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Israel considers Banning Burka

Niqab is a face veil. A burka is the coverall which may or may not have a Niqab
The problem is with face veil, which makes identification difficult.
Burqa is not a problem, many people in cold places wear cloths from head to toe.

That head scarf thing is one thing, ok. But that whole black overall thing is quite disturbing, feel sad for these women.
Try walking in 40 Celsius with all dark, you`ll find what hell feels like.
Burqa clad women are hot, literally. :)
But it is for them to complain, nobody forcing me to wear burqa, so why should I complain.
The problem is with face veil, which makes identification difficult.
Burqa is not a problem, many people in cold places wear cloths from head to toe.

Bcs they have no choice unlike the burqha clad women in tropical areas (like Kerala).
That thing should be banned everywhere on earth. What a terrible repressing ugly symbol from Medieval time.

A member of the current Knesset is proposing a law that would prohibit the wearing of any garment that obscures the face and prevents identification, in any government office, at any entertainment venue, and on any means of public transportation. According to the legislator proposing the law, Kadima MK Marina Solodkin, its primary purpose is to liberate women from irrational religious restrictions. The bill mainly targets devout Muslims.

Solodkin explained, “This past Passover vacation I was in southern France. And in this French province, I saw for myself, women in full burqa. I said, enough! For me, as a former Soviet citizen and believing Jew, I will never allow it in Israel.” On July 13 of this year, the French National Assembly voted nearly unanimously, by a count of 355 to 1, to ban burqas in public places throughout the country. On September 14, the French Senate confirmed the bill in another 246 to 1 landslide vote.

After France, Israel considers 'banning the burqa' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
That thing should be banned everywhere on earth. What a terrible repressing ugly symbol from Medieval time.
What about woman's choice. Many in India wear it due to culture, not because of force.
That head scarf thing is one thing, ok. But that whole black overall thing is quite disturbing, feel sad for these women.
Try walking in 40 Celsius with all dark, you`ll find what hell feels like.
man, half the time these women are so brainwashed that they think it's their own choice. They even prefer it this way!!!

Even though I aint muslim, I know what Islam says. Modesty =/= a second skin. I was on vacation in southern Iran when I first saq niqab/burka. it was an Arab-Iranian woman and even though hijab is a mandetory thing in Iran, that still scared the **** out of me. It's just idiotic and completely unnatural. All forms of jijab, cept scarf should be completely banned. A woman can be modest without dressing like a scarecrow.
Well doesn't matter I think all religious clothing should be banned plus burqa is very suspicious especially if criminal can run away in burqa.

And plus Muslim extremist husbands force wive to wear burqa it's true I saw/see it.
Burkha should be banned all over .... its a security threat, and making a women hide her face is just ridiculous
In no where in Islam does it say to wear 'burka'. It only states to dress 'modestly'
Therefore this whole burka issue is not a religious issue but rather a cultural one.
Arabs in general are too harsh with their women if you ask me....
Well doesn't matter I think all religious clothing should be banned plus burqa is very suspicious especially if criminal can run away in burqa.
Religious clothing shouldn't be banned, but certain types that are harmful to society and the person wearing it should be banned. To me, a burqa is harmful to both society at large and the user. It's harmful to society because it creates a division between men and women. A woman can dress modestly and even wear hijab, but her face should be at least seen by others so people can communicate with her. A society that forces its females to hide behind a blanket, whether by force or through ideoligy, is sick. It also affects the opposite sex and other people in the society.

The women themselves are also kept back. The amount of indoctrination that is needed to convince a woman to never show her face in public is insane. If she is led to believe that by wearing a burqa/Hijab she is doing her part in society, then she must also think a lot of other crazy/ancient/incorrect ideas about the role of a woman in society. A woman can be modest, wear hijab, practice her religion (whatever it may be) and still be modern and educated. Islamic countries need to move on. In this day and age every single member of society must be educated and active in the workforce.
The problem is with face veil, which makes identification difficult.
Burqa is not a problem, many people in cold places wear cloths from head to toe.

Burqa clad women are hot, literally. :)
But it is for them to complain, nobody forcing me to wear burqa, so why should I complain.
Of course they are forced to wear them, and burqa too.
Many are taught from the day they are born that this is the way to please Allah and not wearing it will infringe on the woman's modesty and the family honor.
How many hundreds of thousands girls have been killed for the offense of disobeying this barbaric tradition throughout the ages? How many millions throughout the ages have been beaten for disobeying this rule?

In KSA, Iran, and other Islamic nations, women are harassed and beaten daily for immodesty according the strict Islamic laws over there.
I'm complaining on restricting the freedom to choose what to wear.
you cant roam around nake or in undie and say its your freedom

Burkha should be banned all over .... its a security threat, and making a women hide her face is just ridiculous
arabs are beautiful women and in medieval times the islamic people of those regions were very lustful and always used to eye other women. even now if you see they are alloed to marry many women and during was carrying off women for sex slavery and having harems was common.
thats why the burka evolved i think
Of course they are forced to wear them, and burqa too.
Many are taught from the day they are born that this is the way to please Allah and not wearing it will infringe on the woman's modesty and the family honor.
How many hundreds of thousands girls have been killed for the offense of disobeying this barbaric tradition throughout the ages? How many millions throughout the ages have been beaten for disobeying this rule?

In KSA, Iran, and other Islamic nations, women are harassed and beaten daily for immodesty according the strict Islamic laws over there.
lol in Iran most men and women, whether muslim or 'muslimish', despise the mandetory hijab laws. Yeah, you're right, the police and the basij militia do harras people, but normal people don't bother others. It aslo depends on which province you go to and the area. We also have our 'bible belt' like the Americans.

Also, it's not just for women. I have been harrased by the basij multiple times. At least they're consistent in Iran lol

The minute the regime relaxes the laws, people will stop practicing these idiotic practice. Forcing a person to be 'modest' will only make them hate your religion more. The regime in Iran should have never adopted this idiocy and I honestly think they're trying to find a way to get out of it but they don't know how. The basij militia are simply too extreme and they have been given too much power. Even nejad has stated many times that the current laws must change.
ban it :tup: after all covering face is not a necessity in Islam
Good move, more countries should do it, the Muslims go to other countries and want their own religious beliefs and laws, trying to make these countries have Sharia law etc its a joke. And then you have the Arab/ Muslim countries where Christians, Hindus, Jews etc can't practice their religions. It's time the rest of the world follows what the Arabs/Muslims do, no wonder there is so much anger in the world towards Muslims.

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