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'US to deploy troops if Pak nukes come under threat'

"U.S. can't. How are they going to safeguard Pakistani assets without the cooperation of Pak Army? If U.S. does so on its own accord it will end up in a firefight with Pak Army..This news is baseless, although it is very possible the U.S. does have a contingency plan in place but this can't be executed unless Pakistan Military becomes disbanded."--- Did not you read another thread started by the Chairman of think tank? He basically mentioned that Pakistan can do nothing against the US. Didn't you read what ISI Chief said in the parliament? That we can shoot down the drone but corrupt political thugs should know the consequences. Pakistan is afraid to shoot down an UNMANNED drone, let alone soldiers.
Did not you read another thread started by the Chairman of think tank? He basically mentioned that Pakistan can do nothing against the US. Didn't you read what ISI Chief said in the parliament? That we can shoot down the drone but corrupt political thugs should know the consequences. Pakistan is afraid to shoot down an UNMANNED drone, let alone soldiers.

Buddy, Pakistan's government is LYING to you. The drones are launched from Balochistan they are stationed on a base called "The Rhine." How do you think the drones are finding their targets??? The ISI/Army is giving them targets.
In today's reality, It can only happen if 179.9 million people of Pakistan are dead, leaving behind those who want to live as slaves to foreign countries licking their shoes..

it can be a plot of a best seller novel or a Hollywood film but not in real life..
So, if we say that ten jirga members died in a drone strike--Does that mean ISI is involved? SOCOM
U.S. can't. How are they going to safeguard Pakistani assets without the cooperation of Pak Army? If U.S. does so on its own accord it will end up in a firefight with Pak Army..This news is baseless, although it is very possible the U.S. does have a contingency plan in place but this can't be executed unless Pakistan Military becomes disbanded.

---------- Post added at 11:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 PM ----------

:rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl: hahahaha.

Thats the point US will act only if for some reason, Pak Military is infiltrated and disbanded. Not likely hopefully.
Long story short my friend after iraq, afganistan libeya now its pakistan turn. Good luck
I am not saying whether US will do it or won't, but there, sure is, a lot of buzz in the media regarding Pakistan's nukes (both Pakistani as well as International); e.g.,

Pakistan’s Nuclear Surge


Photos obtained by NEWSWEEK reveal a more aggressive buildup than previously known. So why does Washington still stay mum?

Pakistan builds low yield nuclear capability,concern grows

Southern Asia's nuclear myths revisited post bin Laden
I don't think USA will go for such an action, for three reasons:

1. Firstly it will invite the active participation of China and Russia in to this modern "great game".

2. Secondly as much as the US is seen accusing Pakistan of double standards etc, it cannot completely alienate and antagonize Pakistan at this juncture for reasons known to all.

3. Thirdly and importantly under what International statute or agreement or rule does America wish to take control of Pakistani nukes ?? Will the IAEA be called in? then surely the Security Council will have to veto this action and i don't think it will happen. At a time when its unable to legitimise its wars in Iraq even Americans will think twice before going for this.

1. Do you think USA care bout China and Russia or Russia will give a dammn bout it??? Russia has old grudge over Pakistan (As you ppl break them in pieces and Islamic terrorists are trained in Pakistan tribal area (as per russian claim..))

2. Illuminate us
3. SC will veto if US will go there.. Definitely USA is not willing to anything as such, But In case If they believe that The Nulkes are going to fall in AQ hand, They will take control over Nukes, and later when situation normalized, They will hand over to civilian government...

Don't be in impression that US planning to strip your nuke capability... If and only if there will be immediate threat of nuke falling into Talibs hand USA will act....
This is serious news because the US says they will not wait for the paperwork in case they feel Pakistani nukes are in danger.

Here's the scenario:
- US-backed terrorists launch a raid on Pakistani nuke sites.
- Regardless of the reality, the US claims the sites were in danger and intervenes unilaterally.
- The nuke sites will be neutralized by US forces.
- The western media will lap up American claims without proof, just as they have been doing so far.
- The only country that will complain will be China, but what can they do after the fact?

For those who forgot, this is nothing new:
I think we should go to UN and say NO , you get in our airspace we will SHOOT you down
After what the Americans did during OBL raid, this can very much be a possibility.
Updated at: 0613 PST, Monday, May 16, 2011
LONDON: US troops will be deployed in Pakistan if the nation's nuclear installations come under threat from terrorists out to avenge the killing of Osama bin Laden, the Sunday Express can reveal on Sunday.

The plan, which would be activated without President Asif Ali Zardari's consent, provoked an angry reaction from Pakistan officials last night. Barack Obama would order troops to parachute in to protect key nuclear missile sites. These include the air force's central Sargodha HQ, home base for nuclear-capable F-16 combat aircraft and at least 80 ballistic missiles.

A US source told the Sunday Express: "The plan is green lit and the president has already shown he is wiling to deploy troops in Pakistan if he feels it is important for national security." However, news of the plan has further increased tension between the US and Pakistan with relations already at an all-time low after the Operation Geronimo raid by the US Navy Seal special forces team that killed bin Laden at the house where he had been hiding in Abbottabad, near to a Pakistan military academy.

An angry Pakistani official said: "Pakistan has an elaborate command and control structure and is fully capable of defending its strategic assets under any circumstances and does not need any assistance from any country, including the US, to safeguard its nuclear installations."

The plan reflects growing concern over reprisals for the al-Qaeda terror leader's death. More than 80 people were killed and 140 injured when two Taliban suicide bombers struck at a military academy in the north-western town of Charsadda on Friday.

Alex Neill, of the Royal United Services Institute, said: "The United States places its own national security issues above all other sovereignty issues and trust in Pakistan's abilities are extremely low."

"If Obama can persuade congress that placing US troops at the installations is necessary to protect US citizens from possible nuclear attack, then that's what he will do." The Pentagon on Saturday refused to deny the existence of the plan, with a spokesman saying only: "We are confident that Pakistan has taken appropriate steps towards securing its nuclear arsenal.". ''US to deploy troops if Pak nukes come under threat'' - GEO.tv

Just keep one or two nukes for Bagram and other US bases in the region if the yanks actually end up doing this stupidity. lol
I think this is the time to declare open and straight action either in form of open war or anything... statement from Military that if any kind of stuff will be happen we will not wait for anything ... we will start war against anyone like whom we think he is threat for us either USA OR INDIA! India is our top Target... first after Afghanistan ... because all these funding everything on terrorist state of Afghanistan under Terrorist organizations like RAW, MOSSAD under US Umbrella!

Decide do or die!

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