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Saudis Seek to Funnel Arms to Syria Rebels


Mar 19, 2012
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Saudi Arabia has pressed Jordan to open its border with Syria to allow weapons to reach rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad's regime, officials from both countries say, a move that could buoy Syria's opposition and harden the conflict in the country and across the region.

In a March 12 meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah asked his Jordanian counterpart to permit weapons shipments into Syria in exchange for economic assistance to Jordan, these officials say. Jordan hasn't yet agreed, they said.

Article continued at Wall Street Journal
These terrorists are killing people in bahrain, Iran should start arming the saudi shia if we already not.

they need to get Independence, the shia have most the saudi oil, without them the zionist puppet abdullah will be forced to sell sand and camels.
If supporting the people who are being massacred by a butcher regime is a crime then I am guilty.

You make me sick the way you support Syrians massacres by Assad troops or maybe they are just Sunni so they don't deserve a second look by your kind??

Criminal Saud regime following orders from it's American masters who through AIPAC get order from Tel Aviv
These terrorists are killing people in bahrain, Iran should start arming the saudi shia if we already not.

they need to get Independence, the shia have most the saudi oil, without them the zionist puppet abdullah will be forced to sell sand and camels.

I totally support Iran arming the Eastern Shias and for them to start an insurgency I can't wait for it actually.
If supporting the people who are being massacred by a butcher regime is a crime then I am guilty.

You make me sick the way you support Syrians massacres by Assad troops or maybe they are just Sunni so they don't deserve a second look by your kind??

Then you MUST Arms each and every Palestinian to Liberate Palestine and be Guilty as Qibla-e-Awal is being occupied by isrealis.

Hypocrites! People should not be hypocrites...Atleast i do acknowledge assad is doing it wrong but destroying a country is a wrong way...will those fat arse arab regimes get up and travel to Syria and defuse the situation-tensions...did They even Try at all?

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