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Let’s rise against the war crimes of US and its fundamentalist lackeys!


Aug 31, 2008
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RAWA Statement on Massacre of over 150 civilians in Bala Baluk of Farah Province by the U.S.


As the US occupiers continue killing our innocent and sorrowed people without regret, this time they committed yet another horrible crime in Bala Baluk village of Farah Province. On 5th May 2009, the US airstrikes targeted people’s homes, killing more than 150, mostly women and children. This is another war crime but Pentagon shamelessly includes Taliban as the perpetrators too and announces the civilian deaths being only 12!

The so-called ‘new’ strategy of Obama’s administration and the surge of troops in Afghanistan have already dragged our ill-fated people in the danger zone and his 100-day old government proved itself as much more war-mongering than Bush and his only gifts to our people is hiking killings and ever-horrifying oppression. This administration is bombarding our country and tearing our women and children into pieces and from the other side, is lending a friendly hand towards the terrorist Gulbuddinis and Taliban -- the dirty, bloody enemies of our people-- and holding secret negotiations and talks with such brutal groups.

While our grieved people are burying the torn bodies of their loved ones in mass graves; the traitor lackey Said Tayeb Jawad, in his comfort in the USA, tries to dim the war crimes of his masters and about the killings of civilians, shamelessly salts people’s wounds saying, “this is a price we have to pay if we want security and stability in Afghanistan, the region and the world.”!

If his or other ignoble spies like him would lose their children and dear ones like the people of Bala Baluk, would they still become so stone-hearted and remain silent in the face of US/NATO war crimes in Afghanistan?

The only way our people can escape the occupant forces and their obedient servants is to rise against them under the slogans of: “Neither the occupiers! Nor the bestial Taliban and the criminal Northern Alliance; long live a free and democratic Afghanistan!”

link: Let?s rise against the war crimes of US and its fundamentalist lackeys! RAWA
NATO forces would not leave Afghanistan unless taliban is rooted out.

Than the NATO forces should quickly load 1000's of JDAM's to kill 7 Million Afgan's because they are here to stay and liberate thier country better get your facts straight since US been in Afganistan Pakistan Economy has decreased by alot they are not thier to help Afgan's they are there for thier own interest no one will spend $40Billion to make Afgan's people life better remmber the Kabul on 1970's 4 decades of War occupation the target is always things like Oil Power control in South-Asian Islamic Republic of Pakistan(Nuclear-Power) a very much threat to Humanity well US can continue to do these war crimes no one is watching everyone has blind folded thier eye's all we have to do is wait for Imam Mehendi with the Black Flag and we'll join the resistance "where theres a will theres a way".:pakistan:
Liberal Pakistani

Let us take responsibility for the poor shape of the economy - your research will reveal that at the core of our economic problems is the problem of politicizing everything, including the economy.

Pakistan was doing rather well when Mr. Musharraf ran things, but Pakistani version of so called "democracy" does not seem to be business friendly, instead it is "poor" friendly, which of course means money for nothing, with politicians as the middlemen.

A free and independent Afghanistan? US policy is undermining that goal on a daily basis.
"A free and independent Afghanistan? US policy is undermining that goal on a daily basis."

Really? Odd. I'd think a Pakistani policy that permits a defeated taliban army of the outlaw gov't that was tossed out in 2001 to reside comfortably on your lands while waging a war claiming more than half the afghan civilian casualties would be some cause to mitigate your ire.

Forty nations can bear our presence in Afghanistan without a hint that we impede afghani freedom and independance but the one people with a "strategic axe" to grind don't...

Guess you've a funny notion of free and independant. Will these men freely accede to elections? Never. You had that conversation with C.O., remember? Will Pakistan's intelligence and army attempt to influence their policies? Likely as they already do.

"After one of them, Qari Zainuddin Mehsud, was murdered by his bodyguard and had to be buried in a Shia graveyard in Dera Ismail Khan, his brother, Misbahuddin, defended the government’s Waziristan operation but also declared that the anti-Nato ‘jihad’ in Afghanistan would continue:

'Pakistan’s government [has] always supported us in the jihad in Afghanistan,'”

Skirmishes In Battle For Pakistan- DAWN

So much for free and independant.:tsk:
From the "About Rawa" text on the linked website:

The US "War on terrorism" removed the Taliban regime in October 2001, but it has not removed religious fundamentalism which is the main cause of all our miseries. In fact, by reinstalling the warlords in power in Afghanistan, the US administration is replacing one fundamentalist regime with another. The US government and Mr.Karzai mostly rely on Northern Alliance criminal leaders who are as brutal and misogynist as the Taliban.

RAWA believes that freedom and democracy can’t be donated; it is the duty of the people of a country to fight and achieve these values. Under the US-supported government, the sworn enemies of human rights, democracy and secularism have gripped their claws over our country and attempt to restore their religious fascism on our people.

Whenever fundamentalists exist as a military and political force in our injured land, the problem of Afghanistan will not be solved. Today RAWA's mission for women's rights is far from over and we have to work hard for establishment of an independent, free, democratic and secular Afghanistan. We need the solidarity and support of all people around the world.
It is de Rigeur among otherwise informed observers of the US presence in Afghanistan, that all of Afghanistan's problems arise from Pakistan.

All the Afghans have to do is to behave, alas, bad Pakistan - it does not have control over it's border with Afghanistan, as the US does over it's border with Mexico, for example - who in their right minds who imagine that US policy makers and Security services are the enablers of kinds of activity the US-Mexico border is characterized by??? and Yet, as we said before, it is de rigeur, Afghanistan has no internal problem, all of Afghanistan's problem reside in Pakistan and common sense is uncommon.

"Strategic Depth" was a discredited notion, yet today, it is not, it is not precisely due to US policy. Once policy makers begun to buy into their own information operation, "group think" begins to be confused with critical analysis.

In the end, as far as Afghanistan is concerned, US broke it, they must buy it and must accept responsibity; however; the US thinks even though the US broke it, it is Pakistan that must buy it, wise men say, be careful of what you want.
"It is de Rigeur among otherwise informed observers of the US presence in Afghanistan, that all of Afghanistan's problems arise from Pakistan."

"All"? Really? Poor pitiful innocent lil' Pakistan. Muse, "all" is an absolute and definitive term. Can you add some muscle behind your allegation for us with just ONE senior policy maker from the Bush or Obama administration that has cast this absolutism across your bow?

Of course not. Please avoid grandstanding for the local applause, if you don't mind.

It's de riguer to assume that Afghanistan had a host of MASSIVE issues over and beyond the small matter of an externally-directed afghan insurgency from Pakistani soil.

Fair to say you lads have complicated matters by an order of magnitude with your ongoing duplicity. Misbahuddin Mehsud's words are clear enough and are only the latest contribution to this ongoing self-indictment.
RAWA Statement on Massacre of over 150 civilians in Bala Baluk of Farah Province by the U.S.


As the US occupiers continue killing our innocent and sorrowed people without regret, this time they committed yet another horrible crime in Bala Baluk village of Farah Province. On 5th May 2009, the US airstrikes targeted people’s homes, killing more than 150, mostly women and children. This is another war crime but Pentagon shamelessly includes Taliban as the perpetrators too and announces the civilian deaths being only 12!

The so-called ‘new’ strategy of Obama’s administration and the surge of troops in Afghanistan have already dragged our ill-fated people in the danger zone and his 100-day old government proved itself as much more war-mongering than Bush and his only gifts to our people is hiking killings and ever-horrifying oppression. This administration is bombarding our country and tearing our women and children into pieces and from the other side, is lending a friendly hand towards the terrorist Gulbuddinis and Taliban -- the dirty, bloody enemies of our people-- and holding secret negotiations and talks with such brutal groups.

While our grieved people are burying the torn bodies of their loved ones in mass graves; the traitor lackey Said Tayeb Jawad, in his comfort in the USA, tries to dim the war crimes of his masters and about the killings of civilians, shamelessly salts people’s wounds saying, “this is a price we have to pay if we want security and stability in Afghanistan, the region and the world.”!

If his or other ignoble spies like him would lose their children and dear ones like the people of Bala Baluk, would they still become so stone-hearted and remain silent in the face of US/NATO war crimes in Afghanistan?

The only way our people can escape the occupant forces and their obedient servants is to rise against them under the slogans of: “Neither the occupiers! Nor the bestial Taliban and the criminal Northern Alliance; long live a free and democratic Afghanistan!”

link: Let?s rise against the war crimes of US and its fundamentalist lackeys! RAWA

White Supremacists around the globe should REPENT their EVIL DEEDS. :angry:
fair enough that "all" is a absolute term, however; it was not used to suggest anything other than the escapism US policy makers and security personnel engage in when they try to turn an internal Afghan problem into an external problem.

I have engaged with a good number of US policy makers and security personnel, and it is my strong impression, that on this issue, they drink their own bathwater, so to speak.

It's not skin off my teeth whether you choose to look at the issue in a larger persepective or your comfort zone does not move further than Pakistan; from your persepective US forces and 40 member coalition cannot offer solutions so long as sanctuaries remain in Waziristan, I encourage you again to consider carefully what you want, because you may get it.

US policy seems determined to deny that Pakistan have any legitimate interests in Afghanistan, and with or without the Islamist insurgency in Pakistan, such a position cannot remain long unchalleneged.
"White Supremacists around the globe should REPENT their EVIL DEEDS.:angry:"

Prove we intend to target these misfortunates. Prove that these actions haven't been an abiding concern that has our full and undivided attention...

...because, you racist POS, I can EASILY prove the intended targeting of these same unfortunates by your muslim islamo-fascists-

The Human Cost: The Consequences Of Insurgent Attacks In Afghanistan- HRW

Or here-

Afghan Conflict Monitor- Human Security Report Project

"UNAMA recorded 800 civilian casualties between January and May 2009, mostly in the south, south-east and eastern regions of the country. This represents an increase of 24 per cent over the same period in 2008, when 646 civilians were killed. According to UNAMA figures, 55 per cent of these deaths were caused by anti-Government elements and 33 per cent by international and Afghan forces (the remaining 12 per cent could not be attributed to any of the parties to the conflict)."

What explains intentionally attacking girls with acid?


Now go and suppress some Uighars or Tibetans.:angry:
White Supremacists around the globe should REPENT their EVIL DEEDS. :angry:

Utter nonsense, I distinctly remember RAWA agitating and protesting against the Pakistan backed Taliban torturing and killing women in Afghanistan in 1999-2000. Every one has seen clips of burkha clad women being shot in the back of the head by semi-literate Taliban terrorists on the edge of a football ground. I also remember the Pakistan backed Afghan regime in Kabul denying the attrocities while they destroyed the Bamiyan Buddhas. Where were the 'White Supremacists' then?

RAWA's concern is genuine, it speaks for the women and children of Afghanistan who have had a raw deal since the Soviet invasion, let us not side track the issue and give it a racial angle. Innocent Afghans are suffering either at the hands of white men from Moscow, Texas and London or brown men from Peshawar and Rawalpindi.
Than the NATO forces should quickly load 1000's of JDAM's to kill 7 Million Afgan's because they are here to stay and liberate thier country better get your facts straight since US been in Afganistan Pakistan Economy has decreased by alot they are not thier to help Afgan's they are there for thier own interest no one will spend $40Billion to make Afgan's people life better remmber the Kabul on 1970's 4 decades of War occupation the target is always things like Oil Power control in South-Asian Islamic Republic of Pakistan(Nuclear-Power) a very much threat to Humanity well US can continue to do these war crimes no one is watching everyone has blind folded thier eye's all we have to do is wait for Imam Mehendi with the Black Flag and we'll join the resistance "where theres a will theres a way".:pakistan:

Islamic fascism (not mainstream Islam) is the main threat to the world. Let me ask you this.....how many of you Taliban supporters believe that Islam will rule the world even if it takes the point of a gun? Or how many of you that are Shia believe in Abul-Qassem Mohammad returning? Iranian leaders hold to this belief and guide their policy decisions by it. Even believing they can help to hasten it.

Iran president paves the way for arabs' imam return
Nov 17, 2005


Persian Journal - Iran Latest News
His call for the destruction of Israel may have grabbed headlines abroad, but it is President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's devotion to a mystical religious figure that is arousing greater interest inside Iran.

In a keynote speech on Wednesday to senior clerics, Ahmadinejad spoke of his strong belief in the second coming of Shi'ite Muslims' "hidden" 12th Imam.

According to Shi'ite Muslim teaching, Abul-Qassem Mohammad, the 12th leader whom Shi'ites consider descended from the Prophet Mohammed, disappeared in 941 but will return at the end of time to lead an era of Islamic justice.

"Our revolution's main mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi," Ahmadinejad said in the speech to Friday Prayers leaders from across the country.

"Therefore, Iran should become a powerful, developed and model Islamic society."

"Today, we should define our economic, cultural and political policies based on the policy of Imam Mahdi's return. We should avoid copying the West's policies and systems," he added, newspapers and local news agencies reported.

Ahmadinejad refers to the return of the 12th Imam, also known as the Mahdi, in almost all his major speeches since he took office in August.

A September address to the U.N. General Assembly contained long passages on the Mahdi which confused Western diplomats and irked those from Sunni Muslim countries who believe in a different line of succession from Mohammed.

This fascination has prompted wild stories to circulate.

Presidential aides have denied a popular rumor that he ordered his cabinet to write a letter to the 12th Imam and throw it down a well near the holy city of Qom where thousands of pilgrims come each week to pray and drop messages to the Imam.

But what really has tongues wagging is the possibility that Ahmadinejad's belief in the 12th Imam's return may be linked to the supposed growing influence of a secretive society devoted to the Mahdi which was banned in the early 1980s.

Founded in 1953 and used by the Shah of Iran to try to eradicate followers of the Bahai faith, the Hojjatieh Society is governed by the conviction that the 12th Imam's return will be hastened by the creation of chaos on earth.

Ahmadinejad, who is only the second non-cleric to become president since the revolution, has made clear his immense respect for Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah-Yazdi, a deeply conservative cleric with close ties to the Hojjatieh-founded Haqqani theological school in Qom.

Persian Journal - Iran Latest News
Conspiracy theorists, never in short supply in Iran, allege that many members of Ahmadinejad's cabinet and other key appointees are Haqqani graduates and Hojjatieh followers.

"It seems that they (Hojjatieh members) have recently become more active and are spread through the government," said a political analyst who declined to be named.

"The president has repeatedly said his government will pave the way for the Imam's return."

But others point out that many former government officials, perceived as moderates, graduated from Haqqani.

Haqqani's continued links to Hojjatieh, though rumored, have not been proven and it remains one of the most prestigious theological schools in Qom.

Ahmadinejad's emphasis on the importance of development and justice to encourage the Mahdi's return, also suggest an important divergence from Hojjatieh thinking.

But he would be better advised to focus his speeches on practical rather than religious issues, said former Vice-President Mohammad Ali Abtahi.

"Of course, we must pray for the return of the Imam, but we must also tackle inflation and unemployment," the reformist cleric told Reuters.
"...it was not used to suggest anything other than the escapism US policy makers and security personnel engage in when they try to turn an internal Afghan problem into an external problem."

"Escapism", eh? Tell that to Mr. Misbahuddin Mehsud. He and about 20,000 other militants in your Islamic Emirate of Waziristan would disagree that "escapism" is at play.

Flesh and blood reality on your side of the fence or do you typically prefer dissemblance?

"from your persepective US forces and 40 member coalition cannot offer solutions so long as sanctuaries remain in Waziristan..."

Actually, from my perspective we offer solutions in Afghanistan DESPITE these sanctuaries persisting as a real and largely unreachable problem for us over the last eight years...

...and, evidently now, you too are finding these sanctuaries unreachable. Good. After all, be careful for what you ask, correct?

"US policy seems determined to deny that Pakistan have any legitimate interests in Afghanistan..."

"...Any...?" There you go with your peculiar sense of absolutism. Despite the ISI's pathetic attempts to mentor your taliban proteges in the past, last I checked your government still maintains four consulates and one embassy-exactly the same as India, in Afghanistan. Please explain your legitimate interests that are so impeded by us in a "free and independant" Afghanistan, if you wouldn't mind?

...unless Pakistan expects something above and beyond the rest of mankind WRT Afghanistan as "legitimate"...

...you know, like dominate its political milieu with a bunch of islamo-fascist "loons" that you've stayed in bed with all these many years since 9/11.

If so, mankind can't afford to permit you a second go. It will likely result in more of the same for the rest of us.

"I have engaged with a good number of US policy makers and security personnel, and it is my strong impression, that on this issue, they drink their own bathwater, so to speak."

I REALLY rather doubt so. I'm sorry but you stretch the bounds of your credibility here as, naturally, you won't be able to offer names of such (to protect the not-so-innocent:lol:).

Please refrain from these over-the-top diatribes unless you can produce, again, ONE SINGLE COMMENT BY A POLICY-MAKER from the Bush or Obama administration that has uttered such nonsense. They don't even have to be these interesting acquaintances of yours. I happily settle for a newspaper article and a quote from an attributed policy-maker that it's America's intent to deny you your legitimate interests (whatever THEY are) so that your "sources" may remain protected.

Naturally,again, you can't.

We're much too clever to be so quoted in public. Just private conversations with you, correct?;)

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