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Al-Qaeda warns India of new attacks


Oct 7, 2007
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Al-Qaeda's Yazid warns India of more Mumbai-style attacks

London (PTI): A top al-Qaeda commander, who was reported killed in a US drone strike last year, has appeared in a video warning India of more Mumbai-style terror attacks if it tried to attack Pakistan.

"India should know that it will have to pay a heavy price if it attacks Pakistan," Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, believed to be al-Qaeda's military commander in Afghanistan and ranked behind No 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri, said in a 20-minute video in Arabic received by BBC.

Yazid, who the Pakistani military said may have been killed in fighting last August in the Bajaur tribal region, said: "The Mujahideen will sunder your armies into the ground, like they did to the Russians in Afghanistan.

"They will target your economic centres and raze them to the ground."

Yazid denounced the ban on militant groups in Pakistan following the Mumbai attacks and asked the people of Pakistan to rise up and overthrow the government and President Asif Ali Zardari, the BBC reported.

The al-Qaeda leader is said to have been involved in a number of terror attacks, including last year's Danish Embassy bombings, in Pakistan and had claimed the responsibility of assassinating former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto

He was last heard in August 2008 when he confirmed the death of al-Qaeda chemical-weapons expert Midhat Mursi al-Sayid Umar.
The Hindu News Update Service
Al-Qaeda hasn't done crap. When a group of young men have done it. They are going to get ready to claim it as their war on India.

India has to be careful about War on Terror. It needs to stay away, otherwise your very close, and be ready for a disaster.

These people are crazy.
A top al-Qaeda commander, who was reported killed in a US drone strike last year, has appeared in a video warning India of more Mumbai-style terror attacks if it tried to attack Pakistan.

"India should know that it will have to pay a heavy price if it attacks Pakistan," Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, believed to be al-Qaeda's military commander in Afghanistan and ranked behind No 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri, said in a 20-minute video in Arabic received by BBC.

Yazid, who the Pakistani military said may have been killed in fighting last August in the Bajaur tribal region, said, "The Mujahideen will sunder your armies into the ground, like they did to the Russians in Afghanistan.

"They will target your economic centres and raze them to the ground."

Yazid denounced the ban on militant groups in Pakistan following the Mumbai attacks and asked the people of Pakistan to rise up and overthrow the government and President Asif Ali Zardari, the BBC reported.

The Al-Qaeda leader is said to have been involved in a number of terror attacks, including last year's Danish Embassy bombings, in Pakistan and had claimed the responsibility of assassinating former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

He was last heard in August 2008 when he confirmed the death of Al-Qaeda chemical-weapons expert Midhat Mursi al-Sayid Umar.
Al-Qaeda warns India of new attacks

Updated at: 1810 PST, Tuesday, February 10, 2009
DUBAI: A top Al-Qaeda commander thought to have died last year has released a video warning India of future terror attacks similar to those in Mumbai, the BBC reported Tuesday.

Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, an Egyptian Al-Qaeda leader based in Afghanistan, also called on the people of Pakistan to overthrow their president and government, it said.

Yazid was thought to have died in the Bajaur tribal region of Afghanistan in August when Pakistani helicopter gunships carried out an offensive in the area, a haven for Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters.

"India should know that it will have to pay a heavy price if it attacks Pakistan," he said in the video.

"The Mujahideen will sunder your armies into the ground, like they did to the Russians in Afghanistan," he added, referring to the defeat of the Soviet army in the 1980s by US-backed Afghan fighters.

He also referred to India's "humiliation" over the Mumbai attacks, in which 10 gunmen killed 165 people during a 60-hour siege on the country's financial capital in November.

The bespectacled, bearded Yazid has been named by US officials as Al-Qaeda's commander in Afghanistan and was identified by the 9/11 Commission as the group's chief financial manager.

Yazid is said to be a close aide of Osama bin Laden's Egyptian deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Al-Qaeda needs to be destroyed, they are trying to ruïn Pakistan and at the same time win the hearts of Pakistanis who are not fond of India's posture lately.
It's propagandic bullsh!t, if there's anything I'd like to tell Mr. Mukherjee, that would be for him to shut the duck up and shake hands with Pakistan so that we can jointly take these nutbags out.
It would help South Asia get rid of terrorist elements, and it would improve ties between Pakistan, India, and also Bangladesh in the region, since Bangladesh's name is caught up aswell these days.
Next time Pakistan questions America questioning Pakistan's commitment to the War on Terror, the Indian embassy will make it a point to forward a copy of this post from the forum to the concerned US official for their perusal

Also why should it come as any surpirsie for any - Maj Gen Hamid Gul had said these very words in a TV interview which is available for every one to watch on YouTube

Further reinforces the world's belief that Pakistan's commitement to help end these Islamic terrorist oraginastion is an elaborate deception
Al-Qaeda hasn't done crap. When a group of young men have done it. They are going to get ready to claim it as their war on India.

India has to be careful about War on Terror. It needs to stay away, otherwise your very close, and be ready for a disaster.

These people are crazy.
India has been embroiled in it's own war with terror for a lot longer than most other countries around the world. It is hardly an option for them at this point.
Next time Pakistan questions America questioning Pakistan's commitment to the War on Terror, the Indian embassy will make it a point to forward a copy of this post from the forum to the concerned US official for their perusal

Also why should it come as any surpirsie for any - Maj Gen Hamid Gul had said these very words in a TV interview which is available for every one to watch on YouTube

Further reinforces the world's belief that Pakistan's commitement to help end these Islamic terrorist oraginastion is an elaborate deception

so will this be considered as evidence againt pakistan??? just wonderin:undecided:
i dont quite get them. they say dont attack pakistan while at the same time they are busy doin the samething
anyways india cant ignore this news
Next time Pakistan questions America questioning Pakistan's commitment to the War on Terror, the Indian embassy will make it a point to forward a copy of this post from the forum to the concerned US official for their perusal

Also why should it come as any surpirsie for any - Maj Gen Hamid Gul had said these very words in a TV interview which is available for every one to watch on YouTube

Further reinforces the world's belief that Pakistan's commitement to help end these Islamic terrorist oraginastion is an elaborate deception

Well lets wait till when Al Qaeda makes a sanctuary inside india, and we'll see then what Mr india do to eliminate them!

You really are blind. i think you forgot to read Jihad's post #2 on this thread.
A top Al-Qaeda commander thought to have died last year has released a video warning India of future terror attacks similar to those in Mumbai

Why he saying that? - mumbai attacks may have Al-Qaeda connection.
Good god now we will here that the ISI is in charge of the Al Qaeda after all they have all the embassies in Afghanistan don't they.

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