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India’s Indigenous Engine-making Programme Kaveri to be Revived

Go ask Nehru, he is the only one in India knows the whole story.

Well,he is dead so i cant ask him but still we are occupying force as per your govt then you should throw us out as you yourself stated we are no match for Chinese military.
You guys should make an example out of us.
If you mean border treaty...for that china has to give us maps showing where the chinese think is their land.
Both side shall possess what they have at hands, what about that? Stop help those Tibet rebellion personel and we keep away from those Maoist.

Well,he is dead so i cant ask him but still we are occupying force as per your govt then you should throw us out as you yourself stated we are no match for Chinese military.
You guys should make an example out of us.
We have enough deterent force to keep you guys at bay, but comtemplate India is not we're interested in. Do you think it's at China's very benefit to topple a country with population of sheer size like India? Nonsense. We are not uncle sam.
Both side shall possess what they have at hands, what about that? Stop help those Tibet rebellion personel and we keep away from those Maoist.

We have enough deterent force to keep you guys at bay, but comtemplate India is not we're interested in. Do you think it's at China's very benefit to topple a country with population of sheer size like India? Nonsense. We are not uncle sam.

Why on earth would we invade when we occupy your land makes no sense.
You guys support those Maoist i didnt know:D
As far as Tibet goes i don't think we support any armed rebellions against china.
The situation now is that Japan wanna utilize USA to topple China, while USA try to insigate Japan acting proxy to sabotage China's rise. Inida plays an important role in Asia, which side he choose might give huge impact in the future. If India keep neutral, China will have to pay India back in the coming decades.
The situation now is that Japan wanna utilize USA to topple China, while USA try to insigate Japan acting proxy to sabotage China's rise. Inida plays an important role in Asia, which side he choose might give huge impact in the future. If India keep neutral, China will have to pay India back in the coming decades.

Payback by giving another 1962,besides when things were getting better you guys went camping:D
The relationship between China goes like' we are no friends, and we are no enemy either'. In our generation, both youngs shall make the decision which way we direct.

Payback by giving another 1962,besides when things were getting better you guys went camping:D
The true story is just not that simple disclosed by your Media.....We are nolonger camping there, you see?

If anything like 1962 happens again, the relationship will fall into darkness forever.

That's why both side show restraint in the end.
The relationship between China and India falls right in the bracket of England and France in 1800 century.
The relationship between China goes like' we are no friends, and we are no enemy either'. In our generation, both youngs shall make the decision which way we direct.

The true story is just not that simple disclosed by your Media.....We are nolonger camping there, you see?

If anything like 1962 happens again, the relationship will fall into darkness forever.

Only if our young's get elected:oops:
Well as i said nobody knows the future,lets hope for the best,but if you guys do invade don't bomb Nagpur for at-least next 2 weeks, i am playing GTA5 and i don't have a generator.
I wish Kaveri a great success in the future, but i don't want it used against China.

Only if our young's get elected:oops:
Well as i said nobody knows the future,lets hope for the best,but if you guys do invade don't bomb Nagpur for at-least next 2 weeks, i am playing GTA5 and i don't have a generator.

You really got a sense of humor, wish you all the best in your exam.
Sir ji, if I am correct then Blisk manufacturing is used in even the compressor fans and the turbine disks (hot stage)...it used to be an issue, back in 2011 the GTRE honcho specifically stated that we had issues with it, similarly TBCs (YSZ is just at lab sample stage according to someone I know, that is one BIG hurdle- if we can get the yttria stabilized zirconia coatings to work that will be a boon), add to that single crystal blades- the 2013 demo didn't state which gen the blade belonged to.

Could you elaborate on which components of the engine require blisk?

I am not sure which issue were specific to blisk process, blisks to my knowledge can be manufactured by CNC machining and or investment casting, now single crystal or monocrystalline lattice has nothing to do really with the blisk but with the controlled cooling of the material most likely in investment casting with the use of catalyst and additives for Fe-ti alloys. because of allotropy of steel, it's the funkiest material, based on the iron carbide diagram for the material, it can exist in multiple lattice structures which ca be manipulated for pecific applications, I am not sure how they achieve it in gtre. Now when I think of it, i can reckon why that might be an issue. For manufacturing of the blisk, i dont think that would be a huge issue, but yes the mono crystalline lattice for the the alloy might have posed problems especially if the alloy wasn't from home made recipe.

For your second question, I cant answer it, I have never worked with engines hence i dont know much about it....
Kaveri is failed project lets hope next one will be a success.

Let me apologise for this comment beforehand.

Standards of passing failures when are purely based on dynamic requirements of a the customer, the tolerances for the target numbers do not matter according to most testing standards. Same goes for product testing issues when concerns in test points are purely subject to quality/production and not performance. I have no qualms in accepting the failure of kaveri, but the ease with which people declare the failure of kaveri (or LCA) is undiscerning to me. I wonder how many of other national projects or initiatives have been subject to the same scrutiny, how many initiatives in the country started with a projected goals but never achieved them, If we collectively start listing them, it will become quite grim, very soon.

kaveri project as a tech demonstrator for the world and as indigenous project for me is is worth it's weight in gold.... so I would say cheer up... This was the first engine we made(and won't be the last), and it did not blow up. All iz well!!
So after humiliating failures India decides to import engines from Russia, America or UK and then call them "domestic Kaveri" :lol:
So after humiliating failures India decides to import engines from Russia, America or UK and then call them "domestic Kaveri" :lol:
@WebMaster... Sometimes I wonder if there is any advantage of having members who have nothing worthwhile to contribute on the forum or are these brilliant examples of AI bots you have created for humor??
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