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Four Indians among 15 dead as Taliban bombers attack Kabul


Why cant pakistan govt show the "damn good evidence" they have????.The answer is "it holds no water".By that logic India which has evidence agaist anti india elements in pakistan(good enough to be shown to the world),is well within its moral limits to go ahead and bomb them to death!(even if it involves death of inocent civilians).Is that ok with u?????
If it is,Then u have no right to voice concerns against Americans who started the war in afganistan, to protect their home land, or Isrel which carries out strikes abroad to get rid of dangerous elements.

And what evidence do you have if it was carried out by us?????
The deceased Indians were identified as Major Dr Laishram Jyotin Singh of Army Medical Corps, Major Deepak Yadav of Army Education Corps, engineer Bhola Ram, tabla player Nawab Khan, staffer of Kandahar Consulate Nitish Chibber and ITBP constable Roshan Lal, Indian embassy sources said.

Earlier, the government of India had put the number of those dead at nine, which highly placed sources said was incorrect as it was based on preliminary assessment of the Afghan interior ministry.

Jyotin Singh was in Afghanistan to train local doctors at the Indira Gandhi hospital while Deepak Yadav was teaching English at the Afghan Military Academy.

Nawab Khan, who was killed in the attack on Park Residence, was part of the three-member cultural troupe, which was sent by Indian Council for Cultural Relations to Afghanistan.

Bhola Ram was project director at Afghan Power Grid Corporation and was instrumental in bringing electricity to Kabul from Uzbekistan, sources said.

The project had been completed and Bhola Ram was in the process of handing over the responsibilities to Afghans for which they were being trained.

Indo-Tibetan Border Police constable Roshan Lal, 35, a resident of Himachal Pradesh was deployed as the security personnel at the Indian Consulate in Herat. He was on leave and in transit on his way back home.

Chibber was secretary at the Indian Consulate in Kandahar.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack in telephone calls made to some foreign news wires.

The terrorists targeted those Indians who were engaged in helping Afghan people and building partnership between the two countries, Indian Ambassador Jayant Prasad said.

full news here - 6 Indians killed in 'barbaric' Kabul strike: Rediff.com News
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@Jana - Taliban has claimed responsibilty .. the same Afghan Taliban who's cause your country champions
"@S2 with having your age in mind i expect you to refrain from personal attacks..."


I know nothing of your personal life so any attack is drawn from my experiences here on this board with you. The airstrike thread is a perfect example of how you'll use a thread for a narrow agenda. No condolences offered whatsoever while using it as a platform to spew invective against America. Tasteless and self-serving. What I stated about your behavior there is the bald truth and stands unaltered as of now.

Offering condolences now would be too late and disingenuous.

The world waits for proof of Indian involvement from Pakistan. At this board I've dealt with the dissembling lies of others here contending tens of Indian consulates scattered about Afghanistan and thousands of their troops. All proved false and easily so but that doesn't stop the twisted minds of many here who can't see how they've been manipulated by their own government on this issue.

My rationales against Indian intrigue against Pakistan from Afghan soil are well-stated and undefeated thus far. They've no cause to do so and far too much to lose as, unlike Pakistan, Indian diplomats understand how to cultivate solid relationships with other nations.

This has left Pakistan largely isolated by the global community that's just across the border. Your government's credibility is nil. In Afghanistan we've all long been victims of assaults from your lands-many by your own citizens like Hafez Gul Bahadur and Maulvi Nazir as well as the ousted afghan taliban government.

Nobody really cares about claims of sovereign rights when you harbor an ousted afghan taliban government on your soil. Nobody of the many countries, armies, NGOs, or world media haven't seen a HINT of Indian intrigue yet threads such as this continue to flourish here.

Oh so all your anger is over that airstrike thread about Invader Americans who have killed Innocent Afghans.

I see.

And offering condolences and not condeming American killings of innocent Afghans doesnt make any sense.

And from my experiences here on this board with you, all we can see that you can not stand criticism against barbarism of Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I expect that when you criticise others then do have some courage to listen to the same when Americans do commit crimes
I hope this attack has done a lot to improve security in Pakistan. The doctors, teachers and tabla players were dangerous men out to terrorize Pakistanis and Afghans.

The only thing lost here are innocent lives and killing of men who were sent on Afghanistan on a mission to help build a new nation. Sadly the backward thinking Taliban did not like this.

News report -

t said at least three attackers armed with guns and explosives targeted the Park Residence and the smaller Aria guesthouse on a nearby side street.

"The first explosion took place in front of the Aria... targeting mostly doctors. Subsequently two terrorists, one wearing a suicide vest, entered the Park Residence," it quoted Kabul police chief General Abdul Rahman Rahman as saying.

After a shootout with the attackers, police stormed into a room where one bomber detonated his explosives, killing three police, Rahman said.

The second bomber was killed by police, Rahman added. The agency also quoted Afghan television network Tolo as saying that 12 Indian doctors were staying at one of the targeted guesthouses.
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The difference is that India wins Afghan friendship by helping the Afghans.

fair enough...and are we making their lives miserable? We invested $500 million worth of projects (private sector, not public). My uncle is one of those investors actually.

we send doctors to Afghanistan, send medical equipments free of cost. Pakistan has done a lot. It has done whatever it can really.

i dont deny indian do some construction here and there.....but bollywood wont win you friendship over there; you dont even speak their language

Pakistanis try to gain "strategic depth" by sponsoring terrorist proxies.

you indians use the same line over and over again. It gets boring after a while. My suggestion is for you to relax and avoid emotions, then come back when you are refreshed.

india is doing the same thing by supporting anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan. Refer to confirmation of this by Ehsanullah Aryanzai -- an advisor to Afghan government.

Is it any surprise Pakistanis are hated in Afghanistan?

It would be, if this generalization of yours were true....

(considering millions of their refugees are still here in this country --earning livelihood and living off the fat of the land basically for free)

damned if we do...damned if we dont
BBC Pashto Kabul bureau editor Dawood Azami found himself caught up amid explosions and gunfire which rocked the centre of the city leaving at least 17 people dead. Here he describes his experiences.

A huge explosion woke me up just before sunrise. An intense gun battle followed and bullets were fired from every direction.

Broken glass was everywhere in the hotel I was staying in. Two bullets went through the window of my hotel room.

It shared a back wall with one of the guest houses where the battle went on for hours. Glass from the windows of my room and bathroom littered my bed and the floor.

Nobody in my hotel knew what to do. I took shelter behind the bathroom wall and sat there for hours. The fighting would stop for a short while but then firing would restart from different directions.


From my room, I could hear the crying and shouting of hotel guests. I could tell from the way some of the guests in the Park Residence were crying - and by the languages they spoke - that they were foreigners.

The air was full of smoke and dust - and broken glass was scattered all over the floor

I could hear the security forces shouting at them to move in English and Hindi.

Firing from two sides went on for around four hours. I heard at least two heavy explosions that shook the whole building.

There was confusion. The hotel staff were running and looking for shelter. There were no announcements and nowhere obviously safe to go. I was glad to be behind the bathroom wall for the duration of the operation.

I switched on the television to find out what was happening but there was no signal and the channels were not available.

I opened the front door a few times to see what was going on in the hotel lobby. The air was full of smoke and dust - and broken glass was scattered all over the floor.

It was one of the most devastating attacks in Kabul.

The Ariya and Park Residence guest houses and the Safi Hotel and Shopping Centre were badly damaged. They are in the Shahr-e-Now (new city) area of Kabul which had been considered relatively safe.

I always wonder why people in Kabul use so much glass in buildings. Kabul is attacked frequently and each attack has caused a lot of damage to property and the heavily glassed structures.

Really big scary intelligence guys were in those buildings !! This is undeclared war on India by the Taliban.. India should take steps to protect it's citizens in Afghanistan. 1 Indian army brigade can easily be spared to protect our road building projects, Embassies and consulates. UN mandate can be given as well.
Simple everyone knows india is involved in terrorism in Pakistan and using afghanistan and even USA now has pretty much been convinced.
Dont want to be rude.
But if these indians were doing what i think they got what they deserved.
I aint against indians working for afghanistan
But i m against indians spreading terrorism from afghanistan and BLA bas...ds accepting that on national TV tht they accept help from everybody including indians.
So if these were terrorist supporting roaches.I say burn in hell
If they were really civilians RIP.
Oh so all your anger is over that airstrike thread about Invader Americans who have killed Innocent Afghans.

I see.

And offering condolences and not condeming American killings of innocent Afghans doesnt make any sense.

And from my experiences here on this board with you, all we can see that you can not stand criticism against barbarism of Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I expect that when you criticise others then do have some courage to listen to the same when Americans do commit crimes

And the Taliban was very saintly right ? Like it or not the American's have done a great favor to Afghanistan by taking the Taliban out of there. I do understand how people can sympathize with the Taliban regime after all they have done to harm Afghanistan and Pakistan also. There are bound to be civilian casualties in a war but this was has also paved the way for a democratic Afghanistan. For the first time we can see a ray of hope for the war torn country. Their recent success in cricket is an example of what the country is capable of. Hats of to the Americans, whatever their reason was, atleast some scum on this earth have been wiped off.
Simple everyone knows india is involved in terrorism in Pakistan and using afghanistan and even USA now has pretty much been convinced.
Dont want to be rude.
But if these indians were doing what i think they got what they deserved.
I aint against indians working for afghanistan
But i m against indians spreading terrorism from afghanistan and BLA bas...ds accepting that on national TV tht they accept help from everybody including indians.
So if these were terrorist supporting roaches.I say burn in hell
If they were really civilians RIP.

"And offering condolences and not condeming American killings of innocent Afghans doesnt make any sense."

You offered no condolences. You'd have to edit a post to do so now and it would be obvious. You didn't condemn the killings. You condemned our apologies for such.

Not once has anybody from our fellow nations or the Afghan government accused the Americans of intentionally killing afghan citizens. Not once.

The taliban last year killed 1630 afghan innocents according to the U.N.

ISAF? 596. Your agenda remains clear and while you'd abhor a taliban paddle laid to your azz you care not one whit whether such is done to an afghan woman.

"I expect that when you criticise others then do have some courage to listen to the same when Americans do commit crimes "

If that airstrike was a crime instead of a horrible mistake then so too the PAF airstrikes I highlighted from DAWN and Al Jazerra upon your own citizens. I'm sure you recall.

Cuts both ways and we've the courage to stand before the afghan president and offer our sincerest apologies. I'll be amazed should your government EVER do the same to your own citizens when such occurs.

Meanwhile, you never once in that thread managed a sincere condolence to the afghan people. Don't bother now, btw. It would be the expected and belated actions of sheer disingenuity.

The deceased Indians were identified as Major Dr Laishram Jyotin Singh of Army Medical Corps, Major Deepak Yadav of Army Education Corps, engineer Bhola Ram, tabla player Nawab Khan, staffer of Kandahar Consulate Nitish Chibber and ITBP constable Roshan Lal, Indian embassy sources said.

Earlier, the government of India had put the number of those dead at nine, which highly placed sources said was incorrect as it was based on preliminary assessment of the Afghan interior ministry.

Jyotin Singh was in Afghanistan to train local doctors at the Indira Gandhi hospital while Deepak Yadav was teaching English at the Afghan Military Academy.

Nawab Khan, who was killed in the attack on Park Residence, was part of the three-member cultural troupe, which was sent by Indian Council for Cultural Relations to Afghanistan.

Bhola Ram was project director at Afghan Power Grid Corporation and was instrumental in bringing electricity to Kabul from Uzbekistan, sources said.

The project had been completed and Bhola Ram was in the process of handing over the responsibilities to Afghans for which they were being trained.

Indo-Tibetan Border Police constable Roshan Lal, 35, a resident of Himachal Pradesh was deployed as the security personnel at the Indian Consulate in Herat. He was on leave and in transit on his way back home.

Chibber was secretary at the Indian Consulate in Kandahar.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack in telephone calls made to some foreign news wires.

The terrorists targeted those Indians who were engaged in helping Afghan people and building partnership between the two countries, Indian Ambassador Jayant Prasad said.

full news here - 6 Indians killed in 'barbaric' Kabul strike: Rediff.com News

nooooo your all wrong, they were all spys from Raw/Mossad/MI6/CIA about to blow everything up in Pakistan :P
@Jana, Fire Fighter - those Indian officers were in Kabul with the permission of the Afghan government. No one can justify their killings.
@Jana - Pretty weak defence of your logic of hitting others across borders. Suicide bombing and terrorism - a cowardly way of eliminating your enemies too.
We know how legitimate the Afghan govn't is...no wonder they're attacked and blown up by Afghans everyday.

How do you explain the sudden rush to provide medical assistence and aid to the Afghans with millions of dollars to 300 + million "slum dogs" in India that live under sheer poverty and feed off garbage for survival?

Hypocrisy it seems has seeped into your psyches.

Fire Fighter - off topic rant from you. btw the Afghan woman is in India fighting her case. She is living in working in Delhi and very happy that the Indian government is assisting her in her fight for justice. Btw it's not Indian government policy for Indian officers to marry Afghan women and leave them. It's a personal issue- let us leave it there.

Now that her life is effectively ruined with fraud/scammed marriage on her record and having no hope for justice, you're telling us that she's living a happy servant life in Delhi?
U have been provided dossiers upon dossiers of evedance" in full media coverage".Even the details have been made public!.Even americans are askin u to shut anti india elements in pakistan.These are things u know of,.May be they are not "fool proof",but hey! they shure do give strong indications.If u have somthing good enough plz do put it up for the world to see.It will be debated upon if it is good enough.
But by your logic, we dont even need good enough evidence to blow up places!
PS:The evidences have been discussed abt in detail, in many threads
The Taliban claimed responsibility and Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, said the attacks appeared to be aimed at Indian government officials and medical workers.

Three Afghan police were killed, and six more officers were among the 38 people wounded in what was described as a well-planned and co-ordinated attack.

India is one of Afghanistan's biggest donors, but its presence has provoked opposition and suspicion in Pakistan, which fears encirclement by its larger neighbour.

The Indian embassy in Kabul has twice been hit by devastating car bombings in the past 18 months and one attack was blamed on Pakistan's ISI military spy agency.

SM Krishna, India's foreign minister, said: "These are the handiwork of those who are desperate to undermine the friendship between India and Afghanistan."

The assault began soon after 6.30am with the streets deserted as Afghanistan marked the birth of the prophet Mohammed.

Abdul Rahman Rahman, chief of Kabul police, said a car bomb began the attack, levelling the Arya Guesthouse, popular with Indian doctors working at the city's Indira Gandhi Child Health Institute.

Two other attackers then entered the nearby Park Residence, which also houses visiting foreigners including Indian government officials. One detonated, killing three policemen, and the other was shot dead.

The high-rise, glass-fronted Safi Landmark hotel next door was badly damaged by the blasts and broken windows littered the streets.

Pietro Antonio Colazzo, an Italian diplomatic counsellor, was among the dead and Mr Rahman said he had been shot while telephoning police with information which saved other guests.

He said: "He was killed by the terrorists who realised that he was passing information to police forces.

"He was in a room right behind the attackers and he could see where they were and what they are doing." Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, praised Mr Colazzo as a faithful government servant who died doing his job.

Severin Blanchet, a 66-year-old French filmmaker training young Afghans in documentary filmmaking also died.

The attack was the most recent since a team of suicide bombers stormed a shopping centre on January 18, prompting a five hour siege after they failed to penetrate the Afghan central bank.

A similar attack in October targeting United Nations staff in a guesthouse killed five election workers and led the organisation to pull out hundreds of employees from the country.

IRONY - Indian doctors regularly treat Pakistani and Afghan children afflicted with serious diseases earning praise from many parents. This is how people doing good work are rewarded by barbarians like Taliban and their minders, Shame on them
Apparently the Italian diplomat acted heroically - he should be awarded.

Full report http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...rs-target-Kabul-hotels-killing-seventeen.html
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