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Taliban suffocate Pakistan Buddhist heritage

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ok let see what exactly culture means....

"The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought."

I like to see how many pakistanis in this forum has same culture? as Texila, or Buddhism. Also how knowing, infact watching that the people of texitla were Buddhist or something benefits any one?
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Do you realize that by quoting the Babari Mosque incident to defend your argument, you are actually supporting its destruction?

Please do not put this fact as if it is an ideology endorsed by entire Indian population. Lal Krishna Advani led a mob that was funded and instigated by the Rashtriya Sevak Sangh to commit such act for the purpose of becoming a prominent name in national level politics. It had nothing to do with logic or outlook of Indians. It is, and considered by Indians, a crime! Hence the Liberhan Commission.

I doubt you will find any sane person in India praising that dastardly act of Advani, although you over there are surely supporting similar acts by the Taliban.

What ever Talaban did during their rule in Afghanistan , they are answerable for it.
I told you the basic islamic teachings about idols , logic behind is to stop idol warship and divert attention of people towards Allah can only full fill their wishes and needs.
whabis are the savage who even destroys the Holy Grave of Daughter of RASOOL(SAWW). What do one expect from wahabi Taliban funded by Saudi.

?BBC Urdu? - ?????? - ?’ ????? ?????? ???‘?

It is not secterian issue ,pl dont say Saudi Arabia advised Talaban to destroy idols:lol::lol::lol:

Sirk is haram at any shape or form , Islam dont allow it. No one have powers of Allah .
What ever Talaban did during their rule in Afghanistan , they are answerable for it.

Then let them answer, and do not advocate them.

I told you the basic islamic teachings about idols , logic behind is to stop idol warship and divert attention of people towards Allah can only full fill their wishes and needs.

If you meant 'worship', then the idols destroyed by Taliban were not for worshipping purposes. They were Buddhist idols for god's sake! They are not worshipped!!! :hitwall:

Now the museums are also on their radar. Tell me please, have you ever seen, or even heard of, anyone going to a museum to worship an idol?

Do not cling to a point merely because it is yours. Before you make an argument, please check reasoning behind it.
Sirk is haram at any shape or form , Islam dont allow it. No one have powers of Allah .

Shirk is to ascribe partners to allah and praying at a grave does not match the the criteria.......how come in the last thousand odd years no body had a problem with graves ect but the saudi-wahabis found a problem with it........do they know more about islam then the people that came before them.

Next time your ill dont go to the doctor......only ask allah to make you better otherwise its shirk?
It is not secterian issue ,pl dont say Saudi Arabia advised Talaban to destroy idols:lol::lol::lol:

Sirk is haram at any shape or form , Islam dont allow it. No one have powers of Allah .

If u believe in Qurran than look what Qurran says about Shirk?

Worshiping the Idol of your Nafs(Desires) is Shirk which would put most people in hell rather than deceive by iblees.

No diff. between saudi and taliban idealogy both are salfis.
Mehmood Gaznavi destroyed Somnat Mandar , well know in muslim history as Butshikan , Muhammad PBUH destroyed 360 in Makkah .

Islam dont allow idol worship .

Do you support TTP's action if they destroying these idols in Pakistan? and did you support Afghani Taliban's action of destrying those statues of Budhaa in Afghanistan?
How come Mehmood Gaznavi did not destroy the bamiyan buddhas.

He was not overfed with the arsenal he did not know what to do with, unlike the Taliban, which, when couldn't find any humans, used it to 'kill' the lonesome rocks.:undecided:
He was not overfed with the arsenal he did not know what to do with, unlike the Taliban, which, when couldn't find any humans, used it to 'kill' the lonesome rocks.:undecided:

yes! Taliban were still hungry after filling a Mass graves with Thousand of Shias in Bayman and Harat.
The region that is today known as Pakistan once had a large Buddhist population, with the majority of people in Gandhara (present day North Western Pakistan and Eastern Afghanistan) being Buddhist. Gandhara was largely Mahayana Buddhist, and was also a stronghold of Vajrayana Buddhism. The Swat Valley, known in antiquity as Uddiyana, was a kingdom tributary to Gandhara. There are many archaeological sites from the Buddhist era in Swat.

The Buddhist sage Padmasambhava is said to have been born in a a village near the present day town of Chakdara in Lower Dir District, which was then a part of Uddiyana. Padmasambhava is kanown as Guru Rinpoche in Tibetan and it is he who introduced Vajrayana Buddhism in Tibet.

Buddhism was also practiced in the Punjab and Sindh regions.

Gandhara remained a largely Buddhist land until around 800 AD, when the Pashtun people invaded the region from Southern Afghanistan and introduced the Islamic religion.

Most Buddhists in Punjab reverted to Hinduism from 600 AD onwards. Buddhism was the faith practiced by the majority of the population of Sindh up to the Arab conquest by the Umayad Caliphate in 710 AD.

Buddhism in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Today there are hardly any Buddhists left in Pakistan.
Islam 173,000,000 (96%) (nearly 70% are Sunni Muslims and 20% are Shi'a Muslims).
Hinduism 3,200,000 (1.85%)
Christianity 2,800,000 (1.6%)
Sikhs Around 20,000 (0.001%)
The remaining are Parsis, Ahmadis, Buddhists, Jews, Bahá'ís, and Animists (mainly the Kalasha of Chitral).
Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But it doesn't mean we destroy the Buddhist archaelogical sites found in Pakistan. We dont follow Buddhism today, but its important to protect the archaelogical sites and statues and we can display them in the museum so people can learn about our past. We dont worship those statues, but there's no harm in examining those ancient artifacts.
Here is a link to the historical interactions between Buddhism and Islam in the sub-continent done by a Buddhist scholar and approved by the Dalai Lama himself. It dispels many myths about how Islam spread and asserts that this was over 100s of years and peaceful in nature and is certainly an interesting and authentic read based on monastery chronicles among others. The main blow to buddhists in afghanistan and central asia came from the mongol hordes who went on to wreck havoc on muslims all the way to Baghdad as well.

Historical Sketch of Buddhism and Islam in Afghanistan

The Historical Interaction between the Buddhist and Islamic Cultures before the Mongol Empire
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