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China and the Philippines: Asia's Most Toxic Relationship


Mar 6, 2015
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China and the Philippines: Asia's Most Toxic Relationship

5 hours ago | Updated 10 minutes ago

Richard Javad Heydarian Academic, policy adviser, and author of "Asia's New Battlefield: US, China, and the Struggle for Western Pacific"

In the West, it is often said that Asians are a different bunch, that they conduct diplomacy in a more subtle fashion -- disguising their differences under the veil of cultural solidarity and burgeoning economic ties. I vividly recall the 'guidelines' forwarded to me by a prominent American think tank ahead of a major conference hosted in an Asian capital.

In a politely Orientalist fashion, the participants, particularly those from the West, were encouraged to be circumspect and courteous in expressing their views, to hold the business cards of their Asia counterparts with two hands (instead of one) to exhibit respect, and maintain utmost collegiality in their interactions with their Asian hosts (i.e., don't be too frank and open), even when the topic at hand was as contentious as, say, nuclear proliferation or maritime security.

As Francis Fukuyama explains in his critically-acclaimed book The Origins of Political Order across the Sino-sphere, which covers Asia's most dynamic economies, Confucianism -- a philosophical tradition that sidelined 'legalism' as the enduring state ideology of Imperial (and post-Mao) China -- always emphasized the importance of amicable and ethically-inspired resolution of disputes instead of, say, confrontational litigation or brute force.

In the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which has a significant Muslim population, the emphasis is on consensus-building and consultation, drawing on Islam's age-old tradition of deliberative/consultative governance, embodied by the concept of Shura.

In recent years, however, the veneer of Asian exceptionalism has been decisively shattered by a particularly bitter, acrimonious, and openly hostile relationship between China and Philippines over a whole host of disputed rocks, atolls, islands and fishers and hydrocarbon resources in the South China Sea. Slowly but surely, Asian territorial disputes have become as hostile as inter-state disputes among Western countries in the past and Middle Eastern nations in more recent times.

And it's becoming clear, as realist scholars like John Mearsheimer have been warning for years, that a rising China will probably not be substantially different in terms of its ambitions and behavior from other revisionist states in the past. An explosion of nationalist fervor among Asian claimant states hasn't helped either. A prosperous region is now sleepwalking into conflict.

China and the Philippines: Asia's Most Toxic Relationship | Richard Javad Heydarian
So china is just other country its not special as a filipino we would love to have no enemies but sadly china is threat to our food supplies our resources our national sovereignty as a country if only china has no nazi like ambitions and follow international law and respect other countries territorial waters and ezz's why not?
These delusional pinoy journalists are always trying to associate their country with ours. They are so desperate that they will even cling to negativity ('most toxic relationship') to push the connection. But the truth is that the relationship between a surging regional power and a minor peripheral state can never be the 'most toxic' or 'most' anything. There is simply no significance to a relationship like that.
China isn't a threat to your country because they don't care about irrelevant countries. Your own clueless and corrupted government is the problem.

See that's the point you think less of your other countries that's why china already encircled
These delusional pinoy journalists are always trying to associate their country with ours. They are so desperate that they will even cling to negativity ('most toxic relationship') to push the connection. But the truth is that the relationship between a surging regional power and a minor peripheral state can never be the 'most toxic' or 'most' anything. There is simply no significance to a relationship like that.

Except for the fact that the peripheral power serves as a staging post for the 'surging' regional power's foe, the undisputed one and only superpower of the world, the United States.

China isn't a threat to your country because they don't care about irrelevant countries. Your own clueless and corrupted government is the problem.

That comment makes the silly assumption that corruption doesn't happen in China which is absolute nonsense.
Except for the fact that the peripheral power serves as a staging post for the 'surging' regional power's foe, the undisputed one and only superpower of the world, the United States.

That comment makes the silly assumption that corruption doesn't happen in China which is absolute nonsense.

The so called 'superpower' you name can't even stop China's construction in the SCS. Spends all that money on the military but is too afraid to destroy the constructions :lol:

There is not a country on this planet that will stop the rise of China. China has a birth right to be the most powerful country in Asia. China's power and influence will continue to surge whether anyone likes it....or not.
End of story!
The so called 'superpower' you name can't even stop China's construction in the SCS. Spends all that money on the military but is too afraid to destroy the constructions :lol:

There is not a country on this planet that will stop the rise of China. China has a birth right to be the most powerful country in Asia. China's power and influence will continue to surge whether anyone likes it....or not.
End of story!

LoL its not a children's game. Your juvenile thinking, am sure, carries some currency in China but not much elsewhere. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that Chinese military might is no match for the Americans as things stand today. Now you are most welcome to make excuses why that is so.. Go on..
LoL its not a children's game. Your juvenile thinking, am sure, carries some currency in China but not much elsewhere. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that Chinese military might is no match for the Americans as things stand today. Now you are most welcome to make excuses why that is so.. Go on..

The American military can NEVER defeat the PLA....EVER!

There is a reason the American military is too scared to destroy the constructors in the SCS. Because the cost of going to war with China is far too great. The American military option will never be able to be used on China because of MAD.

What's the point of spending all that money on the military when you are too afraid to use it? Spends $600 billion on the military, brags about the 'invisible' military but still too afraid to destroy the Chinese constrictions.

China is constructing what we want, when we want and the American military is utterly powerless to stop it. The best they can come up with is flying close by? :lol:

China called America's bluff and the Americans don't know what to do or where to look.

If it was some mickey mouse defenceless country, the American military would have already bombed it. They would have bragged about what a 'supa powa' military they have and how everything went so well. But when it comes to China and Russia, the American balls shrink quicker than a dead money's nutsack.

As I said earlier, there is not a country on planet earth that can stop the rise of China. Learn to live with it. :coffee:
For someone who is THAT deluded, a mental health facility is required, nothing I say can help such a diseased mind.

If they can, lets see it.

As I said, the American military has the perfect opportunity to show it can defeat the PLA by bombing the SCS constructions.

What's stopping them?

American military has only bombed weak and defenceless countries that can't fight back, they don't have the guts to get into a war with China or Russia. That's why Russia took back Crimea and China is doing the SCS constructions. Both countries called America's bluff knowing Americans are too afraid to get into a war with either of them. Both know the American military can NEVER defeat either country.

Let me tell you something kid, you might be brainwashed by the American propaganda apparatus, but don't ever expect others to follow you.
If they can, lets see it.

As I said, the American military has the perfect opportunity to show it can defeat the PLA by bombing the SCS constructions.

What's stopping them?

American military has only bombed weak and defenceless countries that can't fight back, they don't have the guts to get into a war with China or Russia. That's why Russia took back Crimea and China is doing the SCS constructions. Both countries called America's bluff knowing Americans are too afraid to get into a war with either of them. Both know the American military can NEVER defeat either country.

Let me tell you something kid, you might be brainwashed by the American propaganda apparatus, but don't ever expect others to follow you.

The last thing Americans would be is 'afraid'.. lol Geo-politics is not your schoolyard game and war is not a joke.. The Americans defeated the Soviet Union without ever getting in to a face-to-face war with them. I guess your weak understanding of history and Chinese Communist party brainwashing since your childhood schooling is to blame for your naivety and juvenile attitude.
The last thing Americans would be is 'afraid'.. lol Geo-politics is not your schoolyard game and war is not a joke.. The Americans defeated the Soviet Union without ever getting in to a face-to-face war with them. I guess your weak understanding of history and Chinese Communist party brainwashing since your childhood schooling is to blame for your naivety and juvenile attitude.

OMG are you really that stupid? :lol:

What a complete and utter noob thinking the Americans defeated the Soviet Union. Americans sure did a great job in brainwashing you kid.

Soviet Union collapsed because its economy was run by the state. A 100% state-run economy will always get into trouble if there is no private sector to back it up during economic downturns. Soviet factor prices were set by the state and when they tried to reform its economy by giving markets a say, it didn't free up factor prices which was still set by the state and led to companies cutting back on production to make a profit. To make profits, the state companies cut production which led to high unemployment and high inflation. It was a vicious cycle where if you increased production, you made losses, but the only way to make a profit was to cut production which decimated the economy. The state companies were not allowed to charge market price, the prices were determined by the state.

It had nothing to do with the Americans and certainly nothing to do with military spending.

Answer me this.....

Whats stopping the Americans getting into a war with China, if the Americans are not afraid?

Go on, I'll wait for your detailed explanation.
Except for the fact that the peripheral power serves as a staging post for the 'surging' regional power's foe, the undisputed one and only superpower of the world, the United States.

That comment makes the silly assumption that corruption doesn't happen in China which is absolute nonsense.

You need to work on your reading comprehension. No where in my comment did I say or insintuate China doesn't have corruption. The reality is corruption exists in all countries to a certain degree. The difference is China is advancing forward on the global stage at an unprecedented rate while actually fighting corruption in-house. That Xi Jinping fella is running a tight ship and showing the leadership of a competent leader. The Philippines? Quite the opposite.

China doesn't have time to waste on these irrelevant, neighboring countries who are only good for whining. They have their mind set on a bigger prize: world number one. In other words, China is playing chess while the rest are playing checkers.

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