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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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each case must be analysed separately. In this case it appears that cops have done a custodial killing and should be made to pay for it.

politics is a side track which will continue even on matters like helping the flood victims.

Cops have been doing custodial killing since 1947. (I am omitting British India for obvious reasons)

Till date NO Political Leadership has been framed for such death.

Let us not pick and choose the cause of justice as per our whims and fancies, or should we ?
You missed the obvious dichotomy ...... one can be withing the law and still be unethical. :azn: Clearly Law does not define ethics.

Yes, but laws, by and large have a common moral and ethical core. And for the religious, it comes from the wisdom contained in his religion. In a Hindu India, laws would be based on dharma, and not on an alien Anglo- Saxon code which makes the judicial process so opaque ,frustrating and inaccessible. But an atheist can have no moral code to fall back on as his world view is that humans are simply aggregations of dead matter. So what is wrong with murder -- it is after all just a set of molecules rearranging another set and there is no net loss of matter.
Do you really thing motive here to provide justice to victims ???

People only opposing it because of motivation of that italian lady and her lazy son ....

Well lets agree to disagree,otherwise we are going around in circles and this enough fighting with fellow Indians for tonight,may be someday we can both agree on something.:)
Do we need exaggeration every time.... is it always all or none? ... Is there something called calibrated response or are we simply robots ? Sanatan Dharma makes a clear distinction between sadharan dharma and apad dharma. Nobody is advocating that the police kill all criminals without trial.. and you know that it does not happen that way. That is why there are special units who are specialized in encounters and whose job is to kill terrorists or other gangsters who cannot be brought to justice otherwise.

I have already answered this. Several times.

Encounters where both sides are armed and shooting at each other are different from those where unarmed prisoners are killed.

Special units were created to match armed criminals in managing arms and weapons. Not to kill unarmed people.
Yes, but laws, by and large have a common moral and ethical core. And for the religious, it comes from the wisdom contained in his religion. In a Hindu India, laws would be based on dharma, and not on an alien Anglo- Saxon code which makes the judicial process so opaque ,frustrating and inaccessible. But an atheist can have no moral code to fall back on as his world view is that humans are simply aggregations of dead matter. So what is wrong with murder -- it is after all just a set of molecules rearranging another set and there is no net loss of matter.

Law are equivalent to Rules in a game, and Judges are equivalent to Referees. There is no greater cause than the most efficient way to keep order and let business as usual continue.

Ethics and Morality on the other hand has religion guiding it, along with customs and practices of that particular society.

I will let the Atheist speak for himself.
I am not aware of the incident where fbi shot a person. even if they did should be trialed in the law, same with these cops, if you believe killing four people was a mistake (I don't understand what kind of mistake can happen which leads to the death of four people ?I believe it was very much intended and planed )let it be, let the investigation team submit the report and let the court give a verdict.

FBI shot Todashev during interrogation before signing confession

People make mistakes was my point as we are humans we have vices, lust, greed, anger etc is in each of us and yes sometimes one of those vices gets the better of us and before you know it a person is dead sad but these things happen and India is not unique in this.

Dude, tell me honestly (and no bull$hit if you think that despite our differences we are friends)- do you really believe that Modi will make CBI incdependent? Both you and I know that he will use CBI as a victimization tool the same way the congress has.
Yes, but laws, by and large have a common moral and ethical core. And for the religious, it comes from the wisdom contained in his religion. In a Hindu India, laws would be based on dharma, and not on an alien Anglo- Saxon code which makes the judicial process so opaque ,frustrating and inaccessible. But an atheist can have no moral code to fall back on as his world view is that humans are simply aggregations of dead matter. So what is wrong with murder -- it is after all just a set of molecules rearranging another set and there is no net loss of matter.

I hope my comment wouldn't be seen as an intrusion for I don't want to pass any judgement or give an opinion on what you do in your own country but a question does come to mind :

I was under the impression that Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism etc. were spiritual traditions & not organized or codified in the least bit as Islam, Christianity or Judaism are. Abrahamic Religions might have the Shariah, the Justinian Code & the Talmudic Laws as different Legal Paradigms derived from them but what do you mean when you say 'Laws based on Dharma' ?
I will ask you to see this really brutal video of a Black unarmed man being shot dead by cops in USA and tell me is India the only country where mistakes be it by accident or purpose (due to anger in a heated moment) occur?

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Special units were created to match armed criminals in managing arms and weapons. Not to kill unarmed people.

They were not a normal civilians but terrorists, first you should agree with that.
When christians and muslims vote on religious grounds and claim to be 'secular', there is a 'conflict of interest'. Too bad you do not wish to see this obvious truth.

Best you can do is resort to name calling :P

But you have already claimed something in your previous post :lol:

Having congress in power has brought out Ram Sena into moral policing. Are you in denial ? :disagree: ........ if anything, having BJP in power will remove this kind of reactionary force.

Now more desperate 'secular' tactics by invoking 'Taliban' and 'Afghanistan' :lol: ..........does this also come under the new Goodwin's law ?

Now you are calling MODI and BJP loonies :angel: .... and you expect to be taken seriously.

This is your problem... You are arguing more about the things you are imagining than what others are writing here.. Where did I call Modi and BJP as loonies? I said with Ram Sena and Bajrangdal like loonies on loose, you really think there will be peace?.. Sheesh, is it really hard for you to understand anything anyone says here? Ram Sean was bought into Policing because of congress?? :omghaha: Tell me seriously that you believe what you just said... And do you really think that Bajrangdal or Ram Sena was doing anything better than Taliban in Afghanistan?
FBI shot Todashev during interrogation before signing confession

People make mistakes was my point as we are humans we have vices, lust, greed, anger etc is in each of us and yes sometimes one of those vices gets the better of us and before you know it a person is dead sad but these things happen and India is not unique in this.
fbi incident happened in a struggle and is different than a custodial killing, isn't it ? here in our case primary enquiry reports suggest that it was a fake encounter and victims were already under police custody.
I hope my comment wouldn't be seen as an intrusion for I don't want to pass any judgement or give an opinion on what you do in your own country but a question does come to mind :

I was under the impression that Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism etc. were spiritual traditions & not organized or codified in the least bit as Islam, Christianity or Judaism are. Abrahamic Religions might have the Shariah, the Justinian Code & the Talmudic Laws as different Legal Paradigms derived from them but what do you mean when you say 'Laws based on Dharma' ?

They come under the Dharmic law but each of the religions has their own philosophies

Dharma is an important term in Indian religions. In Hinduism it means 'duty', 'virtue', 'morality', even 'religion' and it refers to the power which upholds the universe and society

Dharma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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