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US orders Iran to dismantle Atomic Plant


Mar 28, 2011
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US and Europe have said that they will order Iran to close down and dismantle the Fordow uranium enrichment plant in upcoming talks since it will make it easier for their airforces to attack and destroy Iran's other enrichment plant at Natanz:

US, Europe to 'demand' Iran close nuclear facility

AFP: US, Europe to 'demand' Iran close nuclear facility

WASHINGTON — The United States and its European allies plan to demand the immediate closing by Iran and ultimate dismantling of a recently completed underground nuclear facility near the city of Qum, The New York Times reported.
Citing unnamed US and European diplomats, the newspaper said the allies will also call at upcoming negotiations for a halt in the production of uranium fuel that is considered just a few steps from bomb grade, and the shipment of existing stockpiles of that fuel out of the country.
Iran last held talks with the six powers -- Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States -- in January 2011 with no results.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said the new talks would open April 13 in Istanbul. But Iran later said that Turkey was not an acceptable host after the NATO member cut oil imports from Tehran in response to US pressure.
The new demands will be the opening move in what President Barack Obama has called Iran's "last chance" to resolve its nuclear confrontation with the United Nations and the West diplomatically, the report said.
The UN Security Council has imposed four sets of sanctions on Iran because of suspicions over its nuclear program, which the West and Israel believe includes a drive to develop atomic weapons capability.
Some experts fear the tough conditions being set could instead swing the debate in favor of Iran's hard-liners, according to The Times.
"We have no idea how the Iranians will react," the paper quoted one senior administration official as saying. "We probably won't know after the first meeting."
In a related story The Washington Post reported late Saturday. that a stealth surveillance drone operated by the CIA penetrated deep inside Iran over three years ago, snapped images of Iran's secret nuclear facility at Qum and returned home.
CIA stealth drones scoured dozens of sites throughout Iran, making hundreds of passes over suspicious facilities, before a version of the RQ-170 drone crashed inside Iran's borders in December, the report said.
The surveillance has been part of an intelligence surge that is aimed at Iran's nuclear program and that has been gaining momentum since the final years of George W. Bush's administration, The Post noted.
The effort has included eavesdropping by the National Security Agency, the formation of an Iran task force among satellite-imagery analysts, as well as an expanded network of spies, the paper added.
The expanded intelligence collection has reinforced the view within the White House that it will have early warning of any move by Iran to assemble a nuclear bomb, the report said.
According to the paper, the expanded intelligence effort has coincided with a covert campaign by the CIA and other agencies to sabotage Iran's nuclear program.
The administration of President Barack Obama has cited new intelligence reports in arguing against a preemptive military strike by Israel against Iranian nuclear facilities.
Even if Iran closes or dismantle its nuclear facilities,,USA will still find other reasons..Cant wait for Iran to whoop US a**.
If Iran gives into US demands next thing they will ask is to produce less missiles or decrease our missile range or some s.hit like that.. they are definition of as.sholes
Saddam Hussein not only showed his pants to the US and its spies (i mean inspectors) but they even forced him to reduce the range of his Al Hussein missile and dismantle many military bases/facilities

not that Iran cares about it as Saddam was a US puppet and a bloodthirsty tyrant but we can see US behaviour.
when we say USA is slave to AIPAC and Zionist Americans become angry and the Israelis deny it
look at these outrageous demands aren't they parroting what Israel demanded several day ago
and funny thing is that they claim they don't knew what Iran reaction would be !! Are these guys
sort of retard ?
when we say USA is slave to AIPAC and Zionist Americans become angry and the Israelis deny it
look at these outrageous demands aren't they parroting what Israel demanded several day ago
and funny thing is that they claim they don't knew what Iran reaction would be !! Are these guys
sort of retard ?

West dont expect anything from these talks (unless they'll change their stance), they arent retards (they just assume their citizens are). There is no negotiations or diplomacy, and these absurd demands simply means "either surrender willfully, or we will come guns blazing".
i have seen other countries who was offered this kind of garbage and in return they were betrayed

not in a billions years Iran can trust the EU and USA


even before a meeting in IRaq they want Iran to dismantle and give up and talk how stupid

why talk just BOMB IRAN DONT BE SO P***Y

AND SEND YOUR PLANE SA your saying it so easy
It might be simply a test to see the reaction of Iran and probable impacts of sanctions on Iran and its decision-makers since last negotiation was held ,by the way what ever it is if result of negotiation will be hinged upon these silly demands Iran will surely reject it and eventually talks end up with nothing and then war will come .
time for action.iran should do a preemptive strike on DIMMONA israel nukes plant before israel can do anything.this will break the back bone of US NATO and wont be able to take action as israel will surrounded by arab states who want to settle the score with israel and when israel loses the nukes then arabs wont hesitate

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