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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

Very bad and Unprofessional approach by the Attendant .. she can easily Avoid a scene here, by bringing a Un-oppened Can and Open it in front of her and take the " so called " part which can be used as weapon ... that's it , there is no need to create the whole drama ..
I feel sorry for the Lady , and this is shocking that no one had stand up for the lady when its clearly wrong ..
I think this topic has got to 11 pages because almost everyone who has travelled to US has faced some strange type of behaviour by the airlines or airport staff and reading about more such incidents just makes people want to comment

Once I've traveled on United Airlines and when I got to the ticket desk , they took away my passport and did not issue a boarding card , when I asked the spectacled crabby old woman to give me back my passport , very rudely she gave me a serial number and told me to go to the gate , you'll get your passport and boarding pass at the gate.

So I went to the gate and asked the person at the gate about my passport and boarding card , she looked up something on her screen and very dismissively told me to go take a seat. I was without my passport and without a boarding card and with all the stories going around about how people from Pakistan are treated made me very nervous.

It was almost at the very end that I was able to get the boarding card and also my passport back and board the flight. This was also on United Airlines , must be some protocol for passengers from certain countries but walking from checkin to flight gate without my passport was not the greatest experience.
You deserved that treatment, your remarks against Pashtun people are always racist and appalling........sadly you didnt learn your lesson from airport treatment

First correct your views about you own countrymen , then complain about Americans
You deserved that treatment, your remarks against Pashtun people are always racist and appalling........sadly you didnt learn your lesson from airport treatment

Your Afghan cousins are the reason why Pakistanis have a bad rep.
Your Afghan cousins are the reason why Pakistanis have a bad rep.
Afghans are not responsible for blackening/browning of your desi skin and face that Americans spot you as a muslim "****" on airports..............
@Jungibaaz - Do you believe Tahera Ahmad's version of the events? That a random stranger on a plane cussed her out?

Here my version of the events. No, I wasn't on the plane but I'd bet money on it.

The Islamophobia angle is something she threw in. She just faced what thousands of air travelers face.

Bookmark this post. When the dust settles, this will turn out to be the true version of the events. The rest is just the Director of interfaith relations at Northwestern Univeristy pushing her agenda.

I agree with your post's 95% content and you are right. She probably faced what we ALL face traveling across the US due to heightened security and awareness.

But the last comment about the Director of Interfaith pulling her agenda...may be that's also true. But would you disagree with the fact that Islamphobia is on the rise like crazy in our country?? Take a look at the last two months, events in TX, then events in Phoenix outside of a Mosque, resurfacing news of burning Muslims holy content and all....are we as a nation just getting high on the pleasure that we have a decent sized muslim population inside the country that we can target???

When some muslim guy does the killings, the media portrays the terrorism story whether its true or not, or whether its a psychotic person who just went on murdering people due to his brain's cell's not working. But if a white guy or someone else does it, the media shows a "mentally challenged individual"......take a look at what happened in North Carolina, 3 college students, all probably born and raised (raised for sure), in the US, were killed. ALL three of them....what did the media say??? It was a "parking dispute". Since when people have parking disputes so severe that they would go and not only fight with the guy, actually MURDER him and his wife AND his sister......and you think its a "parking dispute". Why don't the media use the term terrorism???? This probably scared the living out of a few thousand people from different faiths living in that area and across the nation as they might be next on the list due to their different color or race or religion,......and it is a blatant form of domestic terrorism. So why different definitions for different people doing the same thing, i.e. terrorizing others??

The law should be applicable to all. Anyone terrorizing innocent human beings through violence or supporting it through any means, should be considered a terrorist and when caught, should face the most severe penalty by law so no one dares to do that again.

But why put one specific religion or group of people in that "terrorist" category and others walk away with different titles? I am speaking for just inside the US. In the Middle East, its a cluster fuk and we all know it. But we need to do a better job in ensuring safety and security to our own citizens whether they be Budhists, Aethiests, Muslims, Jews or Christians.

I think what we are seeing here, is a rebirth of KKK, with a different name and agenda. We have too many people in the US who openly say (and I've heard unfortunately with my eyes and ears) that they haven't shot a n***** in a while. So in 2015, what are we doing? replacing Blacks with Muslims this time? Have we not learned anything from our past that it was wrong to have the slavery and the violence and all??
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Thank you for posting it. It just proves my point I wrote above your post. I think we, as a nation to avoid the rebirth of KKK type of mentality. My understanding is that Muslims have lived here since the 1900's, and 99% of them have nothing to do with ISIS, Al-Qaeda or terrorism. The 1% that does commit a serious crime, needs to be taken into custody and the law enforcement agencies need to do their job. But the media and conservative leaders (some of these guys come from KKK type of a background), need to focus on growing America as a society where everyone lives together. Not divide it so their statements can be put on the first page of NY Times.
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Just 50 years ago they wouldn't let a black person sit on the aisle as a white person on a bus.
Just 50 years ago they wouldn't let a black person sit on the aisle as a white person on a bus.

No, they had to sit in the back (not the front 10 seats) and that was only in parts of the South (the places with a staunch slavery history).

Correction: Yes you are correct, if an eleventh white person got on they would all have to push to the next row.

Deep south Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I agree with your post's 95% content and you are right. She probably faced what we ALL face traveling across the US due to heightened security and awareness.

But the last comment about the Director of Interfaith pulling her agenda...may be that's also true. But would you disagree with the fact that Islamphobia is on the rise like crazy in our country?? Take a look at the last two months, events in TX, then events in Phoenix outside of a Mosque, resurfacing news of burning Muslims holy content and all....are we as a nation just getting high on the pleasure that we have a decent sized muslim population inside the country that we can target???

When some muslim guy does the killings, the media portrays the terrorism story whether its true or not, or whether its a psychotic person who just went on murdering people due to his brain's cell's not working. But if a white guy or someone else does it, the media shows a "mentally challenged individual"......take a look at what happened in North Carolina, 3 college students, all probably born and raised (raised for sure), in the US, were killed. ALL three of them....what did the media say??? It was a "parking dispute". Since when people have parking disputes so severe that they would go and not only fight with the guy, actually MURDER him and his wife AND his sister......and you think its a "parking dispute". Why don't the media use the term terrorism???? This probably scared the living out of a few thousand people from different faiths living in that area and across the nation as they might be next on the list due to their different color or race or religion,......and it is a blatant form of domestic terrorism. So why different definitions for different people doing the same thing, i.e. terrorizing others??

The law should be applicable to all. Anyone terrorizing innocent human beings through violence or supporting it through any means, should be considered a terrorist and when caught, should face the most severe penalty by law so no one dares to do that again.

But why put one specific religion or group of people in that "terrorist" category and others walk away with different titles? I am speaking for just inside the US. In the Middle East, its a cluster fuk and we all know it. But we need to do a better job in ensuring safety and security to our own citizens whether they be Budhists, Aethiests, Muslims, Jews or Christians.

I think what we are seeing here, is a rebirth of KKK, with a different name and agenda. We have too many people in the US who openly say (and I've heard unfortunately with my eyes and ears) that they haven't shot a n*****. So in 2015, what are we doing? replacing Blacks with Muslims this time? Have we not learned anything from our past that it was wrong to have the slavery and the violence and all??

I think I covered that in an earlier post. Islamophobia is not on the rise. It has always existed. What has changed is that it is now socially acceptable as opposed to a few years back when you would have cleared the room if you went on Islamophobic rant. Today, those same people are looked at as merely discussing the realities of our times. There is no real change in the number of people. Just more of an adjustment in the social attitude towards them.
The American people are brainwashed by state and media..................

It's the case everywhere else. Pakistanis dislike America, primarily because of the 90's sanctions where the F-16's were denied. Even a small CHILD knows this in Pakistan (quoting Madam. Clinton from her tenure as a Foreign Secretary of State).
Who made this mindset in Pakistan even after a couple of decades? The Pakistani military did through the media. Otherwise, if you really see it, the US has ALWAYS provided support to Pakistan since her birth!!! The US has spent billions on different projects that help thousands of Pakistanis. As of this very second, there are some huge projects underway in Pakistan, supported by the US around Education, Healthcare, Water Sanitation, Energy and all. See the power of the media? that SO MUCH good has and is happening through the American support. But the people of Pakistan aren't getting over issues from 2 decades ago. How do you blame media from other places and people from other countries???? Its the same for everyone!

I think I covered that in an earlier post. Islamophobia is not on the rise. It has always existed. What has changed is that it is now socially acceptable as opposed to a few years back when you would have cleared the room if you went on Islamophobic rant. Today, those same people are looked at as merely discussing the realities of our times. There is no real change in the number of people. Just more of an adjustment in the social attitude towards them.

Would you care to provide some credentials and facts to support your claim that "Islamophobia has always been here", with the same intensity as we see today?

I'd like to see: how many American-Muslim children in one event were killed (shot in head) and referred to as a "parking lot dispute".
I'd like to see how many Koran burning events had taken place 20 years ago??? I'd like to see how many marches and cartoon events and nasty rude adds were placed on ordinary buses against Muslims, who really have nothing to do with ISIS or Talibans.
I'd like to see how commonly ordinary American citizens from Islamic faith were called terrorists on daily basis and even in flights (flights security and heightened awareness, I totally get and support for everyone's safety).

But do give me proof of other events so I can understand that this "Islamophobia has always been there".

You aren't speaking to a foreigner who's visiting the US. I've lived and breathed the same air as you, probably more as I've lived in many states and each coast of this beautiful country; and I salute the star spangled banner with the same respect and care that an active Marine does.....but I also like our welcoming American tradition too, and believe justice should be served to everyone who deserves it due to committing a crime.
We as humans brainwashed by our media, shouldn't take things into our hands and threaten a group of people, scare them off or even kill them due to their belief system. We have a very active justice system. These guys will catch and serve justice to criminals who deserve it.
Would you care to provide some credentials and facts to support your claim that "Islamophobia has always been here", with the same intensity as we see today?

I'd like to see: how many American-Muslim children in one event were killed (shot in head) and referred to as a "parking lot dispute".
I'd like to see how many Koran burning events had taken place 20 years ago??? I'd like to see how many marches and cartoon events and nasty rude adds were placed on ordinary buses against Muslims, who really have nothing to do with ISIS or Talibans.
I'd like to see how commonly ordinary American citizens from Islamic faith were called terrorists on daily basis and even in flights (flights security and heightened awareness, I totally get and support for everyone's safety).

But do give me proof of other events so I can understand that this "Islamophobia has always been there".

You aren't speaking to a foreigner who's visiting the US. I've lived and breathed the same air as you, probably more as I've lived in many states and each coast of this beautiful country; and I salute the star spangled banner with the same respect and care that an active Marine does.....but I also like our welcoming American tradition too, and believe justice should be served to everyone who deserves it due to committing a crime.
We as humans brainwashed by our media, shouldn't take things into our hands and threaten a group of people, scare them off or even kill them due to their belief system. We have a very active justice system. These guys will catch and serve justice to criminals who deserve it.

I think you might be better off looking up the FBI crime stats than asking some random guy on a forum. The FBI hate crime stats indicate that since 2002, the number of hate crimes against Muslims run between 105-160 per year. That translates to about 3.5 - 5.2 per 100,000 if you go with a population of 3 million and 1.5 - 2.2 per 100,000 if you go with CAIR's figure if 7 million. That is actually better than African Americans, Jews, homosexuals. So cries of rampant Islamophobia are a bit exaggerated.

That, however, wasn't my point. My point was that hateful people have always existed and they have a particular kind of world view. They classify everyone into Us and Them. Muslims have always belonged in the Them category and they've always hated them. Most of them are, for the lack of a better word, cowards. They don't have the courage to stand up for what they actually believe. What has changed in the last decade is that events here and in the rest of the world (I'm sure you're well aware of them and don't need me to go into it) has made Muslims and Islam less than popular in the U.S. So now these people have found the courage to come out of the shadows and pretend like their prejudices are merely conclusions they've reluctantly reached based on the events that have transpired.

Blaming the media is a cope out. We have plenty of choices of sources from which to get our news. We chose the source that matches our worldview. The media is merely filling in the blanks for us.

Regarding the rest of your post, you don't have to prove your loyalty to the U.S. just because we might have divergent views. I take it for granted till you prove otherwise with your actions.
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Are we discussing Delhi here? Are we discussing India? Is this incident from India? Is this women from India? Is this Indian Airline? Typical trolling...

They have allowed so many religions to live in their society without raising any fingers towards their belief is called tolerance. Their hatred towards Muslims in general grew recently specially after 9/11 and other bombing incidents...So dont blame them...

You are retarded. YOU are the one who brought up endia when you posted about mumbai now you ask are we talking about India.
The word **** is perhaps slogan of USA **** other nations, religions and whole world but the themselves being fucked by Jews.
By the way u observe rudeness and brutality are parts of USA culture and they are proud of it. May be that Muslim Lady is lying but what abt the facts revealed by Priyanka Chopra of her past life till 12 Years of age she spent in USA. She was teased in school by calling her brownie.

It's in the blood of mix race of USA to hurt humanity as a whole (by the way I don;t mean whole US population but majority) there ancestors were mostly criminals or unwanted people thrown out of their countries like Italy, Spain other European countries. They wiped out most of native red Indians. The American white people are brutal even Barack Obama showed some naive views abt discrimination.

As opposed to the polite Pakistanis who just shoot people in buses? I guess there's something to be said for that. At least, people don't die with their feelings hurt.
I think you might be better off looking up the FBI crime stats than asking some random guy on a forum. The FBI hate crime stats indicate that since 2002, the number of hate crimes against Muslims run between 105-160 per year. That translates to about 3.5 - 5.2 per 100,000 if you go with a population of 3 million and 1.5 - 2.2 per 100,000 if you go with CAIR's figure if 7 million. That is actually better than African Americans, Jews, homosexuals. So cries of rampant Islamophobia are a bit exaggerated.

Blaming the media is a cope out. We have plenty of choices of sources from which to get our news.

Regarding the rest of your post, you don't have to prove your loyalty to the U.S. just because we might have divergent views. I take it for granted till you prove otherwise with your actions.

The part of your post I agreed with, I remove from the above as we both agreed on majority of the content. However, the one's highlighted above, I'd like to debate with you on.

1) You are quoting the FBI's hate statistics from 2002. Why didn't you quote 2013 or 2014? The "Islamophobia" isn't a bit exaggerated, its the reality. The new Black Man on the corner is now the Muslim guy. You said that anti-Islam sentiment existed before just like it is today. But you failed to give me proof of what you stated and refer me to over a decade old statistics. If you own sense and logic is SO flawed and its based on data from 14 years ago, why even post such confident grandiose statements about the subject to begin with? False information doesn't make your argument right, in fact, it eats up your valid points too.

2) I don't know how much you know the law and how law enforcement actually works. But I can tell you with 100% certainty that many anti-muslim issues such as denial of firing of individual/s or threats or verbal abuse aren't classified as crimes and the FBI doesn't get involved with those. The FBI has far more serious things to do then to do find out why a guy cursed out a Muslim man on the corner of 96th street and Columbus ave in New York City. So hundreds of these events actually go unnoticed as they are mere threats or conversations if you will. Or issues of Civil nature, not a crime.

Just for your own understanding, I found a couple of links which might give you a broader picture of the issue. The Media sure as hell as a HUGE responsibility. The media prepares nations for wars and all, the media is what riled us up about Iraq and all when IMO, we needed to be in Afghanistan with all of our might, looking for that bastard OBL who killed our civilians. But that's history, but it shows what Media can do and that's true for ANY country.

3 If the Media acts maturely and doesn't over hype the Middle Eastern situation 4000 miles away from that region into our country, or other uncivil acts taking place in other Islamic countries far from us, I think we wouldn't see this surge. The media is portraying "Us vs. them" now, more than any other time. You referred to these people as cowards. I am sorry, the entire Conservative Church based Republican party comes into that. You have Harvard educated politicians who are supporting "us vs. them" agenda. Remember Sarah Palin for one example? Or Ms. Bachmann from the the Team Party? How many people will become "cowards" if I take your suggestions???
Bottom line is, we are all humans and we should not put divides between the American public. You are almost right, there are actually more than 7 million Muslims in America. Their youth (kids born and / or raised in America) are just as Americans as you and I. So, it doesn't make sense to start the KKK type of a show in 2015, when we are the champion of democracy with our bill of rights, and a roll model for freedom.

4) You got me ALL wrong. I got nothing to prove to no body. My sentence about saluting the flag wasn't to prove shiit to you. I don't even know if you are the guy living a street over with his picture in child molester's registry permanently so who cares about you. You addressed me in a way that came across as if you were trying to make me understand the American culture or media in this case. I was just setting the tone so you knew I wasn't some fool you think came in on a camel to work here and clean tables. That's all. I think you've gotten a good handle about me by now so we are good.

5) Please research before posting stuff with utter confidence when your research is like 14 years old. By the way, as you are quoting stuff from 2012, I don't know if you are behind that much compared to the rest of the world. Did you know that US soldiers started to come back home from Afghanistan starting 2012? Did you know that they now have major league soccer in the country now? Just letting you know so you could come up the year 2015 :)

Here are some of the links. The first link would CLEARLY tell you that up till 2010, hate crimes against Muslims had started to drop. Then there was a 50% surge due to "MEDIA's Propaganda against Islam", the same point I am trying to make.....anyway, read up on the following please. The point of my entire post is, that we are the champion of democracy and human freedom across the world. We need act responsibly and make sure our media and our people aren't super sensitive to a population of people who is majority America and some have lived here for many generations and they've always followed the law, paid taxes and helped the society. We should help the others integrate into our society vs. making them feel like they are a permanent alien. That's what the UK and France did and they are paying the price. We have a much better country and a system that can help everyone. We have to be guardians of this freedom and this democracy and remain open to others trying to integrate into our society. Good night!

2013: The Year To End Hate Crimes Against American Muslims
Muslims Take Special Precautions For Eid Ul-Fitr
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