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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

not very good at history either?

we grabbed land from china in outer Manchuria but so did every power at that time: France, Portugal, Britain, Germany & Japan


But unlike the British we took land that wasnt inhabited while they took Chinas crown gem Hong Kong and forced then to buy their drugs
we grabbed land from china in outer Manchuria but so did every power at that time: France, Portugal, Britain, Germany & Japan


But unlike the British we took land that wasnt inhabited while they took Chinas crown gem Hong Kong and forced then to buy their drugs
Look at this 'history' map,all the good places are out of China.Who made it?
Up to the KOREA and right to the BHUTAN.
we grabbed land from china in outer Manchuria but so did every power at that time: France, Portugal, Britain, Germany & Japan

im talking about chickening out when chinese had to deal with usa.

But unlike the British we took land that wasnt inhabited while they took Chinas crown gem Hong Kong and forced then to buy their drugs

lol really? u guys have long history of backstabbing other nations. as a matter of fact these idiot mullahs who r dragging iran into shit forgot that it was your guys that took away 40% of the country in 1813 and 1828 respectively.

at least britain gave back hong kong in good condition :woot:, on the other hand wherever you guys set foot has turned into shit.
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China, Russia vow to advance cooperation

(Xinhua) 09:45, May 20, 2014

Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang (R) meets with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin during the chairmen meeting of the joint commission for the regular meetings of Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers in Beijing, capital of China, May 19, 2014. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)

BEIJING, May 19 -- Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang on Monday held talks with Russian Deputy Prime Minster Dmitry Rogozin in Beijing.

Wang, also Chinese Chairperson of the Joint Commission for the Regular Prime Ministers' Meetings of China and Russia, praised the close and effective coordination between the two governments, saying the two sides have made full preparation for the upcoming meeting between the two leaders in Shanghai.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay a state visit to China from May 20 to 21 at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping and attend the fourth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia in Shanghai.

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping said last week that China and Russia are expected to reach agreements on natural gas during Putin's visit.

Wang called on the two sides to give full play to the role of the high-level supervision working group on bilateral strategic projects, and actively push forward key cooperative projects, to boost bilateral pragmatic cooperation and achieve mutual benefits.

Rogozin, the Russian chairman of the intergovernmental commission, said Russia is willing to work with China to improve the efficiency of the cooperative mechanisms between the two governments, expand the areas of cooperation and actively push forward bilateral cooperation on strategic projects.


Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang (front R) and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin (front L) sign a meeting memos after the chairmen meeting of the joint commission for the regular meetings of Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers in Beijing, capital of China, May 19, 2014. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)

China, Russia vow to advance cooperation - People's Daily Online
we grabbed land from china in outer Manchuria but so did every power at that time: France, Portugal, Britain, Germany & Japan


But unlike the British we took land that wasnt inhabited while they took Chinas crown gem Hong Kong and forced then to buy their drugs

At that time, Britain was already an industrialized country with the rest of the worlds as its market and raw material supplier , China was forced into the Western's system by opium. Russia was a different example, you are not as industrialized as the west in 19th century, you even didn't abolish the Serfdom. When the opium began, you were even not well prepared for the industrialization. It was in late 19th century when you finished it, although it was done, not the same level as west Europe. So you only interested in grabbing as much land as you could, while the west care more about whether their product sold well in a 0.4 billion population market. This is one reason why they give the land back to China, they only focused on economy aspects. Another reason would be the distance, they were far from China, they couldn't control the situation.
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im talking about chickening out when chinese had to deal with usa.

lol really? u guys have long history of backstabbing other nations. as a matter of fact these idiot mullahs who r dragging iran into shit forgot that it was your guys that took away 40% of the country in 1813 and 1828 respectively.

at least britain gave back hong kong in good condition :woot:, on the other hand wherever you guys set foot has turned into shit.

Yeah it's true, but now we have to cooperate with Russia.
I always thought that Yeltsin is main one responsible, Gorbachev is just the straw that broke the camel's back.

The leadership continuity issues was huge. One of the reason for the later instability in USSR was the rapid change of leadership between Andropov and Chernenko due to advanced age. Fun fact, this is actually one of the reason Jiang Zemin rose to power. After Chernenko, the Chinese leadership realized that problem with leaders that are 70+ years old and begun a program to promote younger leaders. Jiang is among the group of people fast tracked by the program. It was fortunately that Deng himself is so long lived (lived to 93) that by the time of his death , enough 50 to 60 year olds are in office that the next generation leaders can transition smoothly.
Yeltsin, Yakovlev, Gaidar, Chubais, Kravchuk, Shushkevich and others - a consequence of the criminal policies of Gorbachev.
In one of his speeches in American universities Gorbachev boasted that he managed to destroy the Soviet Union for six years. He did it with conviction and purpose.
I want to see our country take higher technology cooperation with Russia to a new level. Let cooperate with Russia Space agency for a manned mission to outer planet. If NASA rejects us, let do it with Russia.
Without a doubt, our relations will improve, as it should be among friends and neighbors.
My opinion about the Soviet leader ? In short. Lenin made the world's first socialist revolution. He is no doubt a great man. His main mistake was that he created the Soviet Union as a federation rather than as a unitary state. Stalin was greatest among Soviet leaders. Moreover , I believe that Stalin - one of the greatest men in the history of mankind. He picked up power in a semi-feudal war-ravaged Russia and left it as superpower. He helps to many nations in the fight against Western colonial empires and the puppet pro- Western regimes. Khrushchev destroyed much of what made Stalin . The worst that Khrushchev did - he made a criticism of Stalin than caused irreparable damage to the image of communism in the eyes of all mankind . And he destroyed the State Planning Commission - a powerful office, thanks to the hard work of which the Soviet economy reached 20 % growth.
Brezhnev partially corrected the errors of Khrushchev , but not enough. Under Brezhnev, the Soviet Union lost leadership in science . Andropov was a strong man , General . He planned cleansing ranks of Party from Western agents which in 80`s has been a lot. He was killed , as well as Stalin. About Chernenko I know nothing , except that he was very old and very sick.
Gorbachev - history rightly will put him on par with Judas and Brutus . The greatest traitor for two thousand years. Absolutely despicable person .
I really wish you can educated our little brother Vietnam on the history of Sino-Soviet split. They been blaming us for backstabbing them when in fact it was the traitorous Khrushchev that ruin our Communist brotherhood.
I want to see our country take higher technology cooperation with Russia to a new level. Let cooperate with Russia Space agency for a manned mission to outer planet. If NASA rejects us, let do it with Russia.
I also think that Russia should cooperate in space not with the West - with China and India.
Greatest Chinese leader in history is Mao. Other names you said came about due to Mao's hard work. Without Mao there is no modern China. Mao formed his own party, got support from the peasants and resisted the Japanese military, defeated the American puppet KMT, kicked the colonial foreigners out of China, kicked US out of North Korea, beat India, got back Xinjiang and Tibet, put satellite into space, built nuclear weapons, built missiles, increased Chinese population to give advantage we have now, gave China an independent foreign policy, protected Chinese sovereignty, etc

Mao was a revolutionary and a charismatic man. The job of others were made pretty easy due to the foundation laid by Mao. Mao made a few economic mistakes in his later years that were costly in human life and resources but never ever forget all the positives he contributed to China. Mao had to do all the hard work. What he did is 1000 times harder than doing a bunch of economic reforms like Deng Xiaoping and Zhu Rongji. China had nothing and Mao protected Chinese interests with very limited resources.

China was in the biggest mess in our history with very strong rivals and China at its weakest, yet Mao somehow strengthened Chinese power. For that, Mao is the greatest Chinese that ever lived.
Mao is no doubt one of the top Chinese leader but objectively speaking, it depends on era and time. In time of war, Mao is the best. In peace time, Deng is the best. Mao provided the foundation for modern PRC but his mistake in economy almost broke China's back and his aggressive stance almost got nuke from the USA. I will say that Mao got great help from Zhou Enlai. He played a very instrumental role in keeping Mao from turning into an insane anti-foreigners leader when at the time China needs help from the outside. I say, Mao couldn't swallow his ego and pride for the betterment of China progression. Deng, on the other hand, didn't have the help of a man like Zhou Enlai on his side. He shaped China economic foundation and turned it into what it is today. Deng also managed to hide China ambition but would not hesitate to use force if he had too. Remember his threat on British Margaret Thatcher into peeing her pant on HK issue? That is legendary. Had China follow Deng's model as soon as PRC was form, China would be in the developed club by 1980s. Also I don't believe Deng will ever allow foreign powers to intrude in China proper. He was one of the revolutionary leader, very instrument in keeping China out of trouble.

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