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France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

But then why didn't Stalin protest against the renaming of Russian /Germanic Cities after Communist "revolutionaries" such as the City of St. Petersburg (Petrograd) to Leningrad, or Konigsberg to Kaliningrad, etc Why didn't he return the old names of these cities.

Typical of Soviet Communism, erasing European heritage and replacing it with a Bolshevised version.

Soviet Union in NO WAY was considered to be a European/Christian entity.

Obama and other Liberals in power in the West all have a active Communist/Marxist history. The writings of Karl Marx and his book The Communist Manifesto has had a great influence on their political ideology and world view.

The same Karl Marx and his Communist Manifesto from which your Soviet Union and its Bolshevik founders derive their political ideology.

Perhaps Stalin might have differed a little here and there, but he had the same expansionist/globalist Atheistic Communist agenda as did his Bolshevik predecessors.

Today's Russia, perhaps yes, but your beloved Soviet Union, NO!!!

Soviet Union, founded on the slaughter of the Czarist monarchy as well as millions of wealthy peasants, who were the only European soul within Russia, cannot be considered a European Christian entity by any means whatsoever.

Secondly, whether you like to believe it or not, Hitler's Germany was a thousand times more Christian and European than Atheistic Soviet Union which is why Hitler had the support of millions of Europeans from all over Europe both Christians and Muslims alike:


Stalin got absolute power only in 1939 , when he finally managed to dislodge Litvinov - last real agent of Western financial impact on the USSR ( Litvinov long before the Revolution oversaw financial flows between Western intelligence and revolutionaries ) .
Stalin stopped killing priests. Stalin restored office of Moscow Patriarch.
USSR period - the peak of Russian power . Of course I would love it and admire the achievements of the Soviet period. It would be foolish to repent for Gagarin, victory over Hitler mad dog , social package and other achievements .
Russia certainly will regain its former power, but ideology of new Union will be different. It will be based on spirituality , collectivism , morality, honor. And all the political forces and just people living in Europe will see in Russia the last bastion of white Christian European civilization.
Russia has no plans for expansion. Russia only wants to restore its territorial integrity, impaired in 1991.

Your "territorial integrity" are the lands around Muscovy and Novgorod,the rest is built and stolen on the graves of others.

Even Sankt Peterbursg belongs to Finland.Europe will not know peace until Russia ceases to exist.
Your "territorial integrity" are the lands around Muscovy and Novgorod,the rest is built and stolen on the graves of others.

Even Sankt Peterbursg belongs to Finland.Europe will not know peace until Russia ceases to exist.

Saint Petersburg rightfully belongs to Sweden and all lands around Riga were all historically Swedish lands.
Saint Petersburg rightfully belongs to Sweden and all lands around Riga were all historically Swedish lands.

Indeed.It was part of the Swedish Empire when they were stolen by Russia.It is mind boggling seeing the Russians living on huge swats of stolen land yet still asking for more while they deny others small territories which belonged to them since immemorial times,see Moldova,Northern Bucovina,etc.
please examine the phenotypic resemblance of a european gypsies and an indian rajput:



These guys looks very Indians but most of the Gypsies don't look like Indians, others look mix of Middle Eastern and South European people.
A native Frenchman is person whose ancestors were, through the ages, from France, and of Gallic and Visigothic (western Germanic) ancestry. A native Frenchman is a white-caucasian.

A Frenchman is an individual who sings pride to see the tricolors of France, who is passionate about the glorious history of France, its military, its cultural and artistic contribution to Europe and the World, its political machinations per se the republicanism that practically changed the very political fabric of Europe during the early 19th century.

Immigrants who come to France from Africa, Middle East, Asia who hold antagonism to the French State, the French people are not true Frenchmen, but are considered ingrates. They are there, thorugh the graces of the French government that allows and endorses a liberal policy of immigration in the spirit of egalite, fraternite and liberte. It is unfortunate that there would be others who would take advantage of the innate goodness and noble character of French people and the nation of France...

Vive La France...
I think you should be more worried about the USA turning into the united states of Mexico.
Russia certainly will regain its former power, but ideology of new Union will be different. It will be based on spirituality , collectivism , morality, honor.

Sounds a bit just like the old , collapsed Soviet Union.

Europe will see in Russia the last bastion of white Christian European civilization.

How so? Since you propose lands to be included into this new Russia -- to include areas that are inhabited by muslims , particularly central asians. If you propose a collectivist unity , then your government would make sure not to favor one religion over the other. Thus, this being the case, it would be antithetic for this new Russia to be a 'white Christian European civlization' at the same time touting itself to be a Eurasian union.

You need to check yourself, dude. Hypocritical comments and nonsensical.

Indeed.It was part of the Swedish Empire when they were stolen by Russia.It is mind boggling seeing the Russians living on huge swats of stolen land yet still asking for more while they deny others small territories which belonged to them since immemorial times,see Moldova,Northern Bucovina,etc.

In my honest opinion, it would be beneficial for Romania to form strong military partnerships with its neighbors with a common goal to contain further Russian movement. Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece need co cooperate even closer.
In my honest opinion, it would be beneficial for Romania to form strong military partnerships with its neighbors with a common goal to contain further Russian movement. Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece need co cooperate even closer.

Greece and Bulgaria are Russophile nations.Entire Eastern flank of Europe should strongly cooperate as a strong linked chained,from the North true Sweden/Finland/The Baltics through the center via Poland and Romania to the South-Turkey.
"True democracy"? Bombing and dismembering Yugoslavia - this is democracy? Bombing of Iraq - democracy? When in France, a million people came to the protest rallies against the legalization of same-sex "marriages" - but the government pretended it did not see or hear people - democracy?
A referendum on the reunification of the Crimea with Russia - not a democracy?
Russia has the right to restore its territorial integrity. Any country has the right to do so. In the U.S., there was a war to prevent secession of the southern states. And it was right. Russia also has the right to reclaim the ancient Russian lands.

Yugoslavia was already dismembered, only Tito could keep the country together.
They have hated each other for 100 years+.

It was Serbia which was bombed due to repression of Albans in Kosovo.
they were not exactly popular for taking Europeans hostages, and used as human shields.
No territorial demands behind that one. Only punishment for outrageous behaviour/Crimes vs Humanity.
None of this action was taken for the benefit of E.U. nor U.S.A.

Saddam started the first Gulf War. He is to blame for that.

The second Gulf War, as I see it was a result of Left Wing symphatizers
who wanted to lift all sanctions on Iraq, combined with Russia, which wanted to
protects its investments and thus blocked most things in the Security Council.
The US would have none of that.

This war had much less support in Europe than the first Gulf War.
Technically, while U.S. intelligence mostly failed in WMD, Saddam tried to assassinate
George H. Bush after the first Gulf War. This is a reason for a new war.
Very hard to sell to both E.U. and Amerians though.
Americans are now mostly out of Iraq, so again no war for territorial gain.
Saddam gone is good. now he Sunni and Shias need to learn how to share power,
but that is their problem.

Russia on the other hand, first let its armed forces take control, then it speeds through an election
without political debate, with the goal of territorial gain.
It is funny, that out of 2 M Crimeans, only 100,000 applied for a Russian passport.

If Crimeans had done it like Scotland, noone in West would complain.

Russia has the same right to claim Ukraine and Bielorussia as Hitler had the right to claim Sudetenland - None.
Bordes can change, but only after mutual agreement.

There is a TV series alled "The Rise of the Nazi Party"
Episode 5:
Hitler had two goals.
First unite Germans to become a stronger nation, then start conquering territory.
Hitler sent in thugs to start trouble in Sudetenland, then demands a referendum, then demanded
annexation because of 100s of Germans killed every day (false claim).
What happened later we all know.

Putin follows exactly the script of episode 5.

A parallell story in E5 is the assassination planned by German Officers.
Maybe the world is saved from World War III by Russian Officers.

As for the US Civil War, this was started by the Confederate attack on Fort Sumner.
Indeed.It was part of the Swedish Empire when they were stolen by Russia.It is mind boggling seeing the Russians living on huge swats of stolen land yet still asking for more while they deny others small territories which belonged to them since immemorial times,see Moldova,Northern Bucovina,etc.
Yes but noone in Sweden is interested.
We are content being happy for the Baltic countries,that managed to slip out of the Russian grip.
Don't even want Finland back. Would spoil one of the major games of the IceHockey World Championships.

Maybe this is the real gameplay by Putin!

Yugoslavia was OBVIOUSLY split up for a single purpose.
To get more votes in the EuroVision annual Schlager contest.
While they had a single vote before and noone really cared about Yugoslavian music,
now they ave a zillion votes and they only vote for ex-Yugoslavian countries.

Putin is OBVIOUSLY trying to recruit new players for the Russia national IceHockey team.
He must have realized that Canada was out of reach, but that Blue/Yellow team winning
the Olympic silver he should be able to get his hands on.

Man, he is going to be PISSED, when Ukrainan players do not perform as well as during the Olympics.:pissed:

With some luck, he won't find out that it was Sweden, who won the Silver medals.:whistle:
Yes but noone in Sweden is interested.
We are content being happy for the Baltic countries,that managed to slip out of the Russian grip.
Don't even want Finland back. Would spoil one of the major games of the IceHockey World Championships.

Maybe this is the real gameplay by Putin!

Yugoslavia was OBVIOUSLY split up for a single purpose.
To get more votes in the EuroVision annual Schlager contest.
While they had a single vote before and noone really cared about Yugoslavian music,
now they ave a zillion votes and they only vote for ex-Yugoslavian countries.

Putin is OBVIOUSLY trying to recruit new players for the Russia national IceHockey team.
He must have realized that Canada was out of reach, but that Blue/Yellow team winning
the Olympic silver he should be able to get his hands on.

Man, he is going to be PISSED, when Ukrainan players do not perform as well as during the Olympics.:pissed:

With some luck, he won't find out that it was Sweden, who won the Silver medals.:whistle:

I was just adding some context,fortunately,besides Russia ,nobody has teritorial claims in Europe.

Still waiting for Russia to join the civilisation train.
I was just adding some context,fortunately,besides Russia ,nobody has teritorial claims in Europe.

Still waiting for Russia to join the civilisation train.

To quote Gen. George S. Patton,

"The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian have no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk."
Greece and Bulgaria are Russophile nations.Entire Eastern flank of Europe should strongly cooperate as a strong linked chained,from the North true Sweden/Finland/The Baltics through the center via Poland and Romania to the South-Turkey.

You have the means - you guys are in the western, capitalist, democratic, and heavily-industrialized nations, with the tools - NATO -

This block can also benefit from maintains stronger ties with pro-Westerner countries like the UAE, and Jordan - which are anti-Russia as well.

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