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US military chief nominee warns Iran


May 4, 2011
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By Shaun Tandon (AFP) – 1 day ago

WASHINGTON — The nominee to be the next chief of the US military on Tuesday warned Iran not to pursue nuclear weapons or sponsor attacks in Iraq, saying it would be making a "serious miscalculation."

At his confirmation hearing, General Martin Dempsey pledged to guide the world's most powerful military through a new era of tighter budgets and challenges such as cyber war. He promised to carry out orders for a drawdown in Afghanistan and to keep up pressure on Pakistan to fight Islamic militants.

But Dempsey, now the US Army's chief of staff, saved some of his toughest criticism for Iran. In prepared testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, he called the clerical regime a "destabilizing force."

"With its nuclear activities and its surrogate activities in southern Iraq, there is a high potential that Iran will make a serious miscalculation of US resolve," said Dempsey, nominated to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Dempsey said that Iran may be seeking a "Beirut-like moment" in Iraq -- a reference to the devastating 1983 attack against US and French forces in the Lebanese capital claimed by Iranian-linked Islamic militants.

Dempsey said Iran wanted to "send a message that they have expelled us from Iraq." The United States plans to pull its remaining 47,000 troops from Iraq at the end of the year, ending a deeply polarizing military mission.

"As long as we've got those soldiers there, we're going to do whatever we have to do to protect them, and I want to make sure that's clear to everyone," Dempsey said during questioning.

Iran, which has had tense relations with the United States since the 1979 Islamic revolution, has refused to halt uranium enrichment, which it contends is for civilian energy. The United Nations has imposed four rounds of sanctions, with Western nations accusing Iran of building a nuclear bomb.

Iran has repeatedly denied US accusations of arming insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran is led by Shiite Muslim clerics, who share the faith of Iraq's majority, which was suppressed under late dictator Saddam Hussein.

Dempsey, who led units in Iraq during some of the war's bloodiest years, admitted candidly during the hearing that he did not fully appreciate Islam's Shiite-Sunni divide before president George W. Bush ordered the invasion.

"I didn't understand the dynamic inside that country, particularly with regard to the various sects of Islam that fundamentally on occasion compete with each other," Dempsey said.

"When we took the lid off of that, I think we learned some things ... and I'm not sure we could have learned them any other way," he said.

Dempsey, whose four-decade career has also included teaching English to West Point cadets, would also oversee the military as Obama begins the pullout of some 33,000 troops from Afghanistan by the end of next summer.

Dempsey said he supported Obama's decision. But grilled by Senator John McCain, a Republican and staunch military advocate, Dempsey said of the pullout plan: "I think it did increase the risk, yes."

Obama has tripled troop numbers in Afghanistan since taking office. But the war is increasingly unpopular with a public that questions the human and financial cost of the longest war in US history.

The United States has stepped up its focus on neighboring Pakistan, launching drone attacks in border areas and killing Osama bin Laden in May.

Dempsey voiced concern that Pakistan was more preoccupied with historic rival India than with Islamic extremists in its western region.

The United States is working to convince Pakistan that extremists in its western areas are "as great a threat and probably a greater threat to them than any threat that India might pose," Dempsey said.

Dempsey also pledged to "adapt the United States military to a new fiscal reality." Obama has called for $400 billion in military spending cuts over the next 12 years as the United States faces the risk of defaulting on its debt.

But Dempsey, again under questioning from McCain, criticized proposals by some lawmakers in Obama's Democratic Party for cuts twice as steep.

"Based on the difficulty of achieving the $400 billion cut, I believe $800 billion would be extraordinarily difficult and very high risk," Dempsey said.

The proposed defense budget for 2012 is about $671 billion, far more than that of any other country.
US is into deep $hit already.. cannot afford to offend another country specially the one which has 0 tolerance towards USA. SO lets laugh on US and their desperate military generals.. they are only trying to feel they were once a super power but on ground they are not, neither they are going to get anything with statements like that.
Iran is milking the left over military might of US by imaginary engagement in Iraq. The US may have arms but it cannot match the IQ power of Persians when it comes to playing mind games.
Do you guys really think we just talk our of our ***?

Keep thinking this way. go ahead...
In other news:

Apple holding more cash than USA

Apple now has more cash to spend than the United States government.

Latest figures from the US Treasury Department show that the country has an operating cash balance of $73.7bn (£45.3bn).

Apple's most recent financial results put its reserves at $76.4bn.

The US House of Representatives is due to vote on a bill to raise the country's debt ceiling, allowing it to borrow more money to cover spending commitments.

If it fails to extend the current limit of $14.3 trillion dollars, the federal government could find itself struggling to make payments, and risks the loss of its AAA credit rating.

The United States is currently spending around $200bn more than it collects in revenue every month.
Iran is a proud nation and great resolve.

While the US may be more powerful, it can't fight a four front war. If the US go to war with Iran, I would consider it the end of the US empire.

I know US love to talk big guns, while it may be true when they are facing one enemy. Now the US and the West have alienated themselve from the real international community.

They can't afford a War with Iran, unless they want the reinstate the draft and impoverish America. I doubt many American would even stand for it.

The US propaganda machine is losing credibility everyday to the point that even American don't believe in the government BS about freedom, democracy, and human rights.

Everytime I hear Obama speak those words, I feel like puking.
Do you guys really think we just talk our of our ***?

Keep thinking this way. go ahead...

How many times have you warned North Korea?

1) They developed nukes
2) They supposedly sunk a South Korean battle ship
3) They fired artillery shells on a South Korean island

How many more warnings and threats?

None of which were actually carried through, despite repeated, and lethal attacks on a US ally (South Korea).

What about Georgia, when Russia invaded them in 2008 and annexed their territory? Where was the USA?

What about this recent threat?

BBC News - US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as "acts of war"

According to the above story, America is hit with several "acts of war" every few days, and they aren't doing anything about it.
How many times have you warned North Korea?

1) They developed nukes
2) They supposedly sunk a South Korean battle ship
3) They fired artillery shells on a South Korean island

How many more warnings and threats?

None of which were actually carried through, despite repeated, and lethal attacks on a US ally (South Korea).

What about Georgia, when Russia invaded them in 2008 and annexed their territory? Where was the USA?

What about this recent threat?

BBC News - US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as "acts of war"

According to the above story, America is hit with several "acts of war" every few days, and they aren't doing anything about it.
lol why go that far

-Iran took more than 400 diplomats hostage for more than 1 year >> nothing
-Iran created hezbollah >> nothing
-Iran blew up a US compound in Leb killing 300 soldiers >> nothing
-Iran openly funds and trains hezbollah >> nothing
-Iran has took over Iraq and made it a puppet state while the Americans were occupying the country >> nothing
-Iranian backed militias are responsible for thousands of American deaths in Iraq >> nothing
-Iran is making life hard for israel >> nothing
-Iran has been sending missiles to Venezuela >>nothing
-the nuke issue >> nothing

the list goes on

32 years of nothing but threats and half arsed sanctions
lol why go that far

-Iran took more than 400 diplomats hostage for more than 1 year >> nothing
-Iran created hezbollah >> nothing
-Iran blew up a US compound in Leb killing 300 soldiers >> nothing
-Iran openly funds and trains hezbollah >> nothing
-Iran has took over Iraq and made it a puppet state while the Americans were occupying the country >> nothing
-Iranian backed militias are responsible for thousands of American deaths in Iraq >> nothing
-Iran is making life hard for israel >> nothing
-Iran has been sending missiles to Venezuela >>nothing
-the nuke issue >> nothing

the list goes on

32 years of nothing but threats and half arsed sanctions

The US has never directly attacked a nuclear-armed nation.

What a good reason for more countries to develop nuclear weapons. :lol:
Do you guys really think we just talk our of our ***?

Keep thinking this way. go ahead...

Well you certainly think out of your *** mate
- WMD in Iraq
- vetoing resolutions on Anything Remotely against Israel while the entire world can see its just plain fu***** wrong

truly, you are the shining beacon of truth and justice (and the best *** thinkers)
U.S.A is no position to warn any body as it is on the verge of bankruptcy.
Amazingly even that U.S.A is drowning in debt and unemployment, its habit of meddling with countries around is not cooling down :drag:
he is depressed may be because USA IS going to bankrupt lolz
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