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at AIPAC conference

Zionists have been accused of that for over a hundred years. Can you bring yourself to write exactly why so many non-Jews feel that way?

AIPAC is no secret. Attendants to conferences and members don't have to be Jewish; many are invited and anyone can pay to get in. Of course, it's been a "secret" to most Pakistanis but that is their own choice, isn't it?

Once again, you are trying to equate Zionists with Jews. As you know, one of the most powerful Zionist groups in the US is the evangelicals.

One of the most interesting points of the Conference was made by the Ambassador from Israel's ally, Azerbaijan ( a majority-Muslim nation Israel does over a billion dollars of trade with) complaining how America and Iran were united at denouncing and trying to destabilize his government even as Iran and American arm Azerbaijan's enemy, Armenia, which in its invasion of Nagarno-Karabakh created 80,000 Azerbaijani refugees.

The Armenian expatriate community is very powerful in the U.S. No, Zionists don't have a "choke hold" on American politics.

The US congress kicks around the Armenian "genocide" bill every time relations between Israel and Turkey sour. When's the last time Congress mentioned Nagarno? How many members of Congress would even know what, never mind where, Nagarno is? So much for Azerbaijan's importance in US politics.
Meetings with my senators and congressman yesterday. All were totally supportive of Obama's position: Iran is to not to gain nuclear weapons or the capability to make them, even if force is required. The mullahs have only a little time left to decide.
Meetings with my senators and congressman yesterday. All were totally supportive of Obama's position: Iran is to not to gain nuclear weapons or the capability to make them, even if force is required. The mullahs have only a little time left to decide.

you are right !!! :rofl: oooh momy ! Mr obama wants to kill us :hang2:

Iran has a right to a peaceful nuclear program - the threats to her = are pathetic. The US cannot afford another war in Asia.
Iran has a right to a peaceful nuclear program
The Iranians say they are burying their program to enrich uranium and suffering international sanctions for the noble purpose of producing medical isotopes.

Must I remind the Pakistanis here that when India exploded its bomb it was called "a peaceful nuclear explosion"? Does any Pakistani here believe that India maintains its stockpile of nukes so that someday in the future it can turn the Himalayas into a network of canals?

- the threats to her = are pathetic...The US cannot afford another war in Asia.
Such statements should be reserved for those who actually engage in accounting, yes?
The Iranians say they are burying their program to enrich uranium and suffering international sanctions for the noble purpose of producing medical isotopes.

Must I remind the Pakistanis here that when India exploded its bomb it was called "a peaceful nuclear explosion"? Does any Pakistani here believe that India maintains its stockpile of nukes so that someday in the future it can turn the Himalayas into a network of canals?

Such statements should be reserved for those who actually engage in accounting, yes?

:disagree: :disagree: :disagree:
Others have dismantled their nuclear programs and survived.

Lets see, Hussein dismantled -> dead. Gaddafi dismantled -> dead. And they actually had nuclear weapons programs, Iran doesnt, or at least - nobody has any proof of it.

The Iranians say they are burying their program to enrich uranium and suffering international sanctions for the noble purpose of producing medical isotopes.

So you in Iranians place wouldnt protect your nuclear program, peaceful or otherwise? Let anyone come and bomb it on fake pretenses, while spreading radiation everywhere, brilliant suggestion! :azn:
The Iranians say they are burying their program to enrich uranium and suffering international sanctions for the noble purpose of producing medical isotopes.

Must I remind the Pakistanis here that when India exploded its bomb it was called "a peaceful nuclear explosion"? Does any Pakistani here believe that India maintains its stockpile of nukes so that someday in the future it can turn the Himalayas into a network of canals?

Such statements should be reserved for those who actually engage in accounting, yes?

Both Israel and the US have enough deterrence to ensure Iran will not attack them. That is why this concern about their nuke program is bogus.
Both Israel and the US have enough deterrence to ensure Iran will not attack them. That is why this concern about their nuke program is bogus.
The President has decided not to rely on deterrence. There is no "containment" policy for Iran, only a no-nuclear Iran policy.
The President has decided not to rely on deterrence. There is no "containment" policy for Iran, only a no-nuclear Iran policy.

A war with Iran will be disastrous for the US and Israel - Iran has considerable asymmetric warfare capability - and any disruption in the strait of Hormuz and the subsequent oil price rise, will kill of the recovery in the US and Europe.
Iran has considerable asymmetric warfare capability -

and any disruption in the strait of Hormuz and the subsequent oil price rise -
Mostly priced into the futures market already, I think, or Obama's announcement would have sent oil skyrocketing; instead, the price of oil dropped in anticipation that there will be a resolution in the forward months. Note that the Saudis are increasing production now in anticipation of future disruptions.
Meetings with my senators and congressman yesterday. All were totally supportive of Obama's position: Iran is to not to gain nuclear weapons or the capability to make them, even if force is required. The mullahs have only a little time left to decide.

Hi Solomon, can you tell as to how the politicos are thinking? Are people willing to go as far as total invasion or using nukes against Iran? Because reports say Iran has constructed an underground facility for its centrifuges. Btw who is your congressman?
Hi Solomon, can you tell as to how the politicos are thinking? Are people willing to go as far as total invasion or using nukes against Iran?
The phrase repeatedly used was by senators, congressmen, and the president was that "all options are on the table" - a phrase commonly taken to mean that necessary diplomatic or military means will be employed to achieve the desired objective. And the president clearly stated that the objective was that Iran not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons at all.

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