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Four Indians among 15 dead as Taliban bombers attack Kabul

Militants are also mixed up in IRAQ & AFGANISTAN, Then civilian deaths there are also justified. Also, deaths in Pakistan too, the story is same.
JANA you are hard working & very good in proprganda and deserves promotion in your company (ISI).:partay:
Militants are also mixed up in IRAQ & AFGANISTAN, Then civilian deaths there are also justified. Also, deaths in Pakistan too, the story is same.

My comment was in reply to your Indian member who was saying "if all 17 killed were Indians"

JANA you are hard working & very good in proprganda and deserves promotion in your company (ISI).

wooh your first post and you are so concerned with me :azn:

Welcome again
@Righteous Fire - thanks for derailing the thread with a picture of Mr Bal Thackerey.. geez his fan following is greater in Pakistan than in India :)

@AM - interesting theory .. Could be true .. I don't think this will increase hostility from India and cause anything on your Eastern front. India will take it lying down as it has done before and move on.

Unfortunately we Indians will get nothing more than sympathy for what has happened. We have left our entire Afghanistan policy in the hands of the Americans who seem to be in a hurry to cut a deal with Taliban and Pakistan and exit the region.
I feel India should align with Russia and Iran to keep the Taliban out after the US leaves. We need to resurrect the old Northern Alliance which we supported before 9/11. Hopefully the US will join us in this endeavor.
All countries need to get moderate Pashtuns on the side of a secularism, moderate and democratic Afghanistan. India needs to show more spine and leadership in the battle over Afghanistan.
@Jana - interesting .. you seem to advocate cross border strikes against Indians in Afghanistan - they are fair game in your view as they are terrorists who are harming Pakistani interests.

By the same logic India and US is entitled to take on terrorists on your soil. Better move aside and let us do the dirty work!

If Pakistan forms terror camps in Afghanistan and foment terror attacks directly in India from there just like the Indian terror camps are striking Inside Pakistan, Then Indeed You are free to strike those camps IN Afghanistan.

Not on my soil.:pop:
Kabul attack: 2 armymen among 9 Indians dead, special plane being to bring bodies
PTI, Feb 26, 2010, 09.09pm IST

NEW DELHI: India is sending a special aircraft to Afghanistan to bring back the bodies of its nationals including army officials, who died in suicide attacks in Kabul today.

A team of army officers and officials from the Ministry of External Affairs will also visit Kabul to review the security situation there in the backdrop of the attacks.

At least nine Indians were among 17 people killed as Taliban suicide bombers carried out a string of attacks in the heart of Kabul, targeting Indian interests in Afghanistan.

A Boeing 737-200 aircraft from the Palam-based Communication squadron will take off from here tomorrow morning to bring back all the dead bodies and those injured, IAF officials said here.

The Indians, who died in the incident, include two army officers, government officials, an ITBP constable and a tabla player who was part of a cultural delegation to Afghanistan.

Five other army officers were also injured in the attack.

The bombers struck at a number of guest houses, particularly at Park Residence, rented out by the Indian embassy for its staffers and those linked to India's developmental work in Afghanistan.

Kabul attack: 2 armymen among 9 Indians dead, special plane being to bring bodies - India - The Times of India
And Indians say we are conspiracy theorists and believe in them, while neglecting their own flavor for conspiracy theories. :rofl::rofl:

plenty of room for surprises......one can expect anything from those people
Your allegations of Indian involvement in terrorism have not convinced anybody other than yourself

If my Gov believes , i am more than convinced , We dont need compliance from a third party to evaluate our reports as true or false ...!
Morever If the world dosent gives a **** abt the Indian activities of sponcering terrorism inside Pakistan , than Pakistan is also not bound to hold back .. infact it reserves the right to do whate ever in its power to defend itself ..!
We all know what these so called Indian "medical officers" are up to in Afghanistan...one of the army officer's was involved in a fraudulent forced marriage with an Afghan girl whilst pretending to have converted to Islam and later he ran back to India after the honeymoon was over

You can't expect any better from these rats.
My comment was in reply to your Indian member who was saying "if all 17 killed were Indians"

wooh your first post and you are so concerned with me :azn:

Welcome again

Aree yaar main puran hoon. This my first post after some time.
I am following you on PDF from quite some time:D

No no no......donot misunderstand i am ur fan because ur very good in ur business:P. I have to go today, but i will want to discuss a lot of things someday, a healthy disscussion.

Anyway thanks for welcoming:smitten:
OK, Bye see u later.
NEW DELHI: India is sending a special aircraft to Afghanistan to bring back the bodies of its nationals including army officials, who died in suicide attacks in Kabul today.

A team of army officers and officials from the Ministry of External Affairs will also visit Kabul to review the security situation there in the backdrop of the attacks.

At least nine Indians were among 17 people killed as Taliban suicide bombers carried out a string of attacks in the heart of Kabul, targeting Indian interests in Afghanistan.

A Boeing 737-200 aircraft from the Palam-based Communication squadron will take off from here tomorrow morning to bring back all the dead bodies and those injured, IAF officials said here.

The Indians, who died in the incident, include two army officers, government officials, an ITBP constable and a tabla player who was part of a cultural delegation to Afghanistan.

Five other army officers were also injured in the attack.

The bombers struck at a number of guest houses, particularly at Park Residence, rented out by the Indian embassy for its staffers and those linked to India's developmental work in Afghanistan.
RAW operatives and Intelligence personnel under the guise of civilians and civilian contractors.

I am not bluffing, there are plenty of times this has been stated by our Foreign office, intelligence agencies and so on........
If someone doesnt agree, its their problem
However, if these Indians were truly innocent civilians, then, my utmost and sincere sympathy to Indians over their loss.

and these RAW operatives build roads and bridges, i guess they have some civil engineering test to apply for the RAW officer post..
India should consider increasing its consulate security contingents to assure greater safety for its personnel. I'm sure the Afghan government would approve their visa requests and even expedite them on behalf of their ally.

This seems a minimally appropriate measure and would be supported by all those nations whom appreciate India's good work in Afghanistan.

Probably time for the Afghan foreign minister to register another meaningless protest against Pakistan's inability or unwillingness to rein in foreign and citizen irhabists with a known predilection for these activities like Haqqani, Hafez Gul Bahadur, and Maulvi Nazir who remain undisturbed on Pakistani soil save for the efforts of America's drones.

and these RAW operatives build roads and bridges, i guess they have some civil engineering test to apply for the RAW officer post..

A Team of Indian Army will be visiting Kabul to review the situation hmmmmmmm

kay ko bhala ???

Get a clue my dear after all we are not that much conspiracy theorists neither the attackers
NEW DELHI: India is sending a special aircraft to Afghanistan to bring back the bodies of its nationals including army officials, who died in suicide attacks in Kabul today.

A team of army officers and officials from the Ministry of External Affairs will also visit Kabul to review the security situation there in the backdrop of the attacks.

At least nine Indians were among 17 people killed as Taliban suicide bombers carried out a string of attacks in the heart of Kabul, targeting Indian interests in Afghanistan.

The Indians, who died in the incident, include two army officers, government officials, an ITBP constable and a tabla player who was part of a cultural delegation to Afghanistan.

Five other army officers were also injured in the attack.
When the spies mix up with common people, the attacks intended to target them indeed do kill and injure other people too.

The earlier attack in which Indians were killed indeed they were from RAW and serving Indian officers.

And BTW who says that Pakistanis injured there would not be anti-Pakistan elements ?

This word conspiracy theory is the easiest pick for shying away from realties.

By this you almost agreed that ISI is behind this attack in guise of Taliban, as all enemies of Pakistan are being targeted here.

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