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Only Iran is confronting Islamic State, paramilitary chief says


Mar 1, 2012
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Only Iran is confronting Islamic State, paramilitary chief says| Reuters

The general in charge of Iran's paramilitary activities in the Middle East said the United States and other powers were failing to confront Islamic State, and only Iran was committed to the task, a news agency on Monday reported.

Major General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the elite Quds Force responsible for protecting the Islamic Republic's interests abroad, has become a familiar face on the battlefields of Iraq, where he often outranks local commanders.

"Today, in the fight against this dangerous phenomenon, nobody is present except Iran," the Tasnim news agency quoted Soleimani as saying on Sunday in reference to Islamic State.

Iran should help countries suffering at the hands of Islamic State, said Soleimani, whose force is part of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Mehr news agency reported.

The Sunni militant group has taken key cities in Iraq and Syria in the past week, routing regular forces in both countries with apparent ease.

"Obama has not done a damn thing so far to confront Daesh: doesn't that show that there is no will in America to confront it?" Mehr quoted Soleimani as saying, using a derogatory Arabic term for Islamic State.

"How is it that America claims to be protecting the Iraqi government, when a few kilometres away in Ramadi killings and war crimes are taking place and they are doing nothing?"

The Obama administration has led air strikes against the group and provided assistance to the Iraqi army. Some U.S. Republicans have called for ground troops to be deployed.

Islamic State, which emerged last year in the anarchic Sunni heartlands straddling Syria and Iraq, routinely executes prisoners, enslaves captives and destroys historic sites.

Iranian officials frequently cite such actions as a justification for their support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose forces have also carried out mass killings since the beginning of an initially peaceful popular uprising in 2011.

"We should immunise our borders against this great evil and we should help those countries that are suffering under Daesh," Soleimani was quoted as saying by Mehr in a speech to former and serving members of the IRGC in Kerman city.
The US should deploy ground troops. That's the only way... Iran hasn't been fully involved in Iraq either and in any case doesn't have the capabilities of the US army.
The US should deploy ground troops. That's the only way... Iran hasn't been fully involved in Iraq either and in any case doesn't have the capabilities of the US army.

I agree. Either carve up Iraq on sectarian/ethnic lines or re-invade. Iraq is struggling to keep it together.

Why are people there not patriotic to their country? I don't get it, Iraq has such rich history.
The US should deploy ground troops. That's the only way... Iran hasn't been fully involved in Iraq either and in any case doesn't have the capabilities of the US army.

no no and no. I would only support the presence of special forces raids and air strikes. another u.s land war occupation isn't going to solve anything.

SAS quad bike squads kill up to 8 jihadis each day as allies prepare to wipe IS off the map | Daily Mail Online

should emulate the UK tactic.
Operations from the US special forces would be welcome too. I can't see them being enough to push ISIS back though. If you're going to be involved you need a clear goal. If the goal is to destroy ISIS and take Mosul back, I can see no other way than to lead a ground invasion.
and 5 minutes after US boots hit the ground Iran will be calling it a western crusade

Seeing the Quds Force is on the ground and the Major is "assisting" the Iraq forces one might ask where was Iran while Ramadi was falling?

United States Australia[3] Belgium[4] Canada[5] Denmark[6][7] France[8][9] Germany[10][11] Italy[12] Jordan[13] Morocco[14]
Netherlands[15][16] New Zealand[17] Norway[18][19] Portugal[20] Spain[21] Turkey[22] United Kingdom[23]

16 countries other than Iran that are providing assistance of varying levels perhaps time to give the propoganda a break.
i don't agree with you @Vassnti
first only USA is really active : other countries are doing very little especially when the danger of IS is so big that they could move a bit their asses . but i guess the saudi friend avoids any important action.
Iran is active in Iraq . maybe not efficient everywhere but major force to fight IS is not Iran: it is Iraqi army of course.

about this, it is sad to read such critics over Iraqi army...
it is hard to defend a vast territory , it is hard to have a reorganized army so fast
yeah of course Iraq needs help
it is not by always criticizing and still doing business with the sponsor of terrorism that it could help
but business is there: France for exemple prefers to sell weapons than caring iraqi people
they already showed with US intervention: they didn't want to go Iraq not because of non intervention but because France had strong links with Saddam.

it is hard to change this situation. indeed.

and by the way just bombing is not very helpful to fight IS. you need troops on ground. always.
The US should deploy ground troops. That's the only way... Iran hasn't been fully involved in Iraq either and in any case doesn't have the capabilities of the US army.
Why on earth US should fight on behalf of Ayatulah dictatorship and Hezbollah terrorists which murdered hundreds of Americans?
Why on earth US should fight on behalf of Ayatulah dictatorship and Hezbollah terrorists which murdered hundreds of Americans?
you're too fanatic to understand
it is not supporting Hezbollah when you fight IS, except from pro IS people
Hopefully ISIL will eventually make iranian youth reconsider islam
you're too fanatic to understand
it is not supporting Hezbollah when you fight IS, except from pro IS people
Well there are two major fractions fighting each other in Iraq: Iranian supported militias like Kataib Hezbollah and IS. I dont see how one is better than another and why West should help either side at all.
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