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F-16 For Taiwan. Its Time to Send a messege to BeijinG


May 11, 2010
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United Arab Emirates
F-16 Fighters for Taiwan: It's Time toSend Beijing a Message:
Taiwan’s fighter fleet cannot maintain an adequate military balance.
Will warfighters have to pay the price for Washington’s reluctance to act?
08:27 GMT, June 10, 2011 Imagine you were a Chinese leader in Beijing trying to gauge U.S. resolve, and this is what you saw. Despite decades of currency manipulation by China that has destroyed millions of U.S. jobs, Washington declines to label Beijing a currency manipulator. Despite Chinese theft of intellectual propertythat the International Trade Commission says cost U.S. companies$48 billion in 2009 alone, Washington declines to press Beijing for reform. Despite millions of Chinese attempts to penetrate U.S. information networks every day, Washington declines to blame Beijing. Despite repeated pleas from Taiwan for help in replacing aging fighters, Washington refuses to act for fear of offending Beijing.
The message these actions send to Chinese leaders is unmistakable: Washington is afraid of Beijing. It's afraid the biggest overseas holder ofU.S. debt will stop taking more American I.O.U.'s. It's afraid the world's fastest-growing economy will discriminate against U.S. companies. And it's afraid that meeting America's defensive commitments to Taiwan will lead the Chinese to pour even more money into their current military buildup. That buildup is already fielding super-quiet submarines, anti-satellite weapons, stealthy strike aircraft and maneuvering ballistic-missile warheads that can hit U.S. warships -- weapons clearly designed to exclude U.S. forces from the Western Pacific in the future.
Washington's passivity is emboldening China. It is also sendingprecisely the wrong message to localallies such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea who need reassurances that China's drive for regional dominance will be curbed. America can't afford to let China dominate a region that is fast becoming the industrial heartland of the global economy, and yet the White House has failed to signal resolve as China exercises it growing power. A clear, tangible message needs to be sent that America has run out of patience with Chinese behavior.
The easiest way to send that message is to help Taiwan meet its defensive needs by allowing the island republic to replace aging tactical aircraft with new F-16 fighters. Forty-five U.S. Senators sent a letter to the White House demanding that on May 26, pointing out that Taiwan needs to retire 70 percent of its fighters over the next decade and the remaining fighters -- 150 earlier versions of the F-16 in need of upgrades -- are not adequate to maintain a military balance across the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan's government has repeatedly sought the opportunity tobuy newer versions of the F-16, and it has repeatedly been rebuffed. It only wants 66 of the fighters and they don't begin to approach the capabilities of the latest U.S. fighters,but they're good enough to prevent asuccessful invasion by China.
If Washington fails to act, it won't just send the wrong message to everyone in the region; it will increase the likelihood American warfighters may soon be called on toprotect an endangered democracy that could have defended itself if ourleaders had agreed to provide the necessary tools.
Now it’s time for China to send a Message to USA:

China increases its US treasury holdings

China, the largest foreign holder of United States Treasuries, bought more federal bonds in April for the first time since October despite concerns over the US debt level.

China's purchases of US debt rose $7.6 billion to $1,153 billion - the first month-on-month increase since its holdings reached $1,175.3 billion in October, according to the Treasury International Capital report, known as TIC. China boosted its holdings after selling most of its bonds for five straight months.

Overall, foreign nations were net buyers of US long-term securities, with purchases rising by $30.6 billion in April.

Japan remained the second-largest foreign buyer of US debt, holding $906.9 billion at the end of April, down $1.0 billion from March.

The US hit its $14.3 trillion debt limit on May 16. With the debate on raising the debt limit heating up between the White House and Congress in Washington and an Aug 2 deadline to decide on the limit looming, foreign investors of US Treasuries have been watching closely for any new development.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned Tuesday that the debt ceiling shouldn't be used as a bargaining chip to force "necessary and difficult fiscal policy adjustments".

"We should avoid unnecessary actions or threats that risk shaking the confidence of investors in the ability and willingness of the US government to pay its bills," Bernanke said.

Global rating agency Moody's recently warned that it would consider putting the US' credit rating on review if the White House and Congress don't reach an agreement on raising the debt limit by mid-July. Moody's has warned that it may downgrade the US' top-notch credit rating.

Steven Hess, senior credit officer at Moody's Investors Service, told China Daily that these kinds of reviews do not happen often.

"We just want to have the market on notice that the rating will go down if an interest payment is missed," Hess said.

But he said bond holders would not experience any significant loss in their holdings.

"Even if an interest payment is missed, it will be made up within just a few days. It will not go on for long because it is more or less due to a particular political circumstance," Hess said.

What the review does, Hess said, is to warn the US government into swiftly dealing with deficit and budget problems in an adequate way.

Even if a downgrade in rating is avoided, an agreement that doesn't have a "significant and credible deficit reduction plan over the long-term" will lead to a "negative outlook" on the Aaa rating (indicating the rating could go down in the next year or so), Hess added.

Outspoken Chinese economists have warned that China should stop buying US Treasuries, over worries that the US government securities will be more risky due to the nation's deficits.

The strongest remarks came from Li Daokui, an adviser to the central bank in China, who urged US politicians to assure China that its massive investments in Treasuries are safe, Reuters reported last week.

Li said there is a risk that a US debt default may occur. John Taylor, a professor of economics at Stanford University in California, doesn't believe there is a default scenario.

"There is no default scenario for the US - we always pay our debts," Taylor said. "China should be thinking about other problems such as inflation, exchange rate and the overheating of the economy; decisions about foreign assets are largely dependent on their decisions on the exchange rate, that is the issue."

Taylor said the reason China buys US Treasuries is to prevent the exchange rate from appreciating so much.

David Backus, a professor from Stern School of Business at New York University, said it is natural for buyers to be concerned but he sees no reason to stop buying it.

"Over the last few years, US debt has looked a lot better than the European debt," Backus said.

Fan Jishe, a professor of American studies with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, thinks China should take a cautious approach in increasing its holdings of US bonds because a decision not to raise the debt ceiling would intensify China's concerns.

"The recent decision of the Congress could result in a tremendous cash back-flow to the US because the country needs more greenback to stimulate its economy and employment," Fan said. "But on the other hand, this is not bad news for China because the cash back-flow to the US will ease China's inflationary pressure."

Wayne Morrison and Marc Labonte, analysts from the Congressional Research Service, said that the reduction in Chinese Treasury holdings would cause the overall foreign demand for US assets to fall, which would cause the dollar to depreciate.

"If the value of the dollar depreciated, the trade deficit would decline as the price of US exports fell abroad and the price of imports rises in the US," according to a report written by Morrison and Labonte.

China's purchases of Treasuries strong in April
the fighters will be largely useless.

china has aimed more than a thousand missiles at taiwan , which will destroy any taiwanese aircraft on the ground.

taiwan has built a huge facility for storage of fighters inside a mountain that cant be destroyed by missiles , but the runway for these fighters runs outside the mountain , and can be destroyed by chinese missiles .
I don't think the Chinese military would even take defectors if they had nothing better than F-16C/D. After all they've probably learned more than enough about the plane from our close ally.
Please stop posting under pakistani cover. The US also manipulates its currency while the Indian rupees are so undervalue that they are worth less than the rupees from Mauritius a tiny and insignificant island of the Indian Ocean. Even with such cheap undervalued rupees India cannot compete against China in all sectors. The US has most interest to under value the dollar.
China is now the No 1 in patent registering so that it is the US and the streetdefaecaters which are stealing international copyrights. The US is also attempting to hack Chinese governemntal websites and the US is known to attract also the best IT specialists not only to work in the Silicon valley but also to create the most dreadful hackers under the control of CIA. The US is using facebook and other social networking to instill rumours, hate and rioting in China. There has been several attempt to instill street protest in China which have been unsuccessful while street protests in Spain, Greece and even in UK and recently in India are gaining momentum.
Regarding the selling of F16, it is the US which is reluctant in selling the fighterjets given the growing close relationship between Taiwan and China. The US fears that the F 16 technologies might fall under the hand of China. In fact both China and Taiwan are now increasing their economic, cultural and tourism ties which are not in the interest of the US war criminals whose rule is to instill hate and division in Asia. Divide and rule and also bomb any country which has a different opinon than the West, this how the Western and US neo colonialism are sweeping Africa and Asia. See what is happening in Africa, despite Zuma's peace deal, the West continues its bombing of civilians and attempts to kill Ghadhafi.
Regarding US local allies, Singapore is also a close ally of China. The majority of Singapore's population are han ethnic from China and they speak mandarin. Singapore has never been against China, it has armed itself with US weapons in view of acting as a deterrrent against Indonesia and Malaysia and keeping away Islamic insurgencies. All the Chinese in Singapore are supporters of Beiging and all of them are proud of China and have family ties in China. South Korea has a bitter relationship with Japan due to the atrocities committed by the Imperial Japanese army during World War II and also due to territorial conflicts. The US had brought them together by waving the so called North Korea threat.
The US is the top producer of the most deadly weapons and WMD in the world, its fleet of 11 nuclear powered giant ACS could destroy the world. The US bullying and bashing of China have been unprecedented even not under a republican regime, the US is constantly deploying ACs and destroyers along the Chinese coast. What would happen if the Chinese do this military bulkying along the Californian coast?
So please stop posting non sense, and keep your frustration away from this forum.
Well Taiwan Needs Something Like jsf f-35, or Atleast F/A-18 s/h e/f, and THAAD air defense system. And Aegis destroyers to Counter Massive Chinese Missile Attack.
US will not sell anything more advance than F-16, if they sell things like F-35 they will nover stop worry when these toys will be flying to stay in mainland China for good.

Defected Taiwain F-5s in China
If the US is there for peace, then how is fueling secession conductive to peace?
Well Taiwan Needs Something Like jsf f-35, or Atleast F/A-18 s/h e/f, and THAAD air defense system. And Aegis destroyers to Counter Massive Chinese Missile Attack.

oh yes please. china would love to get their hands on some real technology.
Man how will china get that technology,
Well Taiwan Needs Something Like jsf f-35, or Atleast F/A-18 s/h e/f, and THAAD air defense system. And Aegis destroyers to Counter Massive Chinese Missile Attack.

The matter is USA won't sell these gears to Taiwan, they are even reluctant to sell the F-16C/D model.

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