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Chinese Official Threatens Myanmar

Hehe, you have 1,3 billion people with many domestic problem such as big gap between Rich and poor , toxic food , lack of female , No human rights etc....if poor Chinese don't stand up to demand a better life , demand to be treat as human being respected by Human rights, so they're idiot they don't wanna live as human being. And idiot can not help CHina become a powerful country, so we will surpass China soon and of course taking back those islands is just a matter of time also

Gap will always remain because we are not "true communists", China is also increasing in its middle class. Can't say the same about Vietnam where the big shots are rich and the rest are poor and are still suffering from huge inflation. I guess those are the idiots who thinks the country is big and powerful when the truth is everyone in the world is laughing? Now I wonder who the idiots really are:lol:

We got hyper inflation rate 500 % in 80-90s already, and nothing happen, no 'Tiananmen Square' inVN like China.

Apart from still being poor and still one of the poorest in ASEAN.

and Check your map in Spratly islands bro, you will see who control more islands

Yep China is, that's why VN can't do anything and is nowhere to be seen when Chinese boats are around patrolling :lol:.

Oh , when ??in 1988 ?as I sais: ask your Govt that did VN sent 6 to 7 Mig flied to Spratly and prepared to drop bomb to your men or not ??The only reason we canceld it just bcz we did not wanna to have one more battle field on East side only . And now, what can you do with our guard points ??

Yes you say, but in reality VN didn't even do anything and was defeated. No one will buy your VN propaganda especially about those migs. We don't have to do anything about the VN so called guard points. They will be safe so long they remain inside VN shorelines. Apparently VN almost sent their migs out too when the cable cutters came but the government recalled them because they rather see angry citizens blocking the streets of Hanoi protesting about China :lol:

US took little action bcz they had Nothing better to fights against VN any more, even F-117 could not help also, we don't need to attack Camb now, bcz we have lots of VNese living there, they will support VN , bro

Of course Viets will support Vietnam, problem is how will they support? by mouth and banners? Cambodia will do nothing if any conflicts occur. They are good friends of China.

Oh, what must we pay when we can make Nuke bomb secretly now and when we still got full Russia support ??

Lets get to the facts. Facts are there are no nukes in Vietnam, they cannot enrich or have the capacity to neither do they have "full" Russian support :lol:

Unluckily, you're Not Mr.Putin , and Mr. Putin won't accept to lose his money, his weapon market in VN and ASEAN. If Russia trust you, so tell him that China will attack VN soon , and he must stop selling weapon on Creadit to VN , and I think he will slap on your chubby face to wake you up

Yes I am no Putin, you are absolutely correct my friend. Mr. Putin, however, is coming to China for precisely the reason he doesn't want to lose money and he wants to secure Chinese support and also discuss politics. If he does not trust us, he would have went to America or Vietnam instead. He already pinched your chubby cheeks my friend ;)

hehe, but Iran doesn have Yakhont , S-300 or SU-30 varian that ASEAN bought alot .and unluckily , you're not Mr.Putin again, that why you don't care about Russia weapon reputation

Yes ASEAN bought some Russian equipments but Vietnam cannot be described as ASEAN and economy wise Vietnam is just a tiny part of ASEAN. I am sure Mr. Putin has more brainpower than an average Vietnamese to figure out who actually buys and are able to pay, as oppose to buying on credit and risking not paying back on time :azn:

And Russia never want an ally like you bcz you already stab Russia back

Russia is already a strong political ally, hence we are both in the SCO and we both help each other out in global politics. Just look at the Daoyu Island and Kuril Island incidents last year. Both countries took turns to b****slap Japan. Make a wrong move, then Vietnam could end up being the next target :lol:

China may not attack, but US will , and Jasmine revolution will happen ,' rebel' will mess up Myanmar , and only VN can help her this time

Chances of US attacking Vietnam is higher than attacking China right now. Vietnam is a small country with little military capability to destroy the American economy but China on the other hand? Yes Jasmine revolution happened already. It was extremely disappointing and grossly hyped by the media. The revolution will get exported to Vietnam due to poor economy and weak leadership and military. Then Cambodia will come and take Vietnam back in one piece. :lol:
and Check your map in Spratly islands bro, you will see who control more islands

Obambam said:
Yep China is, that's why VN can't do anything and is nowhere to be seen when Chinese boats are around patrolling .
You should feel ashame about your propaganda against VN instead of keep Lying on PDF. Where is China in Spratly ??oh, she only has few islands , even she killed unfire back VN soldiers in 1988:coffee:
You should feel ashame about your propaganda against VN instead of keep Lying on PDF. Where is China in Spratly ??oh, she only has few islands , even she killed unfire back VN soldiers in 1988:coffee:

Having flags on it doesn't mean it is guarded and everyone knows how poor VN navy is. We simply do not want to dramatize it that's all and like I said, China wants a peaceful rise and we are not interested in fighting any conflicts even if it is against a weaker nation.

The above image explains why ASEAN doesn't trust Vietnam and Philippines are reluctant to involve Vietnam into talks about Spratly.
More specifically your propaganda says nothing about Paracel which your country also claim. :azn:
Having flags on it doesn't mean it is guarded and everyone knows how poor VN navy is. We simply do not want to dramatize it that's all and like I said, China wants a peaceful rise and we are not interested in fighting any conflicts even if it is against a weaker nation.

The above image explains why ASEAN doesn't trust Vietnam and Philippines are reluctant to involve Vietnam into talks about Spratly.
More specifically your propaganda says nothing about Paracel which your country also claim. :azn:
Hehe, so now, you only can hope that we can not protect those islans :lol:, sorry bro, it's heavily protected by our Balistic missile Scud-D , upgraed Shaddock and Su-30 KM2, that why if Jasmine revolt happen in CHina, we can easily take back a few islands from you ^^.
(Shaddock cải tiến = Upgraded Shaddock )

Another ASEAN countries have No envidence over Spratly like VN, it's ilegal ocupation, but we're ASEAN nation, we will sovle it in peace :D
You should feel ashame about your propaganda against VN instead of keep Lying on PDF. Where is China in Spratly ??oh, she only has few islands , even she killed unfire back VN soldiers in 1988:coffee:
When I see this map in first sight,it seems Czech Rep. involved in this event.
Hehe, so now, you only can hope that we can not protect those islans :lol:, sorry bro, it's heavily protected by our Balistic missile Scud-D , upgraed Shaddock and Su-30 KM2, that why if Jasmine revolt happen in CHina, we can easily take back a few islands from you ^^.
(Shaddock cải tiến = Upgraded Shaddock )


Oh don't worry, it's already protected and look we already got all of Spratly protected too by our missiles, J-10, J-11, J-15, Su-27 or Su-30MKK. When Jasmine Revolution occurs in Vietnam China will help Cambodia and Laos retake it back in one piece :lol:

Another ASEAN countries have No envidence over Spratly like VN, it's ilegal ocupation, but we're ASEAN nation, we will sovle it in peace :D

Yes other ASEAN countries are friendly, unlike Vietnam. That is why VN is trying to occupying more and more lands despite its size and making its neighbour weary of working with them. Fortunately Vietnam is still very weak that is why it cannot do anything and is trying to get everyone to help, whereas a stronger country like China can do things by itself just like America and Russia :azn:
Obambam said:
Oh don't worry, it's already protected and look we already got all of Spratly protected too by our missiles, J-10, J-11, J-15, Su-27 or Su-30MKK. When Jasmine Revolution occurs in Vietnam China will help Cambodia and Laos retake it back in one piece
That's the reason why China can not attack VN and vice versa , but China will need our 'Help' to control 'rebel' if China Jasmine revolt happen , who know Rich Chinese will sell those islands back to VN to get our support or not :azn:

Let's see who will have Jasmine Revolution frist, and it seem you will get it sooner than VN , bcz poor CHinese already made Tienanmen Revolt :azn:
Obambam said:
Yes other ASEAN countries are friendly, unlike Vietnam. That is why VN is trying to occupying more and more lands despite its size and making its neighbour weary of working with them. Fortunately Vietnam is still very weak that is why it cannot do anything and is trying to get everyone to help, whereas a stronger country like China can do things by itself just like America and Russia
They don't have any envidence over those islands, it's illegal occupation , they will return those islands back to VN soon

Tractor said:
When I see this map in first sight,it seems Czech Rep. involved in this event.
Hehe, it's Phillipine flag , bro, t
Eliminate borders in ASEAN. Make it like European Union. Due to resource rich countries in Southeast, trade will increase manyfold. And try getting a common transactional currency while maintaining your respective currencies. I'd suggest make Singaporean Dollar as the commonly accepted currency. I am sure almost all would agree to it.

I wouldn't actually, if there are no borders then economic migrants will devastate the stable economies (Mainly Singapore & Malaysia). Indonesia would be a stable economy if not for their huge population which drains their abundant resources and already Malaysia with the influx of illegal immigrants from Indonesia has caused increase in Crime rates etc.

Things in SEA are not as simple as seems, the government don't see eye to eye and that alone suggest that things are not smooth sailing. Using Singapore as a currency is not viable mainly because our currency is strong as the circulation is small which makes it easy for our government to control, to use it as a SEA currency would mean increase of circulation which MAS (Singapore Monetary Authority) will find harder to control.
Hehe, our Govt sent lots of men to Guard points inside your Red line in SCS(east sea) already, and you can do No thing untill now :P
That brief friendship is enough to make us getting stronger and tie up an unbreakable friendship with Myanmar - your former ally :P.

Oh really ??US has F-117 stealth bomber in 1977, why did not he use to help Pol-Pot and Thailand to stop VN ?What made him scare of when even we didn't had any S-300 during 80s ?:whistle:

The simple answer is: US bomber is useless to stop VN's army to unify ASEAN, we can dig many tunnel from Cambodia-Laos go throught to Thailand that US satellite is impossible to detect our operation :P

Hehe, we bought lots of Russia's weapon on credit, we have enough to fight against you or any one thinking about stabing our back. We never say we're big boss in ASEAN, but Myanmar -Phil are weak, they can not fight against CHina or US, so we will protect them for the benefit of ASEAN solidarity :P

With VN's support, Myanmar will no hesitate to keep backstabing CHina bcz Myanmar belong to ASEAN, not China:lol:

This is the first I have seen someone so proud that his nation buys weapons on credit, anyway if want to be the self assumed protector of the Asean region and put your fellow countryman lives to protect countries that you do not know I think that's fine with us.

Malaysia any objection? No
Singapore? No
Indonesia? No
Philippines? No
Laos? No

Since we didn't agree beforehand about your self assumed protectorate role please don't ask for anything in return. Cheers
This is the first I have seen someone so proud that his nation buys weapons on credit, anyway if want to be the self assumed protector of the Asean region and put your fellow countryman lives to protect countries that you do not know I think that's fine with us.

Malaysia any objection? No
Singapore? No
Indonesia? No
Philippines? No
Laos? No

Since we didn't agree beforehand about your self assumed protectorate role please don't ask for anything in return. Cheers
Laos-Camb are OK, bcz lots of VNese living there and their Govt. pro VN also, for Singapore:

Problem is : you're too small to intervene VN-US deal , we don't wanna see US navy roamming around ASEAN , and he seem agree to cede power to us, such as Nuclear tech..etc. if you don't like an ASEAN solidarity , we may support Indonesia to annex you back if she agree to share Malacca Straight with us, bcz you were belong to Majapahit Empire , Capital was Java-Indonesia :D

Laos-Camb are OK, bcz lots of VNese living there and their Govt. pro VN also, for Singapore:

Problem is : you're too small to intervene VN-US deal , we don't wanna see US navy roamming around ASEAN , and he seem agree to cede power to us, such as Nuclear tech..etc. if you don't like an ASEAN solidarity , we may support Indonesia to annex you back if she agree to share Malacca Straight with us, bcz you were belong to Majapahit Empire , Capital was Java-Indonesia :D

Cede power to VN, I seem to hear that a lot but nothing seems to support that. Got any hard references that support that? If not then it still is what it is BS.

ASEAN solidarity is good and I never objected it, VN wanted to be the "supposed" big brother in the region is another story.

No offence only an Idiot would think that Indonesia would annex us, if you had half a brain and said Malaysia I would have given you more credit. Proximity alone already makes that a stupid theory, honestly do you numbskulls even use your brain before you start to talk about Nukes, CBU 55 and whatnot

Which such stupidity all nations would fear for their own security if VN was calling the shots, I hope what I have seen here is not a real reflection how the local population thinks. Its no wonder the US and Russia and taking you for a ride, Singapore is small and we know our strengths and more importantly our weakness, there is a reason why we are where we are today if you ever spared two seconds to think about it. Hell just looking out my window and I can already imagine the difference.

VN can choose to pioneer a defense block with other Asean nations or choose to call the shots regardless of our opinions, if you choose the first I see no reason not to support you being part of Asean, if you choose the latter you are on your own.
Cede power to VN, I seem to hear that a lot but nothing seems to support that. Got any hard references that support that? If not then it still is what it is BS.

ASEAN solidarity is good and I never objected it, VN wanted to be the "supposed" big brother in the region is another story.

No offence only an Idiot would think that Indonesia would annex us, if you had half a brain and said Malaysia I would have given you more credit. Proximity alone already makes that a stupid theory, honestly do you numbskulls even use your brain before you start to talk about Nukes, CBU 55 and whatnot

Which such stupidity all nations would fear for their own security if VN was calling the shots, I hope what I have seen here is not a real reflection how the local population thinks. Its no wonder the US and Russia and taking you for a ride, Singapore is small and we know our strengths and more importantly our weakness, there is a reason why we are where we are today if you ever spared two seconds to think about it. Hell just looking out my window and I can already imagine the difference.

VN can choose to pioneer a defense block with other Asean nations or choose to call the shots regardless of our opinions, if you choose the first I see no reason not to support you being part of Asean, if you choose the latter you are on your own.
1/ We don't wanna be big brother, we don't wanna fight against all ASEAN nation just for having Military influent in ASEAN , but if we go that way, can you stop us ??Are you ready to face with many bloody battle when Vn got used to with it already ??

2. If US refuse to cede his power, he has to face bloody battle against VN , and tell me why must young American die for a small country like you instead of living with a beautiful life in USA ??

3. I say again: Singapore is just too small to chose the way you go , if US leave ASEAN, it seem Nothing can stop Indonesia to annex you back ,so, be reasonable, bro :P
They don't have any envidence over those islands, it's illegal occupation , they will return those islands back to VN soon

Wrong, they are as protected by China's planes and missiles and so is Spratly. China will assist Cambodia and Laos to take back Vietnam when Jasmine revolution arrives in Vietnam.
That's the reason why China can not attack VN and vice versa , but China will need our 'Help' to control 'rebel' if China Jasmine revolt happen , who know Rich Chinese will sell those islands back to VN to get our support or not

That is the reason China can destroy Vietnam and protect all of Spratly and Paracel if Vietnam does anything naughty or disturb other ASEAN countries. When Jasmine Revolution arrives in Vietnam China will help Cambodia and Laos take Vietnam in one piece :azn:

Let's see who will have Jasmine Revolution frist, and it seem you will get it sooner than VN , bcz poor CHinese already made Tienanmen Revolt

We already had both Tienanman and Jasmine so Vietnam would be next due to poor economy, poor leadership and military. All China needs to do it cut somemore wires and let Vietnamese see how useless their government is :lol:
Laos-Camb are OK, bcz lots of VNese living there and their Govt. pro VN also, for Singapore:

Problem is : you're too small to intervene VN-US deal , we don't wanna see US navy roamming around ASEAN , and he seem agree to cede power to us, such as Nuclear tech..etc. if you don't like an ASEAN solidarity , we may support Indonesia to annex you back if she agree to share Malacca Straight with us, bcz you were belong to Majapahit Empire , Capital was Java-Indonesia :D

Yes, and Malaysia, US, China and every other country is just going to sit and keep quiet while Indonesia invades Singapore?

Your knowledge of ASEAN geo-politics is close to zero.

And Majapahit is a 12th-century Hindu kingdom which now only exists in history books. I can bring later empires controlled from Malaysia (Malacca Sultanate) that ruled all over Indonesia. Why don't you support Malaysia invading Indonesia too?

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