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Only Iran is confronting Islamic State, paramilitary chief says

I believe it's wrong for any third party to put boot on the ground . In this case the best can be done is hampering ISIS movement by targeting thir caravans and cut down their financial resources.
And on the ground supporting the people who has shown are willing to fight these scums not the ones who escape by hearing the name of ISIS and leave behind hundreds of armored weheicle .
no no and no. I would only support the presence of specieaorces raids and air strikes. another u.s land war occupation isn't going to solve anything.

SAS quad bike squads kill up to 8 jihadis each day as allies prepare to wipe IS off the map | Daily Mail Online

should emulate the UK tactic.

Agree, our sas special ops have been doing a commendable job in Syria and Iraq. Note that they are among the best trained special ops in the world.

However, to be honest, i don't think that will be enough. We can't be adopting half measures to deal with the evil called daesh and other Islamic terror groups. For that im afraid only the U. S/U.K and western allies can do the job and yes that will mean another invasion of the country by sending in massive ground troops. though our public is totally against any more foreign intervention. So that will be a hard sell.

Anyway, WTF are Middle Eastern and Muslim countries doing ?? They always depend /wait for us in the west to intervene /solve their issues, and when we do they start criticising and condemning us as imperialistic infidels who want to destroy and control their country. :disagree:

Cant eat your cake and have it. So they(iran included) should stop hoping for the evil west to intervene. :bounce:
Cant eat your cake and have it. So they(iran included) should stop hoping for the evil west to intervene. :bounce:

Iran is not waiting for any western country to do anything.

First, to intervene in Iraq, Iraqi gov should ask us officially and even though they haven't done anything, we are doing more than any other country on the ground in Iraq.

If we send troops to Iraq, you'll see how western media will change its focus ofrom IS to Iran to bash us, same as those IS sympathizers in Sunni areas who will cry about 'Shias oppressing them and kicking out their IS liberator brethren'. So it's not an easy position.

Btw, popular resistance forces in Iraq are fully capable of kicking IS out. U.S can't done anything from the air either. When IS was capturing Ramadi, there was barely any US airstrike near the city. It's doubtful if US actually wants IS out of Iraq.
Last time US military was in Iraq, Iran was training, funding and supplying weapons to Shi'ite militias to kill american soldiers..
True bro, same with the Syrian government. These same terrorists are now hunting down the Syrian regime. LMAO :rofl: that's what you get for supporting terrorists, they have no allegiance to anyone, once their interests don't match with yours, you become their target as well. Let they hunt and destroy the Syrian regime, will teach them a good lesson for supporting terrorists against the U. S/west in Iraq, they thought they were supporting the so called 'resistance ':rofl: same like Iran is doing with Hamas which has come back to hunt Iran as well. :lol::astagh:

Because U.S created this mess to begin with, how's that for a start?

It's pretty stupid to compare IS with Hezbollah, I'd compare them with Israel, suits better. Hezbollah is too good to be compared to any force in ME.

Yes Hezbollah is too good for Iran and mullahs. Not so much for other countries in the region. So depends on who you ask. :enjoy:
Iran wants american blood spilled on Iraqi spoil.. They want others to do their dirty work for them.
Iran blames US for Ramadi's fall to Isil - Telegraph

Yeah right. There are ground forces already and media could care less nowadays. It's Iran's muslim brothers that whine about "Shia Crescent". WTF do they want? Didn't they even support US invasion of Iraq to remove Saddam and then supported both Sunni and Shia insurgents to attack US forces. Now their own brothers have turned against them. Karma is a bitch.
Last time US military was in Iraq, Iran was training, funding and supplying weapons to Shi'ite militias to kill american soldiers..
Iran and shias were allies of US in Iraq.
Iran wants american blopled on Iraqi spoil.. They want others to do their dirty work for them.
I know. I'm sure our foreign policy makers are fully aware of the geo political realities on the ground. I think it will be good for us to protect the Iraqi government, but to allow isis and other Islamist groups to bleed dry the Syrian regime and Iranian mullahs, since these two regimes are the ones who have been supporting terrorists groups /non state actors against the U. S/U.K/west during the Iraq War. Let them taste the bitter pill of their own medicine. :p: after that then yes we should consider intervening. :usflag:

Iraqi Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr: "Resist The US By All Means Necessary"

U.S. Forces, Iraq Cleric&#39 - s Militia Battle in Kufa - NYTimes.com

Iraq's al-Sadr threatens to scrap ceasefire | Mail & Guardian (Mobile edition)

Iran and shias were allies of US in Iraq.

Not really.
US officials name 3 Iraqi militias armed by Iran to kill Yanks |
Iraqi cleric threatens action if US forces remain - Times Union

Anti-US cleric Muqtada al-Sadr returns to Iraq - The Monitor: Home
Iraqi Cleric Muqtada Sadr Leaves for Iran Again
Iraqi cleric threatens action if US forces remain - Times Union
Just for political purposes I think. The anti-US or anti Israel ranting gets you public support, but in reality Shias sided with US against Saddam, we all know how they welcomed US forces when they entered Baghdad.

Plus the Shia militias were used to counter AQ and were supported by US.
Hezbollaj are crazy terrorists fanatics which introduced suicide terror to the world.



Tikrit was 50 K town ruled by IS terrorists.
Thanks to US help now its depopulated town ruled by Hezbollah terrorists.

Was it worth?
Obviously we all know Hamas and Hezbollah are terror groups.
"Only Iran is confronting the Islamic State."
Iranian backed forces lose Ramadi and Palmyra.
Meanwhile, rebels in Syria are the only force seriously fighting ISIS w/o much foreign help - they've defended Western and Eastern Qalamoun, Dara'a, Quneitara, Eastern Ghouta, and North Aleppo from ISIS, as well as taking lands there at a steady rate. Kurds lost against ISIS without foreign help. Funny pattern going on here.
Daesh, Syria, Iraq are not our problem..... I'm highly against Turkish intervention.

Yes you are against, but your government isn't, they are already deeply involved in Syria since the beginning of the civil war. So i don't understand why all countries in the region are always crying for western /U.S intervention . Yet, when we intervene they start crying wolf and condemning the evil infidel imperialistic West /U.S trying to destroy the sacred Middle East /divide Muslim's etc etc etc. .... Seems the governments in this region don't even know what they want really, nor do they have any grand plan /vision for their region. I'm afraid to say it but governments in the Middle East seem to be clueless. Lol

Anyway, you are kind of right, think Turkey being one of the very few /only forward looking/advanced countries in the region should have stayed as far away as possible from the religious war /crisis in Syria, now that it has involved itself in a war it has no idea how it will end/when it will and has been supporting non state /questionable radical terror groups , I'm afraid what has happened to Pakistan, Syria, Iran (they also supported terrorist /non state actors groups when it suited them) will also happen to Turkey in the long run, where these same groups you have been supporting will one day turn their weapons /bombs against Turkey once they don't have any more common interests with Turkey, it has happened countless number of times before, don't think it will be any different for Turkey I'm afraid.
I hope I'm wrong though. :bounce::undecided:

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A New Turkish-Saudi Thaw is Helping Rebels in Syria and Worrying Washington - Defense One
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