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Was Iraq better off under Sadam Hussein ?

1-As someone who actively took part in various anti-war demonstrations in Canada during the spring of 2003

i salute you, sir. you went out and protested while most south asians in south asia went about their typical south asian life... schools, colleges, jobs, families, weddings, festivals, fastings, prayers...

i too tried to do something in india in 2003, on a personal level.
That's the nature of humans, when they are not satisfied with something, they tend to stick to the past, even if it wasn't any better. Saddam is the sole reason that Iraq was attacked, came to verge of financial collapse and a human crisis and finally was invaded and overthrown. He killed tens of thousands of Kurds and Shiites, executed every single opponent, started 2 unnecessary wars that broke the country and now we are where we are.

it's like saying North Korea is better off now because it has no terrorist attacks. Groups like ISIS will not tolerate any Shia even breathing, let alone ruling a country. So, na matter how much mistakes Maliki has, it still doesn't matter because these scums want to eradicate every single Shia and 'infidels' from the globe. If it wasn't for Saddam's stupid policies, Iraq would be a major economic powerhouse in ME, even far better than countries like UAE or Qatar, because they didn't even exist when Iraq was a prosperous country in late 60s and 70s.

PS: I also forgot to say that many Sunnis were slaughtered because of his wars.
So you're saying that if a different president was in charge America wouldn't have attacked Iraq? Please... No offense but I thought an Iranian would know that America will do whatever the crap it wants in the world because there's noone to stop it.
@Malik Alashter I'm from Egypt. All I'm saying is that, at least from where I see, Iraq was a much safer place during Saddam's ruling. Also, the regime that supports American and shakes their hand after America destroys their country is not in any way democratic.
In my opinion, Saddam should not have invaded Kuwait , and should have merely consolidated its power and rebuilt itself after the Iraq-Irani War. The loss of Iraq's military power, led to such power vacuum that has allowed many organization(s) to capitalize on.


Saddam was tricked into invading kuwait by the U S ambassador of that time.

My reasoning is that it was the U S armoured corps generals behind this invsaion and setup leading to the invasion. Those who do not understand what I m saying---need to read up on cold war---. During the cold war----armour was king in the u s military----those who operated the tanks and the generals who commanded those corps---they walked with their heads in air. When the berlin wall came down---these tank commanders were shocked that suddenly they have become a nobody---they won't be needed anymrre---cut backs were coming---massive cutbacks---the cavalry is gone---the pathetic and low life infantry is going to be back in power again.

There was a massive power struggle going in the the corridors of pentagon. In relation to what Paf is to pakistnis and to pak military---the armour and armour commanders were to the U S military----. This whole of first gulf war was to save the united sttaes armoured corps and its future---.

The next step is to understand how stupid the the generals of the rest of the world were when they were assessing the results before the gulf war---.

In their analysis----they had totally forgotten that 500 american tanks were to take on 3000 russin tanks. The chinese generals---the pkistani generals were warning the U S that it will get very tough time from the iraqis--& I was shocked---@ their lack of understanding the might of the U S militry armour & its support group.

I wrote about that to many pakistni papers in pakistan and in the u s s well---but none published my articles----it was warning to the pak generals to not make stupid comments---the U S armour will smsh thru the iraqi forces like never imagined before.

But the pkistanis never learnt----all thru the years they were taunting the u s to come fight them---paks are not iraqis---even on this board---members like gnostic muslim, blaine 2 and many others. They mde fun of me for many years---till salala check post incidence happened and pak militry kept on watching the slaughter of their soldiers for 4 1/2 hours.

For the chinese generals---it was truly a wake up call---they had the cob webs cleared out of their heads---. In the 1st hours of the gulf war they shocked beyond belief to relize that they would not be fighting a war with the united states any time for a long long time---pakistnis on the other hand were stupid enough to think otherwise---they really really though that their air force could take on the u s for sometime----fools.
Millions of innocent people lost their lives, and plenty more still dying today, and you didn't feel a thing? Sad, very sad!!

You're right. Sadaam killed tons of Kuwaitis. I'm GLAD we whacked him and his kids out. See, I feel happiness. You helped me get in touch with my feelings. Thanks !!:yay:
@Web Master

how can this thread proceed calmly after post no. 57 ( boomslang's contribution ) ?? how can @Abu Nasar so calmly come up with defaming shaheed saddam hussain and post some conspiracy theory video ( which i won't watch )?? how can khomenei lovers ignore the part the irani mullah-burqa perverts of khomenei iran played in murder of 2+ million iraqis in brutal ways between 1980 and 2014?? how can boomslang ignore what i wrote to him in reply and then calmly reply to some else this below...

You're right. Sadaam killed tons of Kuwaitis. I'm GLAD we whacked him and his kids out. See, I feel happiness. You helped me get in touch with my feelings. Thanks !!:yay:

@Nihonjin1051 your choice to call for closing this thread. such heartless people on this thread...
As an administrative unit and as a country. Definitely
Same can be said for Hafizul Asad
People of Iraq need a hardened leader to lead with an iron fist. Their attitude is not suitable for democracy.
there is no evidence of that. Just because they are in bad state now does not mean that will last forever.

i salute you, sir. you went out and protested while most south asians in south asia went about their typical south asian life... schools, colleges, jobs, families, weddings, festivals, fastings, prayers...

i too tried to do something in india in 2003, on a personal level.
lot of indian muslims did not know what saddam was. I wish they meet an iraqi face to face.

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