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Satanic Temple to distribute materials to school children in Florida

Well how can it be a secret if you know all about it? :D
So you don't know a lot about satanism, because it's all about destroying innocent people, especially the children and the virgins. Satanism is about evil and what is more evil than destroying the children who are totally innoncent?
To please God, you must behave well, and at the opposite to please Satan you must do the most horrible things possible

You lost your bet just to let you know.
Or maybe you are not aware of the events of your country.
So you don't know a lot about satanism, because it's all about destroying innocent people, especially the children and the virgins. Satanism is about evil and what is more evil than destroying the children who are totally innoncent?
To please God, you must behave well, and at the opposite to please Satan you must do the most horrible things possible

Nah, Satan is pretty easy to please. All he wants is for us not to obey God, that is all. Have you not seen The Devil's Advocate?
Yes! They are far better than florida, What do you think is the worst state ever?

According to Satanic worship or some other criterion? Don't we need to stay on topic? :D
Look at the statue again, satanists are well known for their mental problems about the children. They love corrupting, raping, killing the children

I don't live in USA, but i bet they are like in France where there are suspicions of organized pedophile lobby among the elite

The secret sabathean satanic children sacrifice

What happens in France has nothing to do with the USA.
The term 'satanism' is mere propaganda to show atheists in a bad light. If Atheism is satanism, then i'm a Satan worshiper.

Count me in too. I think it was Einstein who said people fighting over religion are fighting over whose imaginary friend is better.
What happens in France has nothing to do with the USA.
You have a point here, in France it's rather the pedophile pole of JEW NATO, USA is the violent and satanic pole
No, but you think you know more about my Country than I do.
Do the knowledge you are speaking about include believeing for example that your country fight against Assad the dictator, to help the poor syrian rebels?

I might not know about the daily events of your country, but for the most important events we're equal
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