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Indus Water Treaty now ineffective: int'l water expert


Only answer Pakistanis have for their all problems... WAR with India ....
No wonder why they are going southwards ... and in which war out four they solved any of their problems ... may be in one they solved Bangladesh
wdf india has no right to steal our water, its stupid that indian government talks about good relations with Pakistan but they steal our water.
-india is not stealing any water
-by the provision of indus water treaty india can produce unlimited amount of electricity that is,can make any number of run of the river dams on three western rivers given to pakistan.....
-iindia can also make water storage dams but quantity of water it can hold is restricted......
-india till now has not violated any provisions of treaty.......pakistan made tall claims on baghlihaar project but its claim was rejected by the neutral arbitrator.....
thats the reality till now.
dr.noob actually sound of the show is very low........try to max the volume.....
Dams for hydroelectricity is our legal rights and we are stealing no one's water.
The agreement set up a commission to adjudicate any future disputes arising over the allocation of waters. The Permanent Indus Commission has survived two wars and provides an on-going mechanism for consultation and conflict resolution through inspection, exchange of data, and visits. The Commission is required to meet regularly to discuss potential disputes as well as cooperative arrangements for the development of the basin. Either party must notify the other of plans to construct any engineering works which would affect the other party and to provide data about such works. In cases of disagreement, a neutral expert is called in for mediation and arbitration. While neither side has initiated projects that could cause the kind of conflict that the Commission was created to resolve, the annual inspections and exchange of data continue, unperturbed by tensions on the subcontinent.

Source: Indus Waters Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Last sentence is incorrect.

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