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Why wealth of Hyderabad Nizam's heirs depends on Pakistan

kabar daar jo harjit ko kuch kaha!! She is my best friend and tomorrow is her wedding day.. I still have to decide what I should wear on her wedding day.. I did all the shopping for her and she was looking stunningly gorgeous!! I will be her bridesmaid!!

So much hate.. uff!! :cry: What u wanna do..? Come and kill us?
:confused: Sickening!
Sacha Punjabi kadi kisi kuddi utte hath nahi chukda....Jaan to marna ta dur di gal hai.....
Really? If they are so rich then why does the article itself say that they are having financial problems? I guess genius Indians have not really learned to read English that well.

Why can't rich people have financial problems during business. Nizam's descendant live in their palaces in Hyderabad. All heads of princely states were entitled for funds from government who signed accession paper. Only Nawab of Junagarh was unlucky.

The nazim told me.

Bangladesh illegally separated from Pakistan, that's the difference.
Pakistan was under no legal obligation to give Bangladesh anything since their Independence was not according to law.
Hydrabad's Independence was according to law and thus they gave us the money.

:no::no::no: Bhutto recognized Bangladesh in 1974, had some financial deals but Pakistan fooled Bangladesh by not releasing their share of foreign exchange reserve dishonoring the deal.
The nazim told me.
Read any history books, the nazim chose Pakistan and again, even the article says that the nazim gave the money to Pakistan willingly after choosing to go with it.

Then you should have no problem with Kashmir being part of India.
Likewise ....

The hari singh was the undisputed leader of kashmir. It doesn't matter if people like him or not, he has the authority to run the state. Just like Zardai and Singh have the right to run the state.
Now the Hari singh, according to the rules of partition, had the right to chose India or Pakistan. He chose India and signed the instrument of . This is all perfectly legitimate and no one should object to this. Then pakistan invaded kashmir . This is not legitimate and should be objected to.

Pakistan has no moral authority to request the kashmir back.
India has every legal right to keep it since the hari singh chose India and gave the authority willfully with no coercion.

So going by your logic , You should be accepting the Indian stance in kashmir threads , won't you .....

Otherwise you will be a hypocrite ..........:D

Thank you for making my point.
Indians like to say that Kashmir is theirs because the Hindu ruler gave it to them, but then they say that even tho the Nazim went with Pakistan, they had a right to invade it.
This is the hypocricy that is in the very blood of Indians.
Pakistanis on the other hand have a faith that tells us not to be hypocritical. So we don't make a fuss about Hyderabad because we know that it was a majority Hindu area and Pakistan was meant for Muslims. We do however make a fuss about Kashmir for that same reason.

Now lets look at the reality on the ground. India took Kashmir because they say that the Hindu leader gave it to them but then they Invaded Hyderabad even though it wanted to be with Pakistan.
Pakistan made no claim to Hyderabad because we knew the people did not want to part of Pakistan, but we did make a claim to Kashmir because those people did want to be part of Pakistan.

One of the two countries I describe has been hypocritical and inconsistent, I'll let you geniuses figure out which one. ;)

Also, the Hindu leader of Kashmir was under compulsion. The Indians forced him to sign over Kashmir for their "aid"
Where as the Nazim signed over to Pakistan willingly with no compulsion.

I think it's cute that you think you can try and copy my post. But as we can see you just could not replicate an original. For that you need truth and talent on your side ;)
Nizam wanted to merge with Pakistan, it's Pakistan's wealth in my eyes.
fcuk ... :hitwall: we never wanted to go with Pakistan . We wanted to remain as independent state . Werent you guys sat like cowards and watched when India attacked us ?
Why can't rich people have financial problems during business. Nizam's descendant live in their palaces in Hyderabad. All heads of princely states were entitled for funds from government who signed accession paper. Only Nawab of Junagarh was unlucky.


:no::no::no: Bhutto recognized Bangladesh in 1974, had some financial deals but Pakistan fooled Bangladesh by not releasing their share of foreign exchange reserve dishonoring the deal.

When rich people have financial trouble they don't go begging other countries for money.
Well maybe Indians do, but normal rich people don't :woot:

Bangladesh separated illegally, you cannot deny that. The fact that we recognized them 3 years later has no bearing on this fact.
Since they did separate illegally, Pakistan was under no compulsion to provide them with anything

But that's all irrelevant. You are just being an internet Hindu and trying to derail the thread.
Once again, the Money is legally Pakistan's and Pakistan has no reason to give it back to anyone.
If you disagree, provide your legal framework.
When rich people have financial trouble they don't go begging other countries for money.
Well maybe Indians do, but normal rich people don't :woot:

Bangladesh separated illegally, you cannot deny that. The fact that we recognized them 3 years later has no bearing on this fact.
Since they did separate illegally, Pakistan was under no compulsion to provide them with anything

But that's all irrelevant. You are just being an internet Hindu and trying to derail the thread.
Once again, the Money is legally Pakistan's and Pakistan has no reason to give it back to anyone.
If you disagree, provide your legal framework.

They are not begging but asking share in their parents fortune.

And I already told you Pakistan fooled Bangladesh, you can research how Bhutto fooled them instead of typing bullshit here.
They are not begging but asking share in their parents fortune.

And I already told you Pakistan fooled Bangladesh, you can research how Bhutto fooled them instead of typing bullshit here. Bangladesh shared Pakistan's economic burden but Pakistan fooled them.

What legal right do they have to it?
Kindly enlighten me.
Are you asking first part or second part.

You know you are in trouble when all you have are cute responses. ;)
It's okay man, it's Internet Hindu nature to talk big but run when confronted.

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