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What is Turkish Army doing in Afghanistan?

oh no queen elizabeth is here lick here foot MUAHAHAAHH

Turkey in NATO to save their *** from russian. All these verses or leaders you mentioned would not save turkey when russians come. Agreed cold war has ended, but threat still remains.
That is probably the most foolish comment i've seen in a while,
2008 South Ossetia war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After reading about this two military engagements in 2008 you can compare the combat readiness levels of this two armies. Although they are different in nature this operations show how quickly Turkish Army can mobilize its forces and Russian army fail to do so.

Well, many things have changed on Russian side (such as newly procured french-made eqipment). Turkish Army is still well trained, battle hardened and combat-ready. Our only gain from NATO membership(in this case) is having a Nuclear umbrella without having the need to develop nuclear weapons. Other than that, there is no conventional threat that we can't handle...
May sound foolish to you but not to your leader ( or the leaders of countries that border russia). You cannot extrapolate the performance of large armies based on minor skirmishes(in case of turkey the opponent was not even a state).
During the cold war the fear of soviet invation and communist takeover of western world was real, easy to look back and say it could have never happened.
May sound foolish to you but not to your leader ( or the leaders of countries that border russia). You cannot extrapolate the performance of large armies based on minor skirmishes(in case of turkey the opponent was not even a state).
During the cold war the fear of soviet invation and communist takeover of western world was real, easy to look back and say it could have never happened.
I beg to differ

We are not talking about 1960s here. In any non-nuclear war scenario Turkish Armed Forces can handle itself without foreign aid and this applies for all our neighbors. As long as Russia cant finish off Turkey in a few days(which is almost impossible even south ossetian war took a week) Turkish army can very well respond any pre-emptive strike very quickly and activate its reserve forces in approximately 2-3 days

This is not a child's game It's not Georgia it's a modern NATO army we are talking about. If you cared to read, you know we are on our peak efficiency. Russian economy couldn't handle it let alone the rusty Russian military. Right now Russia is one of Turkey's best export customers anyway :D

If we need NATO for our national security that is for balancing the nuclear threat without having our own nuclear weapons, scaring our neigbors and giving them reason to go nuclear.
Turkish base in Kabul attacked as Taliban hits multiple targets

Afghan police run towards to the scene of attacks in Kabul on April 15, 2012. AFP photo
An AP reporter at the Turkish military base on the outskirts of Kabul said the installation was under direct attack from mortar fire. Turkish and Greek forces were responding with heavy-caliber machine gun fire.

There were no casualties among Turkish troops, Hürriyet Daily News has learned.

ASIA - Turkish base in Kabul attacked as Taliban hits multiple targets

Actually the most surprising part of this report is that apparently Greek and Turkish forces are fighting together.
Where exactly?

An AP reporter at the Turkish military base on the outskirts of Kabul had said the installation was under direct attack from mortar fire. Turkish and Greek forces responded with heavy-caliber machine gun fire, the reporter had said.

Seems to me like Greek and Turkish soldiers are fighting the Taliban together.
That is probably the most foolish comment i've seen in a while,
2008 South Ossetia war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After reading about this two military engagements in 2008 you can compare the combat readiness levels of this two armies. Although they are different in nature this operations show how quickly Turkish Army can mobilize its forces and Russian army fail to do so.

Well, many things have changed on Russian side (such as newly procured french-made eqipment). Turkish Army is still well trained, battle hardened and combat-ready. Our only gain from NATO membership(in this case) is having a Nuclear umbrella without having the need to develop nuclear weapons. Other than that, there is no conventional threat that we can't handle...

Reactions from our beloved Allies/friends to Operation Sun:

European Union – Foreign policy advisor Javier Solana spoke at a news conference in Slovenia, saying, "We understand the concerns of Turkey...but we think this action is not the best response. The territorial integrity of Iraq is for us very important." The European Commission said through a spokeswoman that "The European Union understands Turkey's need to protect its population from terrorism and it also says that Turkey should refrain from taking any disproportionate military action and respect human rights and the rule of law."

United Nations – Secretary General Ban Ki-moon released a statement asking for "utmost restraint" and respect of international borders on the part of Turkey and the immediate end of "incursions by PKK elements" into Turkey.

National governments

Australia – Foreign Affairs Minister Stephen Smith called on Turkey to respect Iraq's sovereignty and withdraw as soon as possible.

Germany – The Foreign Office urged Turkey not to escalate regional tensions.

Iraq – The Iraqi government protested to the Turkish chargé d'affaires in Baghdad. An Iraqi government spokesman said, "Our position is Turkey should respect the sovereignty of Iraq and avoid any military action which would threaten security and stability." On February 26 Iraq increased its criticism, saying the "unilateral military action was unacceptable and it threatened the good relations between the two neighbouring countries."

Russia - The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed the hope that a political solution respecting Iraqi sovereignty and regional security could be found, though it also acknowledged the importance of not allowing "the territory of any state to be used as a staging ground for terrorist activities against their neighbours."

United Kingdom – The Foreign Office stated, "We would urge Turkey to withdraw from Iraqi territory as early as possible and take the greatest possible care to avoid causing harm to the civilian population." On February 23 Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan called British Foreign Minister David Miliband to update him on the operation's progress and exchange views.

United States – In the months leading up to the incursion the US had repeatedly expressed concerns that large-scale military action in Northern Iraq had the potential to destabilize the region, although it supported Turkey's right to defend itself against insurgents.

It was seen as a "bitter defeat for American diplomacy" when Turkey launched the operation in defiance of this lobbying effort,[57] and although the US publicly expressed its belief that Turkey had the right to defend itself against insurgents[58] they maintained consistent pressure on Turkey to limit the length and scale of the operation throughout.[38][59] On February 24, for example, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said "I would hope that it would be short, that it would be precise and avoid the loss of innocent life and that they leave as quickly as they can accomplish the mission."

Regional governments

The Kurdistan Regional Government condemned the Turkish operation and called for an immediate withdrawal of troops. The KRG suggested immediate four-way talks between Turkey, the U.S., the Iraqi government, and the regional government in Northern Iraq.

President of the regional government, Massoud Barzani, though stating the Kurdish government is not part of the Turkish-PKK conflict warned Turkey about inflicting civilian casualties saying, "if the Turkish military targets any Kurdish civilian citizens or any civilian structures then we will order a large-scale resistance", and, "if the clashes harmed any of the Kurdish citizens or further reached Kurdish inhabited areas, Kurds are instructed and prepared to counter attack".On February 28 the Kurdish prime minister said that the Turkish offensive may be aimed at the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and not strictly the PKK.

Note: It seems the only sane reaction came from the Russians.
That is probably the most foolish comment i've seen in a while,
2008 South Ossetia war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After reading about this two military engagements in 2008 you can compare the combat readiness levels of this two armies. Although they are different in nature this operations show how quickly Turkish Army can mobilize its forces and Russian army fail to do so.

From the link above:

Turkey launched its first cross-border raid on December 16, 2007, involving 50 fighter jets

The incursion itself began at 17:00 UTC February 21, 2008. Reports from NTV Turkey indicated that 10,000 troops were involved in the operation

So it took 2 months for Turkey to mobilize 10000 troops, i got it right? :lol:
From the link above:

Turkey launched its first cross-border raid on December 16, 2007, involving 50 fighter jets

The incursion itself began at 17:00 UTC February 21, 2008. Reports from NTV Turkey indicated that 10,000 troops were involved in the operation

So it took 2 months for Turkey to mobilize 10000 troops, i got it right? :lol:

Whole invasion took 2 months. First, airforce began bombing campaign. Mobilization and invasion of land forces took 2 days, one week later they returned to homeland.
Whole invasion took 2 months. First, airforce began bombing campaign. Mobilization and invasion of land forces took 2 days, one week later they returned to homeland.

2 days after 2 months of preparations? Ok, that is quick by Turkish standards :)
2 days after 2 months of preparations? Ok, that is quick by Turkish standards :)

They take wikipedia as gospel truth, whose references are largely from Western biased analysts' and US military college's view. Will US military college ever admit that Russia largely destroyed Georgia's military and bombed their cities ruthlessly and demoralize their own soldiers? Not.

Truth is, Russia used ethnic minority soldiers mainly from Chechen origin and conscripts for the war. Those soldiers were not disciplined enough. Even after this, Stratfor and other military and geo-strategic bodies admit that Russia "destroyed Georgia's fighting capability" within Five days. Georgia, a NATO ally, supplied by quite upto date military hardwares.

While some members here compare this with fighting irregular, ragtag PKK rebels and that too for a period of 2 months.

They take wikipedia as gospel truth, whose references are largely from Western biased analysts' and US military college's view. Will US military college ever admit that Russia largely destroyed Georgia's military and bombed their cities ruthlessly and demoralize their own soldiers? Not.

Truth is, Russia used ethnic minority soldiers mainly from Chechen origin and conscripts for the war. Those soldiers were not disciplined enough. Even after this, Stratfor and other military and geo-strategic bodies admit that Russia "destroyed Georgia's fighting capability" within Five days. Georgia, a NATO ally, supplied by quite upto date military hardwares.

While some members here compare this with fighting irregular, ragtag PKK rebels and that too for a period of 2 months.


Bla bla,


fighting pkk means searching from cave to cave one by one, ambushes, ied's, sometimes it means u have to wait until they fire at you first, because u can't distinguish them from local kurd civilians..

while Georgian army is there in front of you waiting to get pounded, nothing easier than that..

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