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When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’

That's true but some posters here are just beeing childlish,mostly they're upset that they didn't do the colonising themselves.

There's a funny guy on the first page of the thread saying that peace loving indians didn't come to Europe to colonise.I guess he didn't get the memo :They didn't come because they were primitive and couldn't,not because they were lovers of peace.For God's sake those poor indians in S. America were terring the hearts out from their captives while they were still alive!! Nice peace loving culture :o:

Your people have done nothing for the course of history yet you have the audacity to claim you are superior to another because you share the same skin colour as the British and Americans? Romania was irrelevant then as it is now. Your history is pure savagery: one genocide after another.
"Most contemporary commentators thought the Hindu-Muslim conflict a serious factor.[55] It was even claimed by a leading politician that ‘Bengal had been deliberately starved out by other provinces’ which refused to permit the export of grain"

Western propaganda,white man lies !! in 3,2....

Punjab province of British India produced bulk of British India's food grains. Both Punjab and Bengal had slight Muslim majority. I can't understand how can there be even a religion conflict in this case.
Your people have done nothing for the course of history yet you have the audacity to claim you are superior to another because you share the same skin colour as the British and Americans? Romania was irrelevant then as it is now. Your history is pure savagery: one genocide after another.

Buhuhu,cry me a river,still,we weren't running around naked sacrificing people to the snake god in the 16th century like the native americans.
"The world's first large refinery opened at Ploiești, Romania, in 1856-1857".Gave nothing huh?.......In the 19th century while you were civilised with a stick by the british,Romanians openen the first oil rafinery in the world,built the first concrete silos in the world,build the largest railway bridge in Europe at that time all by themselves. :))

Don't get me started on country bashing clown.Behave!
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It was the interview of the writer of the well-known book "Churchill's secret War", even British media published news about it. But you know nothing apart from your wikipedia fed knowledge. you already showed your knowledge about the topic.

BBC News - What David Cameron did not apologise for

True, i didn't know nothing about Bengal famine before today, however what i do know now, contradicts your delusions on several points which i mentioned above, namely poor harvests for several years, cyclone, tidal waves, mismanagement, war effort....

Shit happens, in war that much more so. Deal with it.
True, i didn't know nothing about Bengal famine before today, however what i do know now, contradicts your delusions on several points.

Shit happens, in war that much more so. Deal with it.

That's a history now, Britain is no more a superpower or a colonial power. Modern Britain need her former colony America's support everywhere.
That's a history now, Britain is no more a superpower or a colonial power. Modern Britain need her former colony America's support everywhere.

I see, out of arguments and you had to add one more rant just for good measure. Other then this i don't see the relevance of this post.
True, i didn't know nothing about Bengal famine before today, however what i do know now, contradicts your delusions on several points which i mentioned above, namely poor harvests for several years, cyclone, tidal waves, mismanagement, war effort....

Shit happens, in war that much more so. Deal with it.

This Indian guy is taking all the opportunities afforded to him by Churchill to remind us that India was created by Britain and is bind together by its railways and its languages.
This Indian guy is taking all the opportunities afforded to him by Churchill to remind us that India was created by Britain and is bind together by its railways and its languages.
This was meant to be a "crucify the white man" thread! We are unwanted here!

You got it right this time!! Dumb *** !! You are nothing but "UNWANTED filth" , here in this part of the world :sniper:
You got it right this time Dumb *** !! You are UNWANTED filth , here in this part of the world

Beggars can't choose.



oh and the majority of the population in third world would love to move to where filth lives.
This Indian guy is taking all the opportunities afforded to him by Churchill to remind us that India was created by Britain and is bind together by its railways and its languages.

I can understand your loyalty towards your liberators.
I see, out of arguments and you had to add one more rant just for good measure. Other then this i don't see the relevance of this post.

Ok Audiovic, I will no more comment.
You are forgetting Winston Churchill and the death of millions of people in Bengal because of him. He even stopped others to help the dying people of Bengal.
I agree..... their (britisher's) brutality was no less... unfortunately, they are the one who wrote the history... 
And rightfully so,he's a great explorer,the whole world owes him big time.He was a man of his time,we can't judge him by today's standards,people were ruthless all over the globe in the 15th century,portraying some of them only in a negative light just to suit biased agendas against europeans is ridiculous.

LOL... so why should anybody judge Hitler by today's standard?? see the fallacy of your statement? Not all people were ruthless in 15th century. Even white people like Bartamole de las Casa knew what they did/doing was wrong. No where in my comment I lumped all Europeans (or white or black) together.... stop praising evil people just because they are white...

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