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End to US drone hits if military launches North Waziristan operation

So would you say Pakistan govt is not making efforts against TTP as TTP is able to attack Pakistani cities at will.. As I said, its the question of intent and ability (success)
I believe the Pakistani government and military has clearly indicated that it is lacking resources and stretched out. The continued war against the TTP and its ability to continue to carry out terrorist attacks in Pakistan validates their position in fact. I fail to see what point you wish to make here, since you substantiated that Pakistani position.
Intent and ability. Atleast USA is trying in Afghanistan.. USA is not pushing Pakistan for lack of success, but is doing that for lack of attempt.
And Pakistan is trying in Pakistan - the same arguments you may want to use to justify US inability to tackle terrorists sheltering on Afghan soil and attacking both Pakistan and Afghanistan can be used by Pakistan as well. As I have already pointed out, Pakistan has made clear that it has severe constraints preventing an operation in NW currently - you have not responded to any of them and merely made unsubstantiated allegations exonerating the US and condemning Pakistan.
Again, there has been no attempt what so ever to dislodge them to even know the extent of that so called force. And I wonder like a lot of other people on whether its lack of resources or lack of intent in going up against the force that most of the Military establishment in Pakistan still considers its most strategic asset.
Again, read the various threads covering Pakistani constraints preventing an operation in NW. Until you offer some sort of refutation to those arguments, you are just regurgitating unsubstantiated opinion to bash Pakistan and exonerate the US.
How can the media house take blame for the comments pages ? It can be moderated/administered but the comments are not the remit of the media house.

Allowing the publishing of anti-Pakistan, anti-Army, anti-ISI comments, many inane, flames and trolls, while censoring reasoned comments based on links and sources merely because they happen to be critical of the US (on a consistent basis) clear points to a specific editorial and content policy on the part of the media house. The fact that it is the NYT that eventually owns the Tribune makes clear that it is nothing but a US establishment propaganda mouthpiece, keeping in mind the examples provided earlier on the NYT's censorship and propaganda promotion.
United States is assassinating citizens of other states with no trial, due process, or transparency. The United States is acting as judge, jury, and executioner.
The drone attacks must stop unconditionally.

The Pakistani army can't demand it, because the government is the appropriate authority to make such demands. The Pakistani government won't demand it, because it is bribed/threatened/cajoled by the Americans. The only solution is for ordinary Pakistanis to block NATO routes, as PTI is doing, to send a crystal clear message to the US and give the Pakistani government the legitimacy to oppose American pressure.

Civil disobedience is the only way. Let the American media and politicians favor corrupt officialdom over civil disobedience and put their hypocrisy on record.
I hope absolutely not. The United States is breaking international law and murdering Pakistani civilians, as Developereo says, they must stop unconditionally. No operation in North Waziristan should be undertaken at all. As it is, Pakistan has committed more troops to this war than the Americans.
What we can expect from that US big Devil and small devil NATO....fighting war against Islam... :azn:
In giving this statement, does it mean the US has admitted to illegally attacking a country and murdering citizens of that country?
I believe the Pakistani government and military has clearly indicated that it is lacking resources and stretched out. The continued war against the TTP and its ability to continue to carry out terrorist attacks in Pakistan validates their position in fact. I fail to see what point you wish to make here, since you substantiated that Pakistani position.

The point was in response to your comment on Taliban being able to freely roam in Afghanistan and organize attacks thru which you implied (at least i thought so) that USA and NATO are not doing enough in Afg,.Hence the comparison that in the same manner TTP is able to attack at will within Pakistan. Does that mean Pakistan is not making efforts to stop TTP?? I guess no.. Similarly the ability of AT to organize attacks in Afghanistan does not mean any lack of attempt on the part of NATO/USA to prevent it. Lack of success does not necessarily mean lack of intent.

And Pakistan is trying in Pakistan - the same arguments you may want to use to justify US inability to tackle terrorists sheltering on Afghan soil and attacking both Pakistan and Afghanistan can be used by Pakistan as well. As I have already pointed out, Pakistan has made clear that it has severe constraints preventing an operation in NW currently - you have not responded to any of them and merely made unsubstantiated allegations exonerating the US and condemning Pakistan.
I have made no claims mate.. Its not me, but simply the reluctance of Pakistan to move against AT that condemns it.. I don't see Pakistan asking for help in terms of equipment etc as a prelude to its cleaning up NW (like it did for SW against TTP and likes). And despite the excuses/reasons given, most folks believes that the reluctance is a result of Pakistan's need to preserve AT as its strategic asset in Afghanistan.

Again, read the various threads covering Pakistani constraints preventing an operation in NW. Until you offer some sort of refutation to those arguments, you are just regurgitating unsubstantiated opinion to bash Pakistan and exonerate the US.

While I think I have read most of them, do link me up to any specific ones you want me to refer to.. But as I said, if you dont want to do something, you can find a million reasons for not doing it. As they say, that in a situation, there is either success or excuses :)
Allowing the publishing of anti-Pakistan, anti-Army, anti-ISI comments, many inane, flames and trolls, while censoring reasoned comments based on links and sources merely because they happen to be critical of the US (on a consistent basis) clear points to a specific editorial and content policy on the part of the media house. The fact that it is the NYT that eventually owns the Tribune makes clear that it is nothing but a US establishment propaganda mouthpiece, keeping in mind the examples provided earlier on the NYT's censorship and propaganda promotion.

And who decides that the comments published are truely inane, flames and trolls and the one censored are not? After all, its one person's opinion.. Not a fact..
We try not to bring others into our issues, but the fact remains that our requests for technological assistance have been turned down because of Indian concerns that they might be used against it.
All countries are lobbying for their own interests, but it is not fair to Pakistan that the same country who is actually opposing such transfers of equipment is also blaming Pakistan for reluctance in going into N.Waziristan.

Bottom Line: We don't have the resources and if the US is sincerely committed to helping Pakistan, then they have a lot to do that just asking Pakistan to Do More.

If they are not going to provide the support we need, then they need to wait for us to gather the necessary funds/resources and carry out operations within our own timeframe.
We try not to bring others into our issues, but the fact remains that our requests for technological assistance have been turned down because of Indian concerns that they might be used against it.
All countries are lobbying for their own interests, but it is not fair to Pakistan that the same country who is actually opposing such transfers of equipment is also blaming Pakistan for reluctance in going into N.Waziristan.

Bottom Line: We don't have the resources and if the US is sincerely committed to helping Pakistan, then they have a lot to do that just asking Pakistan to Do More.

If they are not going to provide the support we need, then they need to wait for us to gather the necessary funds/resources and carry out operations within our own timeframe.

Its such a straw man argument that the same military that boasts of having the capability to take on the Indian armed forces and hold its own is claiming to be short of resources and funds to handle the terrorists on their own soil.

Any other reason, like alienating the local population, pressure from religious extremist parties etc is still palatable, but this doesnt
Resources are to considered for a long-term engagement, not just for one operation. The backlash resulting from the civilian casualties will result in more operations. Then there is the cost of reconstruction. Our government has yet to fully redevelop the areas that the Army cleared of the terrorists. The scale of funds required is going to go even higher.

I personally see no reason for Pakistan to please the US or India by waging another war so soon. Waste of hardware and funds IMO. Our equipment is for defense, we're not going to deplete it for the sake of someone else until our government decides to stock up more.
Utter nonsense by Mullen .... What impact have all these drone attacks over all these years had on the Haqqani network?....
Drone attacks have ONLY one purpose... Kill beloved family members of as many families so as to generate as many anti-Pakistan wanna-be-suicidals, , for whom RAW-trained-uncircumcized-Mullahs are fishing for in tribal areas... & to get a civil-war-like situation is Pak-Watan... Same was attempted in Karachi where MANY nato containers went missing,,, Where did those BIG-METAL-BOXEs go... what they had in them,,, guns...!!! which were distributed amoung Karachietes so that there could be chaos within.
Resources are to considered for a long-term engagement, not just for one operation. The backlash resulting from the civilian casualties will result in more operations. Then there is the cost of reconstruction. Our government has yet to fully redevelop the areas that the Army cleared of the terrorists. The scale of funds required is going to go even higher.

I personally see no reason for Pakistan to please the US or India by waging another war so soon. Waste of hardware and funds IMO. Our equipment is for defense, we're not going to deplete it for the sake of someone else until our government decides to stock up more.

India doesnt figure in this equation at all. But the way i look at it, there is no good cancer. If you let it fester and not treat it thinking it wont spread, its a fool's paradise tbh.
Pakistan is busy flexing its muscles's jets. I think 2015 is the new day for PAF to shoot down retarded drones at last..
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