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Zaid Hamid commentary

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I don't know if khawaja is going to upload another part but when he does, i'll edit the post for convenience. But from what i feel, i think the show ended here :P
Interesting points that Mr. Hamid made :

Varma said that because of Pakistan army abusing the Bengali's, India sent its army and supported terror organization mukti buhini. Zaid said we can use the same reasoning with India for Kashmir and India itself (burning Christians and Muslims, killing Sikhs and Dalits, etc.) These are all terrorist attacks that India has never paid the price for, and Samjhauta express 70 Pakistani's were killed and no one handed over anyone to us.

Also LOC in Kashmir is NOT a defining border, it is disputed territory. India illegally crossed over in 71 over a internationally defined border. Even if freedom fighters who were involved in Mumbai came from Kashmir, it is an ongoing dispute we have no obligation to hand anyone over nor ban groups especially without evidence and joint investigations. Since they declared war and broke Pakistan in 71 over alleged human rights abuses, we should mobilize the whole army and invade Kashmir and send in support for the Naxals and Khalistani's as well as all Islamic and Christian liberation groups in India.

I wish our government was not used to bending over so much as Zaid Hamid is. :enjoy:
I liked what he said about the invalidity of the UN. What validity does it have when it sanctioned a wrong war on Iraq based on Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Also I think Varma's point should be extended to the fact that its only a perception and no proof is necessary. This is the neo-Western philosophy. They are reverting back to jungle law slowly where no trial, no lawyers, no jury is necessary. For example the Patriot Act and all its messes. India too has such laws like previously TADA, and the POTA, POTO, god knows what all they have today.

So you see these are lawless countries when it comes to pushing for what they want. It's all perceptions. Indians can't perceive the notion of trial. In India and US when it comes to terrorists, its guilty until proven innocent.

I think they're royally jacking up their own society in the long run.
I liked what he said about the invalidity of the UN. What validity does it have when it sanctioned a wrong war on Iraq based on Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Also I think Varma's point should be extended to the fact that its only a perception and no proof is necessary. This is the neo-Western philosophy. They are reverting back to jungle law slowly where no trial, no lawyers, no jury is necessary. For example the Patriot Act and all its messes. India too has such laws like previously TADA, and the POTA, POTO, god knows what all they have today.

So you see these are lawless countries when it comes to pushing for what they want. It's all perceptions. Indians can't perceive the notion of trial. In India and US when it comes to terrorists, its guilty until proven innocent.

I think they're royally jacking up their own society in the long run.

You know Asim, most Americans agree that the UN is a total waste of time and the UN building in NY should be subjected to a controlled demolition, like you think happened to the World trade Center. So, why doesn't Pakistan get together with its buddies in the non-aligned third world and vote in the UN General Assembly to move the UN to somewhere else? How about to Islamabad! That would be a great place for it and good riddance for us!! Please, please take the UN!
You know Asim, most Americans agree that the UN is a total waste of time and the UN building in NY should be subjected to a controlled demolition, like you think happened to the World trade Center. So, why doesn't Pakistan get together with its buddies in the non-aligned third world and vote in the UN General Assembly to move the UN to somewhere else? How about to Islamabad! That would be a great place for it and good riddance for us!! Please, please take the UN!

You actually BELIEVE that 9/11 was done by Muslim Terrorists? Considering the fact how the truth about 9/11 was brought to question by American people themselves, i actually feel sorry for you. It's not like you don't have the resources to enlighten yourself.

As for bharat varma, he's a complete Moron. Thy guy's still under the delusion that 9/11 wasn't a conspiracy. I don't know who gave him the credibility to be tagged as an "analyst" of ANYTHING. If he would've done his research on the issue properly, he'd know a thing or two about the biggest scam of the 21st century.

In short, Varma got his *** handed to him by zaid hamid. His whole "UN" rhetoric didn't help him at all while present his case on Pakistan's issues.
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I liked what he said about the invalidity of the UN. What validity does it have when it sanctioned a wrong war on Iraq based on Weapons of Mass Destruction?

The UN is the best we've got, and unless you are willing to become a pariah state, you have no choice but to go along with the will of the international community.

Unfortunately, we have no court which can try and sentence the government of a country.

Also I think Varma's point should be extended to the fact that its only a perception and no proof is necessary. This is the neo-Western philosophy. They are reverting back to jungle law slowly where no trial, no lawyers, no jury is necessary. For example the Patriot Act and all its messes. India too has such laws like previously TADA, and the POTA, POTO, god knows what all they have today.

Yes, and the "Neo-westerners" should learn from Pakistan's just and fair system where all terrorists are given state protection and funding directly from taxpaying citizens.

So you see these are lawless countries when it comes to pushing for what they want. It's all perceptions. Indians can't perceive the notion of trial. In India and US when it comes to terrorists, its guilty until proven innocent.

Unlike Pakistan where they always conduct a trial before god and decide that the best course of action is training their own citizens to use guns and sending them across to achieve "martyrdom".

I think they're royally jacking up their own society in the long run.

The immediate and current jacking up of Pakistani society is more worrisome I think.
The immediate and current jacking up of Pakistani society is more worrisome I think.

wrong perception - there is no jacking up of pakistani society!!!
Since when EXACTLY did the number 86 became a standard explanation for someone's birth year? Don't be such an ignorant. Judging someone by a simple number makes you come off looking like an idiot.

in the hotel and restaurant business the number 86 donates "we are fresh out of stock"!
or in other words "you are 86ed"

But wheres the 4th part?

I think they probably never went to the 4th part. Someone at another thread was talking about how they stopped the rest of the show and didn't air it.

But if the user uploads anything more on the same topic, i'd post it up for sure.
You know Asim, most Americans agree that the UN is a total waste of time and the UN building in NY should be subjected to a controlled demolition, like you think happened to the World trade Center. So, why doesn't Pakistan get together with its buddies in the non-aligned third world and vote in the UN General Assembly to move the UN to somewhere else? How about to Islamabad! That would be a great place for it and good riddance for us!! Please, please take the UN!
Americans use and abuse it. I'm well aware of the general feelings of Americans towards the UN. But the Americans hate it out of arrogance. They think the UN is just there taking away its aid money.

I fully support that. I'm no fan of begging, freebie aid.

But seriously the Indian hubris is all about this UN declaration which didn't bother to properly consult with the Pakistanis. The trend is there to see for all interested in Pakistan, if only we had proper public opinion ruling Pakistan and not stooges of foreigners, India and its cohorts would've seen some diplomatic consequences from us too.
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