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India:Muslims want curbs on Hindu procession

Gigawat mentioned it is compulsory for Hindus not to eat cow..

So obviously ones that do are not Hindu...

hinduism unlike Islam does not have restrictions on the Individual......there is no obligation by the individual to perform /or restrain from doing things to be accepted as a Hindu...everything is left to personnel choice and he does not get respect based on the extent of his religious beliefs but rather by his deeds in day to day life........you dont have to pray or go to a temple and still be a Hindu
you also have to consider attack on non-Shiias (e.g. Barelvis/Sufis/etc.)

their holy places have been attacked by TTP and like-minded groups. . .

a war of ideology fomented by external elements is taking place not a war of ethnicity within Pakistan

some do call it a genocide perhaps; i dont agree with such assessments. You shouldnt take that as down-playing the fact that totally innocent people are being killed

It is not something I'm trying to down-play the unfortunate incidents in this side of the border.

The holocaust was also ideological, but the ideology was imported by your own people. Blaming everyone just because your country could not do anything is so lame.

However, when you talk about my country and how minority are treated badly, I can't help but compare with a country which was partitioned at the same time and is in bigger problems but alas poster like you try to keep repeating Gujrat riots for what we already know "we told you so" Mentality of the TNT.

Also, you do not answer why 630 Shias are killed in 2012 alone? The dead is 100 less than Gujarat riots, the riots happened in 2002, 370 Hindus were also killed and yet not a single riot in Gujarat.

If we compare the figures from that excel, the dead cross 2000 if we calculate from 2002, and you compare with us, shameful.

And your media downplays the killings, watch the video, and your compatriots also down play the killings by saying that Pakistanis were killed. How pathetic.
Got issues?

Take a tissue.

Or go scram and find another forum where you will be accepted


what,are you still playing a popularity game dude?

I am just saying what i observe.

You really think by debating with a village idiot, you have a chance of having a proper discussion?


Pls,just feel like telling him.

once in a while need to recycle off negativity from the head.

Is not eating cow compulsory for Hindus?

yes,indeed it is.
What does Hindu tolerance had to do with this situation here? Security from a marriage procession? then what other processions they want security from? Did you see that radical Islamic organization(PFI which is actually banned in Kerala but not in TN) is involved in stirring trouble?
I have clearly said that majority of Hindus are tolerant. I am talking about extremist Hindus who proclaim that Hindus are tolerant, which is right, but on the other hand, they themselves can't tolerate Azaan of 4,5 minutes duration.
Muslims don't have any objection to any procession passing through their majority area. ( Actually , we should not say hindu area or muslims area, it is our indians area, since we are living together for thousands of years. In democracy, processions are allowed from any area. ). Why Muslims demand security is because , a few people from among the procession, raise provocative slogans, they damage properties also. That's why Muslims demand security. Muslims don't have any objection to your religious processions. It is your right.
They're not supposed to eat meat.

Just vegetables and dried fruit
Obviously your knowledge of Hinduism is flawed. There are a lot of non veg Hindus and horror of horrors some of them also eat beef

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