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What must Pakistan and Afghanistan do to prevent terrorists from executing their agenda?

Sounds like your judgement has been clouded with emotion.

This was my view and has been my view for years.

I will not forget who gave arms and training to them.

Uncle Zia?

I also will not forget that it was we who brought this on ourselves when we joined the american war.

Uncle Zia again?

That area was quiet until it was inflamed by Musharraf and us when we made it a drone friendly, free-fire zone and killed those people's children. Only a fool would not see the obvious backlash coming.

You know the history do you? Do you!?
Tell me the exact history, from day one and point out where you think this leads us to today, if you do that, I will concede to you.

I still think the only to bring peace is to hang the foreign intelligence operatives,

The only thing foreign intel does is, provide money through illicit means and black markets to arm people like the TTP, for whom you're the apologist.

Sound logic there.

shoot down the drones,

The same ones we request?

start a truth and reconcilliation process with the civilians living in FATA and


prosecute the terrorists within the confines of the law.

Our law or their law? They seem to ignore our law, and have declared open war against the state and it's laws.
If it's their law, then they believe they've done nothing wrong.

Have a listen to yourself, YOU are part of the problem.
This was my view and has been my view for years.

Uncle Zia?

Uncle Zia again?

You know the history do you? Do you!?
Tell me the exact history, from day one and point out where you think this leads us to today, if you do that, I will concede to you.

The only thing foreign intel does is, provide money through illicit means and black markets to arm people like the TTP, for whom you're the apologist.

Sound logic there.

The same ones we request?


Our law or their law? They seem to ignore our law, and have declared open war against the state and it's laws.
If it's their law, then they believe they've done nothing wrong.

Have a listen to yourself, YOU are part of the problem.

Sounds like you are aplogising for the foreign intelligence agencies. Money is the lifeline of all these incidents. Hang the money givers and the river dries up. And if you think that accusing me of being a TTP aplogist will make me subscribe to your opinion out of some fear, you are sorely mistaken. Bush employed the same silly tactic a decade ago.

Why don't YOU tell me how much terrorism in Pakistan has increased after Musharraf joined the americans. It was never our duty to help kill innocent Afghan women and children for Bush's evangelical religious agenda. And yes, we use OUR law to prosecute people in OUR country. What else did you think we would use? The laws of Nigeria?
Sounds like you are aplogising for the foreign intelligence agencies.

Sounds like it to you. I would like to see every foreign irritant that damaged us via Afghanistan, bled dry.

How you like them apples?

Money is the lifeline of all these incidents. Hang the money givers and the river dries up.

Money + ideology. If you think this is purely a money and foreign funded problem, you're very wrong, no man would be killed in Pakistan unless there's a Pakistani somewhere willing to take that cash and willing to subscribe to that ideology.

And if you think that accusing me of being a TTP aplogist will make me subscribe to your opinion out of some fear, you are sorely mistaken. Bush employed the same silly tactic a decade ago.

You may not be a TTP apologist, but you are surely misguided as to the origins of the TTP, origins of extremism in Pakistan and how to deal with it.

I would call you a Zia, JI, apologist of the apologist, apologist of the ideology.

Why don't YOU tell me how much terrorism in Pakistan has increased after Musharraf joined the americans.

Sky rocketed.

Now tell me sunshine, why did it sky rocket, what was missing and what was there, where were the taliban before 2007.
Extremism must be rooted out from society.

Obama figured it out when he called it a hearts and minds battle, though Obama's a tool and a murderer in himself.

It was never our duty to help kill innocent Afghan women and children for Bush's evangelical religious agenda.

I won't defend Bush's pointless and wrong war. I'm saying that in our own war, the root cause of terrorism is extremism in our society and not just instability in Afghanistan. You admit to that??

When up against, you and unanimous world support for a war in Afghanistan. What mr mighty, religious whiteknight, would you have done?

Please enlighten me, in clear, proper words, tell me, what would YOU have done?

And yes, we use OUR law to prosecute people in OUR country. What else did you think we would use? The laws of Nigeria?

Don't you get it?

THEY DON'T WANT YOUR LAW. THEY FIGHT YOU, they have been fighting you, where they go they impose their own laws.

So how do you try people by your laws, when they're willing to die before they comply?

Enlighten me, God dammit.

you keep on jumping around. Please do not spread confusion.
I am just saying that , Pakistan has mastered extensive 3rd level covert ops tactics through milita where TTP indirectly was a part of it to check Indians in Afghanistan, when TTP is not there, how are you supposed to do it?
I have one more doubt, did US pressurize Pakistan to carry out operations against TTP?
I am just saying that , Pakistan has mastered extensive 3rd level covert ops tactics through milita where TTP indirectly was a part of it to check Indians in Afghanistan, when TTP is not there, how are you supposed to do it?
I have one more doubt, did US pressurize Pakistan to carry out operations against TTP?

TTP was never used against India or Afghanistan.

Now I understand the source of your utter confusion. There are about 10+ different militant organizations active in Pak-Af theater.

Please learn about them, as you are mixing up names and roles.
TTP was never used against India or Afghanistan.

Now I understand the source of your utter confusion. There are about 10+ different militant organizations active in Pak-Af theater.

Please learn about them, as you are mixing up names and roles.

so which groups is Pakistan actually targeting? Because from April 2014, TTP started breaking.

Khousrani formed a new group TTP-Jamaat ul Arhar, by making alliance with Arhar ul Hind, and is no more part of TTP.
Arhar ul Hind , broke away from TTP because they did not want peace talks with Pakistan.
TTpunjab and groups.
TTP south Waziristan, are they also targets and haqqani? Or they are assets?
Operation needs to be carried out by ISAF in eastern Afghan border not ANA as they are not capable. Its a simple request but yet to be actioned. I don't understand by telling us ANA have conducted operation but their army chief is saying Fazullah is not in the country does not inspire confidence.

If ISAF is unable to give this guarantee then PA should move in for operation themselves. I would give a deadline of 6 months. If not PA will move in May to secure Kunar and Nuristan.
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Operation needs to be carried out by ISAF in eastern Afghan border not ANA as they are not capable. Its a simple request but yet to be actioned. I don't understand by telling us ANA have conducted operation but their army chief is saying Fazullah is not in the country does not inspire confidence.

If ISAF is unable to give this guarantee then PA should move in for operation themselves. I would give a deadline of 6 months. If not PA will move in May to secure Kunar and Nuristan.

Afghanistan: 151 rebels killed in Kunar province | Asia-Pasific | Worldbulletin News

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