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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

So what do you propose ? that the US must import some rednecks and let them loose in Libya ? That would equal I guess.

You mean like they do in Iraq and Afghanistan, under the guise of contractors or even as 'rogue' soldiers?

What in your opinion should the US do ?

Lobbing Tomahawks is surely not the solution.

That is really pathetic but it is to be expected. Any country would have done the same thing. If the host country is either incompetent or unwilling to protect guest embassies, the guest have the right and duty to protect its representatives. These are not tourists. These are agents empowered to speak for the leadership of a foreign country in civilized diplomacy instead of insults and violence.

Once again, how exactly will warships with Tomahawks protect the US embassy?

Other than killing a few hundred random Libyans in retaliation, what will these WMD's achieve in this theater?

what you are conveniently missing or may be are not get a handle on is that US action has not resulted in any loss of life... And you are still dodging the question, because I do not see a reply ... ;)

What's to reply? I questioned the appropriateness and utility of bringing Tomahawks and warships into this situation and, since you had no reply but wanted to butt in anyway, you wrote a meaningless non sequitur.

Its back to entitlement mentality which I see in most Pakistanis I have interacted with on this forum.. Pakistanis (or Muslims when they generalize) are free to do anything but others should act responsibly when responding..

Back to personal attacks, eh?


Looks like you did. So now we can say that for the muslims, a mob is a legitimate representative for that country.

Ah, the ever favorite selective amnesia. Let me refresh your memory with the original poster who equated the US military's actions with that of a rampaging mob.

So what's the plan, then?

Kill a few hundred random Libyans (ala Iraq and Afghanistan) just to 'make a point'?

What was the plan those libyans who attacked the consulate were following? Kill a few random Americans to make a point ?
Was passing the Hah terminal in Hyderabad today morning surrounded by a very hushed group of Indian muslims, when I saw the newspapers. Missed the whole thing yesterday on TV as I was in meetings the whole day.

My first reaction?

And so it starts.
Lobbing Tomahawks is surely not the solution.

Sure it is, you people understand only force, the reasonable among you get squashed by the pitiful uneducated mob, tell me a few tomahawks wont solve that?

....look at Afghanistan, after years of drone wars and hidden strikes they are signalling they are ready to talk. When in doubt, shoot some more. Make the carrot smaller and the stick bigger.

And in Egypt's case, just cut the aid, lets see how the MB deals with a poor and hungry population. Maybe Morsi needs to schedule another begging trip to China.
....look at Afghanistan, after years of drone wars and hidden strikes they are signalling they are ready to talk. When in doubt, shoot some more. Make the carrot smaller and the stick bigger.

History lesson: the Taliban were ready to talk in 2001. It was the US who roared mightily that it does not 'negotiate with terrorists'. It is the US that has changed its position after eleven futile years in Afghanistan.

On the one hand the US declares the Haqqanis a terrorist organization and, on the other, they want to sit down and talk. Shakespeare himself could not have written a better comedy of errors.
Ok, so according to you killing by accident is OK right? Maybe those protestors were just trying to protest, I am sure they didn't go protesting with the plan to kill the ambassador, as they couldn't have known his location.
So the Chinese now support mobs burning embassies? Good to know...I may have a bone to pick...and the Chinese have embassies...
History lesson: the Taliban were ready to talk in 2001. It was the US who roared mightily that it does not 'negotiate with terrorists'. It is the US that has changed its position after eleven futile years in Afghanistan.

On the one hand the US declares the Haqqanis a terrorist organization and, on the other, they want to sit down and talk. Shakespeare himself could not have written a better comedy of errors.

Ye sure, they didnt want to give up OBL. Now their hero is pretty much gone, their commanders getting popped everywhere.....

Reality check-graveyard of empires aint that tough after all-if they cant/wont talk just throw more ammo at them....

Taliban prepared to accept Afghanistan ceasefire and political deal, say experts | World news | guardian.co.uk
Do not waste your time on a keyboard American well train vietnamese running dog, especially an old wash up one, it is also doing a damn good job on hard selling some outdated ideology propaganda responsible for given the common Americans a bad name as always.

No matter how hard it try and pretend to be a wannabe white American, after all it still remain the same species as John McCain himself has said.....

The picture below shown how a typical well train American's running dog behave

Running dog? Lol...didn't think you boys still used that one...
@ grey boy:
do you actually know what that picture is about???? Dumbass....

just to clarify and expose the Chi bot as an uneducated moron:

the guy thats getting shot was a North Viet soldier in disguise part of teams which were roaming Saigon i believe in the time of VN offensive, during the last push so to speak, they were intended to spread chaos behind S. Vietnamese lines.

the guy shooting him is a commander of some sorts and has had his family shot to death by the first guy.

If memory serves correctly....so yeah way to post nice pictures out of context dumb Chi-bot.
USA cannot invade Libya now it will get more screwed

it is the fault of USA
still works thats why ;)
The only thing it "works" at is making the user look like an out of touch idiot. Like wearing a mao suit and barking about 5 year plans and great leaps foward. Now don't you have some steel to make in your back yard?
Ye sure, they didnt want to give up OBL. Now their hero is pretty much gone, their commanders getting popped everywhere.....

Reality check-graveyard of empires aint that tough after all-if they cant/wont talk just throw more ammo at them....

Taliban prepared to accept Afghanistan ceasefire and political deal, say experts | World news | guardian.co.uk
Give them some time to digest it. They barked we would lose in Iraq...after we didn't they barked we would lose in Afghanistan....now that we aren't they need some time to come up with something new to salvage their pride. Sad that killing a diplomat is the only "victory" they get...
The only thing it "works" at is making the user look like an out of touch idiot. Like wearing a mao suit and barking about 5 year plans and great leaps foward. Now don't you have some steel to make in your back yard?

well what do you know:woot: i made the running dog bark too:chilli:

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