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Pakistan Using Heavy Shells - a First Since Ceasefire Agreement: Sources

we need to retaliate.. We should also put gelani and co in border villages.

First of all p a k i i.. stop your drama of i studied about your region 3 decade bullshit. you are a paaki who is too ashamed to put your flag. So yahh you do know about history of your region. India didnot conducted polls becuase half of kashmir was under pakistans illegal occupation and they didnot vacate it in lines of un resolution so that india can conduct elections under un obeservation. Then in 1964 they illegally gave a portion of kasmir to chineese without consulting kashmires. Right from 1947 your country is playing game of water using kashmiri life..By supportin jihadies you made their state another terrorist hellhole like afgan and pak

If you don't know the history, ask your mom or dad. If you write one more personal statement, I'd ask the admins to ban you. We are having a fact based discussion, proofs of which exist in UN's security council passing a resolution around 1960's for Kashmiri population's right to vote.

You can get personal with me and call me stuff, which will get you banned, or you can put your little girl on period attitude and act like a man and debate. Its that simple, if you can't do that, go give your mother a hug and cry on her lap. The online world is obviously very brutal for your little imagination.

By the way, the country I have my trust, faith and allegiance with, is pretty obvious in my two shiny flags. I've also spend time in Bangalore, Ayodhya and Lucnow, so does that make me an Indian??

Like I said, keep your personal drama in your head with other conspiracy theories and debate with facts. Or go ask your mother to protect you from this online forum as its "too scary" for you. Remember, FACTS only. I see one more personal attack and I'll request the admin's to ban you. They are all Pakistani so I am sure by reading your crazy stance on Kashmir, they'd love to do it.

India wants economic progress in the rigion. But Pakistan wants to destroy herself.

And Pakistan wants to destroy herself by Indian trained terrorist operating inside Baluchistan, Karachi, KPK and being trained in Afghanistan? Great!!! What a recipe for disaster sponsored by nation who's lies, whether in business or everything else!!
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Villagers look on as Pakistani shells from across the border land in Poonch.

SRINAGAR: Over 100 heavy mortar shells have landed in Jammu and Kashmir's border village Balakote since Saturday afternoon. This was the first time since the 2003 ceasefire agreement that Pakistan has used heavy shells -- 120 mm - which explains the high civilian casualties, army sources told NDTV.

Since Saturday, six people have died and nine have been injured - the highest single-day casualty in a long time.

Among the dead was Karamatullah Khan - the head of the Balakote village - who was trying to evacuate villagers to safety. A 17-year-old who tried to save him died too. The shell had landed on the car which was carrying a group of villagers.

"There was very heavy shelling from Pakistan - one shell hit the vehicle in which the sarpanch and six others were travelling," Rasheed Ahmad, one of the injured from Balakote village, had told NDTV.

Indian forces have been retaliating. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said, "We are giving them (Pakistan) a befitting reply. Our response is double-triple (in intensity)," he said.

But unlike in other border areas, the government has not constructed underground bunkers in Poonch -- the locals say this is why they have become sitting ducks for shelling from across the border.

Among yesterday's casualties were a 12-year-old child and a 40-year-old woman.

Three villages -- Shahpur, Mandhar and Kerni -- bore the brunt of the shelling, but the administration has asked people of all border villages to stay indoors. The administration has ruled out evacuating people till the shelling stops.

The ceasefire violations began in Poonch and Rajouri sectors yesterday even as Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif sent his greetings to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Independence Day and called for amicable relations between the two countries.
Story First Published: August 16, 2015 22:46 IST
Pakistan Using Heavy Shells - a First Since Ceasefire Agreement: Sources
Indian army deliberately put their mortar firing posts very close to civilian homes when Pakistan rangers fire in retaliation on same direction some time civilian came under fire.
who the fvck you think you are paakii... if you feel any need to report my posts go ahead and do it. i don't give a shit. This is just an online forum and membership here is not my lifes target. But that doesn't change who you are. If you think you are an american,you are wrong. Go and dauble check with your mom about your father paakiiii... it must be some abdulla or jameel from pakistan..

The day you see an Indian flag in my post, you can be rest assured, that would be a lie and I might do so, if I totally lost my mind and turned as crazy as you. For whatever reason, India seems like a country with highly emotionally charged people.

And as far as my name you referred to in your post, you can call me Daddy from America. That's who we are to India. We built your Shiit!!! If you really want to go back to the hell hole you were in till 1995, please return all American tax payer's lost jobs and bring your funny head-shaking "IT" people who are abusing our H1B visas through human trafficking by your IT companies.

You interview Sham, Ram shows up. A few months later, you found out you hired Gopal, and Ram was his buddy who let him use his papers!!! This IT fire sale isn't going to last long. If Donald Trump gets elected,, he's going to put an end to all this H1B human trafficking by Indian companies. Exploitation of the American system to its last degree!!!

@Oscar @Horus @Jango @Irfan Baloch : gentlemen - will you please ban this idiot and save all of us some pain? People like this, shouldn't come to forums to debate if they've not finish their high schools and learned a proper way to address people with courtesy, and per the forum rules. Thank you
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who the fvck you think you are paakii... if you feel any need to report my posts go ahead and do it. i don't give a shit. This is just an online forum and membership here is not my lifes target. But that doesn't change who you are. If you think you are an american,you are wrong. Go and dauble check with your mom about your father paakiiii... it must be some abdulla or jameel from pakistan..
@Irfan Baloch @Oscar
Indians be like (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง LETS FIGHT ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ SHUPA PAWA 2020ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
But we all know what will happen.
5 years of withheld cricket and an army of furious internet Indians prepared to defecate on Pakistani forums.
You know, I am not sure if you know the breathe of my knowledge on this subject. So PLEASE, try not to take me as a fool. I've studied your region for 3 decades, I know stuff like you don't know your India's history. I am actually meaning every word I say.

They are not allowing to built a "Pandits" Colony? India didn't allow 91% POPULATION's RIGHT TO VOTE when India overtook Kashmir. Do you think you have have a 1% comparison here to your "not letting them build a Pandits colony" case????

How do you overwrite 91% of a state's population's voting right and call yourself a "democratic India"???? The Kashmir is an issue, and it is where it is today due to India not respecting the 91% populations voting right in the elections before the occupation.

How does ONE King (a Hindu Maharaja), overwrite 91% of his population's right to chose their government, and calls his Hindu affiliated state to take over his state and kill all voting and democracy rights and its been the case since 1948?????? Had you people let the REAL Kashmiri's vote, today, Kashmir would be a bridge between Pakistan and India to establish peace. One of the gorgeous places for both the countries tourists to visit and enjoy, meet each other and have great people to people relationships. And, there wouldn't be these so many wars, terrorism and all the drama going on for 70 years. ALL because the rights of the people weren't respected!!!!

Hehehe.. Sure... :lol:

Internet is a great way for people to blow their own trumpet of knowledge.

OT : Pakistan doing everything in her power to make India call off NSA talks. They cant really face fact based talks.
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A future less nation keep provoking India a super power aspirant . Another suicidal behaviour . My condolences to people of Pakistan who dreamt of land of pure which turned out to be a living he'll.
If you don't know the history, ask your mom or dad. If you write one more personal statement, I'd ask the admins to ban you. We are having a fact based discussion, proofs of which exist in UN's security council passing a resolution around 1960's for Kashmiri population's right to vote.

You can get personal with me and call me stuff, which will get you banned, or you can put your little girl on period attitude and act like a man and debate. Its that simple, if you can't do that, go give your mother a hug and cry on her lap. The online world is obviously very brutal for your little imagination.

By the way, the country I have my trust, faith and allegiance with, is pretty obvious in my two shiny flags. I've also spend time in Bangalore, Ayodhya and Lucnow, so does that make me an Indian??

Like I said, keep your personal drama in your head with other conspiracy theories and debate with facts. Or go ask your mother to protect you from this online forum as its "too scary" for you. Remember, FACTS only. I see one more personal attack and I'll request the admin's to ban you. They are all Pakistani so I am sure by reading your crazy stance on Kashmir, they'd love to do it.

And Pakistan wants to destroy herself by Indian trained terrorist operating inside Baluchistan, Karachi, KPK and being trained in Afghanistan? Great!!! What a recipe for disaster sponsored by nation who's lies, whether in business or everything else!!

You really dont take long to display " the breathe of my knowledge on this subject " ... :enjoy:

nd I am pretty sure, its not only the year of resolution you have got wrong.You have never read the resolution :lol:.
Hehehe.. Sure... :lol:

Internet is a great way for people to blow their own trumpet of knowledge.

Right, just like a billion people from India, having access to the internet do. By the way, the details I provided to you, didn't come from the Vedic times, they were from the UN. Here's the copy and paste for you. See the last paragraph in bold:

See page 4 - Bullet 6 and down:

United Nations Official Document
Right, just like a billion people from India, having access to the internet do. By the way, the details I provided to you, didn't come from the Vedic times, they were from the UN. Here's the copy and paste for you. See the last paragraph in bold:

See page 4 - Bullet 6 and down:

United Nations Official Document

Good.. Now that you have taken the trouble to google the document and found the link. Do bother to read once again. This time slowly so that words do not escape you. :lol:
Hey, like I said, go hug your moma and cry. The world is too scary for someone like you. Your parents fought a lot, I can tell by your attitude. Abnormal, narcissistic and emotional!!! Here's the UN's resolution back in the 48. Go to Page 4, bullet 6.

United Nations Official Document

Oh yea? That's all you have? When was the last time I heard a WORD out of your mouth that had Wisdom? Why do you even spend time in coming to this forum? By the way, I hired one of your Brahman brethren again, for that job that I told you about. He actually went to Standford. By the way you debate, its pretty obvious to me you didn't go to a good school, no leadership, no debate. Just emotional or "false flag" crybaby!!
read the same UN document you posted you imbecile... if you have problems comprehending , hit me up
Indian army deliberately put their mortar firing posts very close to civilian homes when Pakistan rangers fire in retaliation on same direction some time civilian came under fire.

Same copy cat reply which Indian army charges on PA.

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