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How can civilians complain against defence personnels?


Apr 11, 2012
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I was going on Shahrae Faisal and it was too crowded because of CNG line next to a petrol pump when a 4 vehicle convoy entered the traffic. They started sounding horn so that cars move away.
When they passed me cars behind me sounded horn signalling me to move forward. I was on a motorcycle so I moved on the side of the convoy.

The military police personnel sitting in the last car showed me his gun as telling me that he is armed and can shoot and moved it in a manner as telling me to move back.

Now I have two questions, can military police show their weapon to the civilians?
Second, this is a standalone question, can civilians complain against defence personnels? And if we can, to whom?
Just be grateful you were not shot, and move on with your life.
And you call that equality? Bad answer, I did not hope people would react in such tone.
On one hand you praise if people stand against VVIP culture on other you try to shut me up? Why?
It because of people like you Sarfaraz shah type incidents take place.
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And you call that equality? Bad answer, I did not hope people would react in such tone.
On one hand you praise if people stand against VVIP culture on other you try to shut me up? Why?
It because of people like you Sarfaraz shah type incidents take place.

It is not a matter of equality. Security personnel have the guns. You do not. Please act accordingly for your own safety, that is my point.
It is not a matter of equality. Security personnel have the guns. You do not. Please act accordingly for your own safety, that is my point.
Sir, I beg your pardon. But as per the rules military persons cant scare civilians by guns. And we should complain to the authorities if the defence personnel transgress
Sir, I beg your pardon. But as per the rules military persons cant scare civilians by guns. And we should complain to the authorities if the defence personnel transgress

If you wish to proceed, you will need to identify the personnel involved to see who their superiors are and then try to approach them formally with the details. I can only say good luck to you. Please be aware that it may be you who is charged with obstruction of their official duties if they are found not to be at fault by their commanding officer.
If you wish to proceed, you will need to identify the personnel involved to see who their superiors are and then try to approach them formally with the details. I can only say good luck to you. Please be aware that it may be you who is charged with obstruction of their official duties if they are found not to be at fault by their commanding officer.
Thank you for the information. But is there any department that handle the complains?
They were MPs, though I will not complain about that matter as I do not know his rank or regiment but for information what I want to know is that isn't there any centre like AS&RC that facilitate complains from civilians?
Sir, I beg your pardon. But as per the rules military persons cant scare civilians by guns. And we should complain to the authorities if the defence personnel transgress
Bahi jee idher tu PM ko bhee agay laganay ke examples mojod hin hum aur tum kia cheez hin :-)
They were MPs, though I will not complain about that matter as I do not know his rank or regiment but for information what I want to know is that isn't there any centre like AS&RC that facilitate complains from civilians?

You could try writing a letter to the relevant Corps Commander, politely describing all the details about the incident if they were indeed MPs.
I was going on Shahrae Faisal and it was too crowded because of CNG line next to a petrol pump when a 4 vehicle convoy entered the traffic. They started sounding horn so that cars move away.
When they passed me cars behind me sounded horn signalling me to move forward. I was on a motorcycle so I moved on the side of the convoy.

The military police personnel sitting in the last car showed me his gun as telling me that he is armed and can shoot and moved it in a manner as telling me to move back.

Now I have two questions, can military police show their weapon to the civilians?
Second, this is a standalone question, can civilians complain against defence personnels? And if we can, to whom?
1. The MP personnel can show you a weapon if they perceive you (or anybody for that mater) a threat.

2. If it was possible to capture that episode on a video or if you got a few witnesses , a case can always be filed in the nearest police station but it wont do anything for there is no law in Pakistan any more, thanks to corrupt politicians. You were indeed lucky it was a military police guy for if it was a regular Police constable who was on VVIP duty protecting a corrupt politician, he could have actually shot you dead and you were not here asking posters if a mechanism of complaint exist.
1. The MP personnel can show you a weapon if they perceive you (or anybody for that mater) a threat.

2. If it was possible to capture that episode on a video or if you got a few witnesses , a case can always be filed in the nearest police station but it wont do anything for there is no law in Pakistan any more, thanks to corrupt politicians. You were indeed lucky it was a military police guy for if it was a regular Police constable who was on VVIP duty protecting a corrupt politician, he could have actually shot you dead and you were not here asking posters if a mechanism of complaint exist.

1. He did not perceive me as a threat as I said earlier the traffic was a lot crowded due to CNG line next to moving vehicles. He just wanted us moving people to stop so that his convoy can pass while the others kept stuck in the jam.

2. Last time I went to police station when my mobile was snatched but they did not lodged an FIR instead asked me to write an application and signed it saying if they find it they will call me. I don't suppose that type of complain will make them do some action.
As you mentioned 'I would have been shot' isn't that the culture that should be changed? Or will we see more of those murdered innocently? and keep our voices shut.

Though, I will try to keep a camera next time.
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