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Pay me to fight my war: The News Editorial


Nov 12, 2009
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If the war against terrorism is Pakistan's war (and it most certainly is) then all the investment required to fight the war should come from within Pakistan. Many would argue that it already has. Even head-in-the-sand ostriches in Pakistan's political spectrum would not argue the facts. Over 8,000 innocent civilians and nearly 3,000 military personnel have been martyred in this Pakistani war.

The Pakistani parliament allows its military an unscrutinised budget, which is why it is difficult to estimate the actual cost of this war to Pakistan. In his unabashed enthusiasm for finding more money for parliament to blindly authorise for the military, Ambassador Husain Haqqani has been on record quoting the figure of $50 billion as the price Pakistan has paid in this war. That represents roughly 30 per cent of Pakistan's annual GDP. Perhaps the ambassador has access to budget analysts that other Pakistanis do not. But even head-in-the-sand ostriches in Pakistan's economic spectrum would not argue the facts. This war against terrorism has cost Pakistan's economy -- in terms of both domestic consumption, and foreign direct investment. It has cost the economy dearly.

So in blood and in treasure, Pakistan is fighting a war that is Pakistan's war to fight. When the prolific President Zardari pens op-ed after op-ed essentially attempting to convince western readers that his country owns the war that it is fighting, he is essentially telling the truth. Whether war-weary Pakistanis that mistrust the United States like it or not, terrorism is consuming Pakistani blood, and Pakistani rupees. It is not a matter of choice, the issue of whether this is Pakistan's war or not. It is an imposition upon the Pakistani people by terrorists.

Given that this is Pakistan's war then, the entire notion of the need for a strategic dialogue with the United States seems misplaced and disingenuous. This strategic dialogue, as Richard Holbrooke himself has stated, is about security as much as it is about other things. The Pakistani state makes no secret of its desire to link this dialogue to security, allowing its military chief to convene and interview civilian bureaucrats -- the heads of twelve ministries -- none of whom would have sought the permission of their ministers to go to the General Headquarters of the Pakistan army.

You can either have the cake, or you can eat it. Pakistan's military and political elite have a compulsive disorder in which they want to have the cake, and eat it too. No wonder the system is chock-full of symptoms of indigestion.

Let's look at a small part of the Pakistani 'strategy' for these strategic talks. Pakistan wants $400 million for Munda Dam, it wants $40 million for Gomal Zam Dam, it wants $70 million for the Natural Gas Production & Efficiency Project, it wants $10 million for Satpara Dam, it wants $27 million for the Wind Energy Project in Sindh, it wants $65 million to rehabilitate Mangla Dam, and it wants $35 million to upgrade Warsak Dam. Total cost of this dam wish-list? $647 million.

Of course, if there is a calculator on the desks of any of the over one dozen South Asia and ****** leads within the Obama administration, they could easily respond to these kinds of requests from Pakistan. At roughly $40 million a pop, the still-pending delivery of 18 F-16 aircraft (from 2006) is a deal worth about $720 million. Instead of actually delivering these aircraft in June this year, as it plans to, the US government could tell the Pakistani government that it can choose. Either it can have a bunch of dams that will resolve the energy crisis, and save many hundreds, maybe thousands of lives in hospitals and clinics around the country. Or it can have a bunch of airplanes that are designed to kill people rather indiscriminately (meaning that not all of the victims of Pakistan's F-16s will be terrorists that have been tried and convicted in a court of law).

As a Pakistani, my vote is for the dams. I suspect I wouldn't be alone. But of course, the people of Pakistan don't have very much say in the direction that Pakistan's strategic dialogue takes in Washington DC.

This is where the Obama administration's Unique Selling Proposition (USP) should have kicked in. Largely on the back of an historic advocacy effort, the compelling narrative of Pakistan that Ambassador Haqqani has become renowned for in Washington DC articulates a simple truth. Repeated American support for Pakistan's military leaders, rather than elected civilian leaders, undermines US interests in Pakistan. Under an embassy run by Haqqani, and an administration whose South Asia strategy was written by ex-CIA officer Bruce Riedel (who once called Haqqani a hero of Pakistani democracy), America was supposed to be standing by the Pakistani people, instead of Pakistani generals. The Obama administration's USP in Pakistan was that it was going to be unlike Reagan or Bush, supporting army generals, and unlike Bush Senior or Clinton, ignoring democratic governments. After the wake-up call provided by the election fiasco in Pakistan's co-joined twin brother, Afghanistan, it seems that plan might be on hold. Now, as in previous eras in which Pakistani territory is seen as vital to US interests, the Pakistani military elite are, once again, indispensable.

That is why when faced with the ridiculous dual-faced Pakistani narrative of "this is our war" and "we are fighting your war so give us your money" the Americans have no response other than to delay and defer the payments which Pakistan is legitimately entitled to, while investing in public diplomacy programmes to see if a few adverts and talk shows can't turn the tide of a decidedly cynical Pakistani public opinion.

The proper American response to a strategic dialogue with Pakistan should have been to ask Pakistan to develop an approach to the dialogue on the basis of a robust parliamentary debate. America could then have expected Pakistani parliamentarians, including both the coalition and the opposition, to own the dialogue. That dialogue may not have been qualitatively very different from what is being presented in Washington DC today. This is because of the generic lack of confidence of parliamentarians, and the resulting ownership of the policymaking function by bureaucrats, rather than politicians. Still, such a process would have had the same stamp of legitimacy that Secretary Clinton so desperately seemed to want to invest in when she visited Pakistan last year.

Instead, the agenda for Washington DC has been scripted by the geniuses that presided over eight-years of Gen Musharraf's authoring of history here since 1999. That the chief of army staff is a member of the touring party will perhaps raise a few eyebrows among those interested in the construction of a sustainable democracy.

This is the problem with the construction of a war narrative. Once constructed, we have no choice but to actually back it up with action. People must not be fooled by the smoke and mirrors of "energy, education and health". Those issues are strategically unrelated to the interests of both the US and the Pakistani state. The only instrument of war in Pakistan is the Pakistani military. As much as this is Pakistan's war, it happens to be America's too. You can't demonise a country's military and intelligence services, and then expect them to fight their war, like it was your war. So, of course, the Americans are going to engage with, egg on, subsidise and endorse whatever requirements the Pakistani military has in this Pak-American war against terrorism. This convergence of interests is the exact opposite of a synergetic confluence.

1. It is pakistan's war and they are in real danger if it's not sorted out. This is fact.

2. But the USA is also part of sin, creation of Taliban, so they both are responsible for creating this devil and are paying for it.

3. It is to be noted that the pakistan always get benefited from Afghanistan.

a. They got USA's help weapons and dollars in donations to counter USA's enemy present in Afghanistan.

b. Now, they are getting more donations, weapons and aid to destroy what they have created.

c. And interesting thing is that they will kill the beast partially so that they can have puppet govt. in Afghanistan and they can interfere in Afghanistan's internal matters and cause us pain.
1. It is pakistan's war and they are in real danger if it's not sorted out. This is fact.

2. But the USA is also part of sin, creation of Taliban, so they both are responsible for creating this devil and are paying for it.

3. It is to be noted that the pakistan always get benefited from Afghanistan.

a. They got USA's help weapons and dollars in donations to counter USA's enemy present in Afghanistan.

b. Now, they are getting more donations, weapons and aid to destroy what they have created.

c. And interesting thing is that they will kill the beast partially so that they can have puppet govt. in Afghanistan and they can interfere in Afghanistan's internal matters and cause us pain.
This is BS, the US has to pay to

1. Use our territory to cross in to Afghanistan
2. Use our ports to dock their goods and supplies
3. Use our trucks and truck drivers to carry their goods across to dangerous territories
4. For the housing we provide to personnel on transit to Afghanistan.

The rest of the military and civilian assistance aid package should stop, the whole nation is saying that but the US wants THAT to continue since those are small amounts used as bribe money.

The idiotic analysts are simplifying the issue by mixing aid and cost of war together. The cost of logistics costs in billions more than what the US has till now paid us.

Why argue, call in independent auditors and let the finances be settled amicably.
1. It is pakistan's war and they are in real danger if it's not sorted out. This is fact.

2. But the USA is also part of sin, creation of Taliban, so they both are responsible for creating this devil and are paying for it.

3. It is to be noted that the pakistan always get benefited from Afghanistan.

a. They got USA's help weapons and dollars in donations to counter USA's enemy present in Afghanistan.

b. Now, they are getting more donations, weapons and aid to destroy what they have created.

c. And interesting thing is that they will kill the beast partially so that they can have puppet govt. in Afghanistan and they can interfere in Afghanistan's internal matters and cause us pain.
This is BS, the US has to pay to

1. Use our territory to cross in to Afghanistan
2. Use our ports to dock their goods and supplies
3. Use our trucks and truck drivers to carry their goods across to dangerous territories
4. For the housing we provide to personnel on transit to Afghanistan.

The rest of the military and civilian assistance aid package should stop, the whole nation is saying that but the US wants THAT to continue since those are small amounts used as bribe money.

The idiotic analysts are simplifying the issue by mixing aid and cost of war together. The cost of logistics costs in billions more than what the US has till now paid us.

Why argue, call in independent auditors and let the finances be settled amicably.
1. It is pakistan's war and they are in real danger if it's not sorted out. This is fact.

2. But the USA is also part of sin, creation of Taliban, so they both are responsible for creating this devil and are paying for it.

3. It is to be noted that the pakistan always get benefited from Afghanistan.

a. They got USA's help weapons and dollars in donations to counter USA's enemy present in Afghanistan.

b. Now, they are getting more donations, weapons and aid to destroy what they have created.

c. And interesting thing is that they will kill the beast partially so that they can have puppet govt. in Afghanistan and they can interfere in Afghanistan's internal matters and cause us pain.
For all your fancy colored nonsense, what ever the situation in Afghanistan prevailed, before the US invasion of Afghanistan, suicide attacks were unheard of in Pakistan. Pakistan's economy was growing at an healthy 8% and due to this WOT, we suffered a loss of $35 Billion, besides despite paying heavily in both limb and life, we remain resolute to see this to the end at home and abroad, and we didn't tuck our tail between our legs and made a run when some of our workers were killed in Afghanistan. As they say, grit comes with grain so save your crap for an other day.

BBC News - Indians nervous after Kabul attacks
This is BS, the US has to pay to

1. Use our territory to cross in to Afghanistan
2. Use our ports to dock their goods and supplies
3. Use our trucks and truck drivers to carry their goods across to dangerous territories
4. For the housing we provide to personnel on transit to Afghanistan.

The rest of the military and civilian assistance aid package should stop, the whole nation is saying that but the US wants THAT to continue since those are small amounts used as bribe money.

The idiotic analysts are simplifying the issue by mixing aid and cost of war together. The cost of logistics costs in billions more than what the US has till now paid us.

Why argue, call in independent auditors and let the finances be settled amicably.


You got me all wrong.

I have clearly stated that the US should pay for it since it is USA who have created this mess.

So where is the question of not paying????????????????

I fully agree USA should pay even if they are not using your port/road/truck driver/people etc.

For all your fancy colored nonsense, what ever the situation in Afghanistan prevailed, before the US invasion of Afghanistan, suicide attacks were unheard of in Pakistan. Pakistan's economy was growing at an healthy 8% and due to this WOT, we suffered a loss of $35 Billion, besides despite paying heavily in both limb and life, we remain resolute to see this to the end at home and abroad, and we didn't tuck our tail between our legs and made a run when some of our workers were killed in Afghanistan. As they say, grit comes with grain so save your crap for an other day.

BBC News - Indians nervous after Kabul attacks


1. Using cheap level of language or phrases will not help.

2. Don't worry, India is not leaving Afghanistan.

3. Can u tell me who has created Taliban with the help of CIA???????

4. Who has provided base to Osama Bin Laden in fight with Soviets????

5. Who has benefited from USA by providing base to destabilize soviet presence in Afghanistan.

6. If u keep a snake as pet and it has bitten u why complain??? It is your fault.

My full symphathys are with the people who are dying and developing pakistan is good for India.

But who is responsible for the all these mess???????
For all your fancy colored nonsense, what ever the situation in Afghanistan prevailed, before the US invasion of Afghanistan, suicide attacks were unheard of in Pakistan. Pakistan's economy was growing at an healthy 8% and due to this WOT, we suffered a loss of $35 Billion, besides despite paying heavily in both limb and life, we remain resolute to see this to the end at home and abroad, and we didn't tuck our tail between our legs and made a run when some of our workers were killed in Afghanistan. As they say, grit comes with grain so save your crap for an other day.

BBC News - Indians nervous after Kabul attacks

You are right. The situation in Pakistan went south after America invaded Afg. However the situation in Afg was fairly bad prior to that. Actually, it may even have become better now in the urban centers than what it was prior to 2001.

Rest of your post is simply inflammatory so I'll avoid responding to it...:tup:
The question is, has USA been complaining of these Pakistani demands? I have not seen a single US policy maker complaining about this cost and so called invoice.
Why media has been so critical of Pakistan's demands when it was US who came firing guns to destroy Taliban and seeking Pakistani help.

If the source of these media criticism and pressure is from American govt then it is a clear bulling. However i know revelation by musharraf that resources can be used against India and India always on the toes to endorse its own prospective created more divide and concern. I think Pakistan could have done better with its PR ratings. Animosity with India is chasing Pakistan like a shadow on all fronts.
@Justin Joseph

1. Using cheap level of language or phrases will not help.

Yes and also trolling against Pakitan won't.

2. Don't worry, India is not leaving Afghanistan.

Why? Did you find Solomon's Mines there? This shows what India plans. To weak Pakistan, of course.

3. Can u tell me who has created Taliban with the help of CIA???????

US and Pakistan. Indeed. Why? Because the so called White Bear of Asia, USSR, the very ally of yours, had been lunatic and if we hadn't help Afghans against USSR, we would have been its next target. The aim to get access to warm waters is known to all.

4. Who has provided base to Osama Bin Laden in fight with Soviets????

Same as above. Osama was trained by US not by Pakistan. Remember that. Pakistan supported him as long as US did, after his terrorist activities far before 9/11, Pakistan administration had turned the side from him, though we did continue a good relations with Taliban as Neighbours.

5. Who has benefited from USA by providing base to destabilize soviet presence in Afghanistan.

First, US, second Afghanisatan, third Pakistan. Why was India ready to give base to US if Pakistan would have denied in 2001? Similar reasons.

6. If u keep a snake as pet and it has bitten u why complain??? It is your fault.

Yeah, we ain't complaining but saying that the one who made a snake-dwell here in 90's and again now should listen to this and taste some sour soup itself.

Secondly, like-wise, We won't tolerate any insurgency from Afghanistan.

KIT Over
For all your fancy colored nonsense, what ever the situation in Afghanistan prevailed, before the US invasion of Afghanistan, suicide attacks were unheard of in Pakistan. Pakistan's economy was growing at an healthy 8% and due to this WOT, we suffered a loss of $35 Billion, besides despite paying heavily in both limb and life, we remain resolute to see this to the end at home and abroad, and we didn't tuck our tail between our legs and made a run when some of our workers were killed in Afghanistan. As they say, grit comes with grain so save your crap for an other day.

BBC News - Indians nervous after Kabul attacks

You are missing the timing and point completely. Suicide attacks started only after when drones started flying over heads. Suicide attacks are knee jerk reaction by people suffering from drone syndrome and having buried loved ones under own roofs of their mud houses.

I am not quoting you to defend comments of another post you were referring to but picking what i thought was bluntly generalized.
The question is, has USA been complaining of these Pakistani demands? I have not seen a single US policy maker complaining about this cost and so called invoice.
Why media has been so critical of Pakistan's demands when it was US who came firing guns to destroy Taliban and seeking Pakistani help.

its only the Indian media who's jumping up & down like a professional jumper, not even a single western Media outlet has mentioned anything about the Nuke deal etc
Americans are playing the game & Indians are clearly loosing it for now, so people try to digest it

1. Using cheap level of language or phrases will not help.
If you use such prophecies, you are bound to up set some,
"And interesting thing is that they will kill the beast partially so that they can have puppet govt. in Afghanistan and they can interfere in Afghanistan's internal matters and cause us pain".
2. Don't worry, India is not leaving Afghanistan.
Nothing for us to worry as it's for India to decide.
3. Can u tell me who has created Taliban with the help of CIA???????
The original term was Mujahideen or freedom fighters to counter the Soviets, but after the Russian withdrawal, the world turned it's back on Afghanistan, while Pakistan suffered under the burden of tens of million Afghan refugees who were refusing to return to their country as the Afghan war lords were busy tearing it apart. Talibans were sent in to bring some form of normality, which indeed they initially did.

4. Who has provided base to Osama Bin Laden in fight with Soviets????

America, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt to name a few.!!
5. Who has benefited from USA by providing base to destabilize soviet presence in Afghanistan.
Certainly not Pakistan as it was under US sanctions from 1990 until 2002.
6. If u keep a snake as pet and it has bitten u why complain??? It is your fault.
When you remind others who also created and then left the mess behind, it can hardly be termed as complaining.
My full symphathys are with the people who are dying and developing pakistan is good for India.

But who is responsible for the all these mess???????
I would say again those who were part of the game plan and more so those who are now trying to just capitalize on the situation without addressing the core issue or the dilemma of the concerned.
its only the Indian media who's jumping up & down like a professional jumper, not even a single western Media outlet has mentioned anything about the Nuke deal etc
Americans are playing the game & Indians are clearly loosing it for now, so people try to digest it

I agree but don't you think India is supposed to do it and Pakistan is supposed to think about India factor every time and prepare. This what you guys were doing, furthermore your all weather friend china was doing hard work for you who is astonishingly quite this time.
No fuss...

However i have posted this before that its not difficult to get nuclear deal from US if Pakistan has a proposal and has done its homework. Furthermore Nuclear deal with USA will bring more balance and checks to so called untamed Pakistani nuclear aspirations period.

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