakistan has tested cruise and other missiles that can carry strategic warheads from land or even from submarines.
North Korea and Pakistan also continue to partner each other such as in matters of missile and uranium enrichment technologies.

Pakistan is not party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT. In other words, the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to provide comprehensive safeguards is limited.

The existing three Pakistani nuclear reactors at Khushab require more than 40 tons of uranium annually, The Huffington Post, concluded.
Pak to become 4th largest nuclear state at end of decade

who told these guys about our nuclear war heads :S i have never heard such claims from any paistani how these western ppl know about it :S
we also deserve to develop weapons they spend billions of dollars why don't we spend too..... what usa has done iraq and afghanistan is far more than throwing a atomic bomb on a single city!!!
you talk about us even if country has 2 atomic bombs it is a big threat to its rivals building seventy or more is same as 2 after all....
after watching libya condition i feel proud that in future these americans mofo cant even think to attack pakistan like they are doing against libya more over we have there dad china backing us
A single nuke can even act as detterent if requied. Sitting on stockpile of nukes which will eventually be never used at the cost of dev projects, well i guess evil indians planned that long back... Drag the enemy into mad race
after watching libya condition i feel proud that in future these americans mofo cant even think to attack pakistan like they are doing against libya more over we have there dad china backing us

they are already attacking us in the form of IMF and terrorist attacks.

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