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Did Bangladesh fall into a trap?


Nov 25, 2011
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I am very worried about bangladesh. I am also surprise to see that many bangladeshis supporting the idea that US should bring its 7th fleet to bangladesh. Now I just read an article saying US offered to guard our border. Bangladeshi gov. may be spineless but not military. I think bangladesh fell into a trap and the top most official let it happen. Only to be out of this trap, in my opinion, is to say no to 7th fleet of US and no to the proposed help to secure our border and try to make good relationship with China. Bangladesh should and must make tie stronger with China otherwise there is no way out, at least I see that.

US is trying to win favouritism from bangladeshis. It is done by US many times to other countries. Iraq for example. Look at Iraq now. Look at Somalia now. I never supported US, because they are devil in heart. If Bangladesh give one chance to come 7th fleet, thats it, good by freedom. We will be under american boot.
Bangladesh had been in indian trap for last five years. But now there is a chance to get out of that indian trap. And Bangladesh goal should be while getting out of indian trap not falling for other propaganda, traps. First things is to do not to fall for indian originated news and propaganda. Hope that answer your question. I hope you use existing thread rather than opening new one just to ask question.
^^^^ i don't want bangladesh to fall in its own trap......b'desh was never trapped by india.....indeed india considers b'desh as its very close friend........and we don't like usa too......its a very cunning player and ruined many lives...i hope south asia finds out a combined solution for this!!!
Bangladesh had been in indian trap for last five years. But now there is a chance to get out of that indian trap. And Bangladesh goal should be while getting out of indian trap not falling for other propaganda, traps. First things is to do not to fall for indian originated news and propaganda. Hope that answer your question. I hope you use existing thread rather than opening new one just to ask question.

And what is that? Bringing USA to our water and land? Are you kidding me? Once they are here, they won't leave and if there is a war between iran Usa, bangladesh will be squashed, because china and russia won't stand still. Bangladesh will have no chance to be neutral and bangladesh will go back to stone age.... I am surprised that like many others u are suggesting help from US?
“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal”

Henry Kissinger said in November 1968, after Richard Nixon was elected U.S. president but before he took office: “Nixon should be told that it is probably an objective of Clifford to depose Thieu (South Vietnamese president Nguyen Van Thieu—ed.) before Nixon is inaugurated. Word should be gotten to Nixon that if Thieu meets the same fate as Diem, the word will go out to the nations of the world that it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”
And what is that? Bringing USA to our water and land? Are you kidding me?

Other than indian media where did you find anyone bringing US in our land and water? There are other ways to get out indian traps. Why dont you think about it. As long you get excited on indian originated news you will be used for their purpose. That is why I said not falling for indian propaganda, traps.
I am also amazed that so many Bangladeshis here are for the US to set a naval base and even to allow US soldier's into it's soil.

This will ultimately lead to disaster for Bangladesh.

Once the US is invited in, do people honestly feel that it will leave when asked?

If Bangladesh really feels that threatened by India then it needs to spend a much higher proportion of GDP on defence than it does now. This is no longer the days when Bangladesh had such as tiny economy that it did not have the money. Doubling the defence budget a year to 3 billion dollars won't have too much of strain in the rest of the economy.

To lose our sovereignty to an enemy of Muslims such as the US would be shameful.
I am also amazed that so many Bangladeshis here are for the US to set a naval base and even to allow US soldier's into it's soil.

Many of these bangladeshis are reacting to indian media propaganda which does not have base. That was indian intention to stir up something and deflect people attention and outrage from indian killing, water terrorism, abduction and interference and activity of Awami league regime.
Dhaka refutes Indian TV report
The Bangladesh government on Saturday sent a rejoinder to an Indian television channel that had carried a report claiming that Washington was in talks with Dhaka to secure Chittagong port to dock part of its Seventh Fleet.

"The government wishes to state in unequivocal terms that there has been no such discussion at any level between Bangladesh and the USA, including during the recent visit of the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton," the rejoinder said.

The rejoinder was sent to Times Now, the 24-hour English news channel, which ran a report on May 31 titled "US eyes Bangladesh", in which it claimed that the Americans wanted to use the port to counter growing Chinese influence in the region.

"America ... wants to park its Seventh Fleet in the country ... for its strategic interests," the report had said.

"Worried by increasing presence of Chinese naval bases in the South China Sea, America now eyes a counter strategy as it wants an overall presence in Asia -- right from Japan to its Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean," it said.

The report suggested that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent visit to Bangladesh on May 5-6 was "much more than just a friendly gesture" and that she had discussed military co-operation with Bangladeshi officials.

The Bangladesh government rejected such claims saying, "Both sides are committed to such institutional dialogue in furthering substantive co-operation and consultation."

The report had further said the Americans were increasingly worried over the string of pearls of Chinese bases across the South China Sea and their naval might spreading all across Asia – putting America behind.

However, spokesperson for the US Department of State Victoria Nuland was quoted by The Times of India, a newspaper from the same Times Group, as saying that during the Bangladesh visit of Clinton, no such talks took place.

But Priscilla Huff, Washington Correspondent of Times Now, said: "The US State Department is confirming the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did discuss a future home for the Seventh Fleet when she was in Bangladesh."

The Seventh Fleet currently has homes in Japan, Guam and Singapore, she added.

"The Bangladeshi Government is remaining extremely tightlipped over the recent developments - as they have internally decided to deny it on record - fearing backlash from their own hardliners," said the Times Now report.

But Bangladesh's High Commissioner to India told Time Now that he was "not aware of any such requests", when he was asked by a TV reporter whether the US had asked to allow Chittagong port to be used as their naval base and whether Bangladesh would allow it.

"Bangladesh is not willing to comment on record even offering explanation to deny the developments. This Clinton visit is a more strategic one than just a friendly one - the Indian establishment caught unawares - as this base could cast a shadow on India's own strategic interests," the report concluded.

Meanwhile, at the annual security forum in Singapore, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta on Saturday also refuted the Time Now report that claimed the shift in the US focus to the Asia-Pacific was part of an American effort to contain China's emergence as a global power.

"I reject that view entirely. Our effort to renew and intensify our involvement in Asia is fully compatible with the development and growth of China," he was quoted as saying by Reuters.

He also said the US would keep six aircraft carriers in the Asia-Pacific and move a majority of its other warships to the region in the coming years.

Dhaka refutes Indian TV report | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...a-refutes-indian-tv-report.html#ixzz1wflQLhGm
About the bold part, sound not good. What does she mean in future? That means there is a probability.

allah shubuddhi jeno dei bangladesher sorkar gulor jate eta na hote pare....Insh Allah
Many of these bangladeshis are reacting to indian media propaganda which does not have base. That was indian intention to stir up something and deflect people attention and outrage from indian killing, water terrorism, abduction and interference and activity of Awami league regime.

Fact remains that many Bangladeshis think that the US is the solution to Indian interference in Bangladesh.

Only Bangladeshis can be the solution to this problem.
I think the presence of US military in BD would certainly be beneficial for BD, but there is one problem... once they come here.. you cant make them leave, unless they want to. once they come, they wouldn't leave.
We are presently under the Indian boot. China is not coming forward to assist Bangladesh against India. The present government is keeping China at a distance. How long do you think we can keep our sovereignty safe from India? People are worried that the US will take our sovereignty but India has already taken over the country and people are dreaming that they have a choice in any of this. BD will one day have to make a deal with either India or the US. Take your pick. Do you think BD has a choice? What world are you living in? Nice to be idealistic but in the real world BD is already screwed. Somehow Bangladeshis here think they are better Muslims then every other who have allowed US presence on their territory. Why don't you join Al-Qaeda and try to get the US out of Saudi Arabia. Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Indonesia, Pakistan and the dozens of Muslim countries that have military ties with the US instead of moaning on PDF. Do you think we are better Muslims for keeping the US out? Do you think anyone cares? We are a poor backward country that no one gives a **** about and we are behaving as if we can stop India by ourselves. Why did all these other Muslim countries allow US troops on their soil? To protect their sovereignty from external threats which they could not protect themselves. Since China is not forthcoming and if they were India will likely invade what choices do we have? If the US is interested to dock the Seventh Fleet in Chittagong then we should negotiate the terms so it is not offensive to China. At the same time China will soon come forward and we can have more military arrangements with them. We can then keep the Indians out.

The idea is to keep friendly ties with both the US and China. BD cannot survive by angering too many great powers. If we oppose India then we will also anger the Russians. For the rest you can throw your dumb Muslim Ummah BS in the dustbin. No Muslim country will come to our aid against India.
We are presently under the Indian boot. China is not coming forward to assist Bangladesh against India. The present government is keeping China at a distance. How long do you think we can keep our sovereignty safe from India? People are worried that the US will take our sovereignty but India has already taken over the country and people are dreaming that they have a choice in any of this. BD will one day have to make a deal with either India or the US. Take your pick. Do you think BD has a choice? What world are you living in? Nice to be idealistic but in the real world BD is already screwed. Somehow Bangladeshis here think they are better Muslims then every other who have allowed US presence on their territory. Why don't you join Al-Qaeda and try to get the US out of Saudi Arabia. Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Indonesia, Pakistan and the dozens of Muslim countries that have military ties with the US instead of moaning on PDF. Do you think we are better Muslims for keeping the US out? Do you think anyone cares? We are a poor backward country that no one gives a **** about and we are behaving as if we can stop India by ourselves. Why did all these other Muslim countries allow US troops on their soil? To protect their sovereignty from external threats which they could not protect themselves. Since China is not forthcoming and if they were India will likely invade what choices do we have? If the US is interested to dock the Seventh Fleet in Chittagong then we should negotiate the terms so it is not offensive to China. At the same time China will soon come forward and we can have more military arrangements with them. We can then keep the Indians out.

The idea is to keep friendly ties with both the US and China. BD cannot survive by angering too many great powers. If we oppose India then we will also anger the Russians. For the rest you can throw your dumb Muslim Ummah BS in the dustbin. No Muslim country will come to our aid against India.

We can negotiate with the US that they may have docking facilities only in peace time and that their activities not be directed against any third country in the region and that they provide us with duty free access for RMG.

Or we remain under the control of New Delhi.

The national interest is paramount and all this Muslim idealism is a waste of time.
Since the news report appears to be false and mere Indian propaganda it is a waste of time even discussing this. We are back to square one with India running the show and making deals with the AL and BNP. What is of interests is what did India gain by releasing this false news about the Seventh Fleet? To create tensions between BD and the US which already exists or to worry the Chinese who will try to get involved more in BD as a result. Either way India does not benefit. What is the purpose of this? I am confused......
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