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Awami League MP Ilyas Molla and AL youth wing leaders burn down Bihari camp and kill 10 Bihari's


Dec 14, 2008
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10 Bihari killed by India backed Awami League regime terrorists

There had been clear media report that Awami League terrorist unable to get illegal electricity connection from Stranded Pakistani (otherwise known as Bihari) camp, attacked and killed 10 people. It was also reported local Awami League MP was behind the attack as stated by Stranded Pakistani organization. Picture published in different newspapers clearly shows rather one sided attack by joint Awami League directed police and party terrorists.
This is latest episode of mass killing at the hand of illegal Awami League regime which has mandate only indian backing.

1) Awami League terrorist who killed these stranded Pakistanis.
Their leaders also blamed Juba League activists, said to be close to the local lawmaker Elias Uddin Mollah.
Armed Juba League and Chhatra League men attacked the camp with machetes and burnt several houses locking up the doors from outside in the presence of the police.
They said that that Elias Mollah had demanded illegal power connection the camp transformer three days ago. As they refused to do so, Elias’s people threatened them.

- See more at: 10 dead in arson attack on Mirpur Bihari camp

2) Awami League MP was identified behind these killings.
বিডিটুডে.নেট:কালশীতে বিহারী হত্যাকাণ্ডে এমপি ইলিয়াস মোল্লা জড়িত!
3) Picture clearly shows Awami League directed police was shooting at these stranded people.

A witness, Abdur Rahman, who along with his daughter became wounded with bullets, told New Age that ‘instead of protecting us, law enforcers were asking the miscreants to intensify the attack.’ -

4) Awami League regime has NO legitimacy and in power only because of indian backing and use of gunpower. And stranded Pakistani are latest victim of that.
Indian interference and proxy war against Bangladesh
Add all these facts clearly shows stranded Pakistanis (otherwise know as Biharis) are latest victim of india backed illegal Awami League regime killings.

যুবলীগ নেতা জুয়েল রানা, সেন্টু ও শরিফুলের নেতৃত্বে বিহারী ক্যাম্পে আগুন দেওয়া হয়

14 Jun, 2014 পুলিশের উপস্থিতিতে যুবলীগ নেতা জুয়েল রানা, সেন্টু ও শরিফুলের নেতৃত্বে কলোনীতে পেট্রোল ঢেলে অগ্নিসংযোগ করা হয়েছে বলে অভিযোগ করেছেন স্থানীয় বিহারী বাসিন্দারা। তাদের আরো অভিযযোগ পুলিশ এমপি ইলিয়াস মোল্লার লোকজনের পক্ষালম্বন করে তাদের লোকজনকে গুলি করেছে।

ঘটনার পর বেলা দুইটার দিকে বিহারী ক্যাম্পের বাসিন্দা আমিরুল ইসলাম বলেন, ঘটনার পর বেলা দুইটার দিকে কথা হয় ক্যাম্পের বাসিন্দা আমিরুল ইসলামের সঙ্গে। তিনি বলেন, বেশ কিছুদিন ধরে স্থানীয় এমপি ইলিয়াস মোল্লার সঙ্গে তাদের বিরোধ চলে আসছে। সর্বশেষ তিনদিন আগে কালাপানি ক্যাম্প এলাকার বিদ্যুৎ সংযোগ কেটে দেওয়া হয়। সেখানে তাদের কলোনীর প্রায় ৪শ’ পরিবারের বসবাস। বিষয়টি নিয়ে তারা কথা বলতে গেলে স্থানীয় এমপি ইলিয়াস উদ্দিন মোল্লা সাফ জানিয়েছিলেন, ওই এলাকায় বিদ্যুৎ সংযোগ আর দেওয়া হবে না।

বিডিটুডে.নেট:যুবলীগ নেতা জুয়েল রানা, সেন্টু ও শরিফুলের নেতৃত্বে বিহারী ক্যাম্পে আগুন দেওয়া হয়

10 Biharis killed in capital

Biharis have claimed that local Bangali youths vandalised some houses and looted valuables of the Biharis
Nine members of a Bihari [stranded Pakistani] family have been burnt alive following a clash between the Bangali and Bihari community people in Kalshi of the capital's Mirpur area on Saturday morning.

Another person, who received severe bullet injuries, died at Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

The nine victims of the Bihari family are - Baby, her sons Lalu and Bhulu, her daughters Farzana, Shahana, Afshana, Rukshana, Shika, wife of a son and Shahana's son Maruf.

Imtiaz Ahmed, Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, Mirpur Division, has told about the identities of the deceased.

- See more at: 10 Biharis killed in capital | Dhaka Tribune
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RIP to the departed souls.

Now even local clashes are orchestrated by R&AW? :woot:
RIP dead....

The word terrorist, is the most misused word in PDF.....
Rest in peace. And please stop crying wolf every time and running away from acknowledging your own internal failures.
For installing and backing Awami League illegal and terror regime, india own responsibility of all killings in Bangladesh.

We are proud of Installing our Puppet regime named Awami League.
RIP to the dead.
For installing and backing Awami League illegal and terror regime, india own responsibility of all killings in Bangladesh.
Are you sure about all killings ? When is Bakhreed anyway.
Aren't these the descendant of the people who were most positive about the prospect of a Muslim Homeland in South Asia? Their ancestors fought for the cause of Pakistan more aggressively than the native Pakistanis themselves. Now they are rotting and getting killed in their dreamland (Muhazirs in Pakistan, Biharis in Bangladesh). :cheers:

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