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Dr Afia's daughter recovered from Bagram Airbase

This story is, so far, too sketchy to jump to any conclusions. Who was this "John" at Bagram? How could she be kept there by him without others knowing? Was she born in the USA? Is she an American citizen? On and on go the questions.

We should wait until there is some credible information from a trustworthy source before concluding anything about where she has been, in the company of whom, and why for the past 10 years.
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really injustice with aafia and her family...sorry aafia

but the point to note here is who left the little girl infront of there home? from Bagram Airbase to there home? how they reached pakistan, either they flew to pakistan but wht were airport security doing? or any of our intelligence department? wht ever i dont accept it can be done without ISI involvement...

lahma e fikar................

Can I ask why not? I'm not pointing the blame on the ISI but i'd like to mention that rogues, double agents exist in all secret services and ours should be no exception. Just look at Oleg Penkovsky in the 1960's, who could've envisiged that? What makes Pakistan any different?
Fauzia confirms recently found Girl is not Aafia’s daughter

Apr 6, 2010‎

KARACHI: Dr Fauzia Siddiqui has confirmed that the teenage girl, brought by unidentified men to her home is not Mariam, the missing 11-year-old daughter of Dr Aafia Siddiqui, the Pakistani national scientist detained in US Prison.

The incident with regard to bringing a Girl outside her home may be an attempt to divert attention of masses from Dr. Aafia case, she said this while talking to media men here on Tuesday.

Answering to a question, the sister of Dr Aafia Siddiqui said, we would get DNA report of the teenage girl after three weeks. The blood tests and fingerprints of the teenage girl did not match with Mariam, who is one of two missing children of Aafia, she said.

We are carrying out complete investigation about the teenage Girl, Dr. Fauzia said. She appealed to media not to ask any question about girl. "I will myself inform the media if something comes in my knowledge," Fauzia added. She said it was doubtful that the girl might be the missing daughter of Aafia.

It was being claimed that the girl was the missing daughter of Dr. Aafia Siddiqi who had been disappeared from Karachi in March 2003 with her three children. The U.S. detained her secretly in Bagram Air Base of Afghanistan and later shifted to US.

ONLINE - International News Network
This story is, so far, too sketchy to jump to any conclusions. Who was this "John" at Bagram? How could she be kept there by him without others knowing? Was she born in the USA? Is she an American citizen? On and on go the questions.

We should wait until there is some credible information from a trustworthy source before concluding anything about where she has been, in the company of whom, and why for the past 10 years.

The daughter of Dr Aafia Siddiqui, Maryam, is a U.S. citizen.

You can see some pictures of her children including Maryam in this video :cry:

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Fauzia confirms recently found Girl is not Aafia’s daughter

Today is April 10 not April 6. On April 6 they said that the girl was not the daughter and Dr Fauzia had "adopted" the girl.

Today, MoI has claimed that she is the daughter as they have conducted a DNA test.
Her uncle claims that the boy might not be her son as her refused to recognize her pictures or her family.

Ahmed was returned to Pakistan from Afghanistan in 2008, but Dr Faruqi tells me he doesn’t believe for a moment that it is Aafia Siddiqui’s son. “He came here to stay with me, but he said he didn’t know Aafia until he was taken to Ghazni. He said to me: ‘I was in the big earthquake in Afghanistan and my brothers and sisters were killed in their home while I was out fetching water – that’s what saved my life.’ He told me that after the earthquake, he was put in an orphanage in Kabul. He was shown a photograph of my niece Aafia and said he did not know this lady, that he had never seen her before.
Then he was taken to Ghazni and told to sit next to this woman – my niece. The boy is intelligent. He is simple. He is honest.”

Her sister keeps him away from giving an interview as it might shed light as to what "activities" Aafia Siddiqui was involved in during her visits to Afghanistan.

Remember that Aafia Siddiqui being charged on absolutely ridiculous charges of snatching a gun from a soldier does not mean that she was never associated with any terrorism related activities.

Her case is shrouded in mysteries. Some are now saying that her ex-husband might have taken money to frame her up, although again these are random accusations without any proof.

What we know is that she was being followed by the ISI since 2003 because her name had popped up in watch lists from the very start.

After Siddiqui disappeared in March 2003, Khan started to worry for his children – he had never seen his youngest son, Suleman. But he was reassured that they were still in Pakistan through three sources. He hired people to watch her house and they reported her comings and goings. His family was also briefed by ISI officials who said they were following her movements, he said. (Khan named an ISI brigadier whom I later contacted; he declined to speak).

Most strikingly, Khan claimed to have seen his ex-wife with his own eyes. In April 2003, he said, the ISI asked him to identify his ex-wife as she got off a flight from Islamabad, accompanied by her son. Two years later he spotted her again in a Karachi traffic jam. But he never went public with the information. "I wanted to protect her, for the sake of my children," he said.

Khan's explanation is bolstered by the one person who claims to have met the missing neuroscientist between 2003 and 2008 – her uncle, Shams ul-Hassan Faruqi. Back in Islamabad, I went to see him.

A sprightly old geologist, Faruqi works from a cramped office filled with coloured rocks and dusty computers. Over tea and biscuits he described a strange encounter with his niece in January 2008, six months before she was captured in Afghanistan.

It started, he said, when a white car carrying a burka-clad woman pulled up outside his gate. Beckoning him to approach, he recognised her by her voice. "Uncle, I am Aafia," he recalled her saying. But she refused to leave the car and insisted they move to the nearby Taj Mahal restaurant to talk. Amid whispers, her story tumbled out.

Siddiqui told him she had been in both Pakistani and American captivity since 2003, but was vague on the details. "I was in the cells but I don't know in which country, or which city. They kept shifting me," she said. Now she had been set free but remained under the thumb of intelligence officials based in Lahore. They had given her a mission: to infiltrate al-Qaida in Pakistan. But, Siddiqui told her uncle, she was afraid and wanted out. She begged him to smuggle her into Afghanistan into the hands of the Taliban. "That was her main point," he recalled. "She said: 'I will be safe with the Taliban.'"

That night, Siddiqui slept at a nearby guesthouse, and stayed with her uncle the next day. But she refused to remove her burka. Faruqi said he caught a glimpse of her just once, while eating, and thought her nose had been altered. "I asked her, 'Who did plastic surgery on your face?' She said, 'nobody'."

So, what we know is that her husband divorced her because of what he says were irreconcilable ideological differences as she had become an extremist, that she married Ammar al Baluchi, a man currently in Guantanamo and a nephew of the infamous Khalid Sheikh Muhammad. We also know that she wasn't being investigated for nothing and that she had been in Afghanistan for not so humanitarian activities.

While the case in which she has been charged is bonkers, it does not mean she was never involved in any terrorism related activities. Asking for her release shouldn't cloud this side of the story. We should prosecute her ourselves for these allegations.
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we need to make an example out of musharraf, why doesnt the supreme court go after him !! :angry:
Can someone give brief yet comprehensive history about Dr.Afia...??? How & why she went to Afghan,,, What r accusations on her,,, was she arrested on spot or later,,, when did she was handed over to US,,, etc,,,

Can someone give brief yet comprehensive history about Dr.Afia...??? How & why she went to Afghan,,, What r accusations on her,,, was she arrested on spot or later,,, when did she was handed over to US,,, etc,,,


Nobody can give a definite account. Everything is shrouded in mystery and right wing conservative journalists have tried to portray her as the "daughter of the nation" just to fulfill their desires of bashing what they perceive is imperialism and filling their jugs of america hate potion.

Only Dawn has tried to portray an objective and unbiased account when it comes to the local media.

Here is a detailed timeline of her case and is quite objective:-

ARCHIVES: Detailed Chronology of the Case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui

As it is clear, she was wanted for charges related to terrorism. She was caught by our authorities and handed over to the US. Her whereabouts between '04 and '08 are ambiguous and her uncle claims that he met her in '08. If she was at Bagram all the time or in CIA cells, how the hell did she come to Islamabad?

She later appears to be in US custody, is taken to New York and is charged with stealing a gun from a soldier. This does not mean she is not connected to any terrorism group or she is innocent.
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Her uncle claims that the boy might not be her son as her refused to recognize her pictures or her family.

Dr Aafia's mother and sister recognized the boy and say that he is the son of Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

Also if you look at the video that I posted above it has pictures of the boy with his sister Maryam. He is the same person, its just that he is taller and older now.

I saw an interview of Dr Aafia's mother and sister on Aalim Online on Geo and they said the son is not mentally stable because of the years he spent in Bagram Airbase.

If he wasn't the son, then Dr Aafia's sister would've not kept him in her home as she is doing today.
I saw an interview of Dr Aafia's mother and sister on Aalim Online on Geo and they said the son is not mentally stable because of the years he spent in Bagram Airbase.

I can accept their account, but how her case related to Islam is beyond me. Televangelists taking on all political issues and creating a confused public opinion all the time. Fauzia Siddiqui being interviewed for Aalim Online is idiotic.

What is your opinion on this :- Was she ever related to any terrorist group? Why was she being chased in 2003 by the ISI?
What is your opinion on this :- Was she ever related to any terrorist group? Why was she being chased in 2003 by the ISI?

I find it hard to believe that a 90 Pound woman snatched a rifle from 3 U.S. army personnels and tried shooting them and then she supposedly shouted that she wants to kill all Americans :disagree:

She was educated in the U.S. I'm sure she had American friends. Why would she want to kill all Americans when she is a neuroscientist because of her American professors in an American university where she earned her PhD degree. Even Dr Aafia's mother and sister said on television that they dont hate Americans they just hate the injustice that some people have done to her.

To me Dr Aafia Siddiqui looks like any other Pakistani woman. Not a terrorist.
I find it hard to believe that a 90 Pound woman snatched a rifle from 3 U.S. army personnels and tried shooting them and then she supposedly shouted that she wants to kill all Americans :disagree:

She was educated in the U.S. I'm sure she had American friends. Why would she want to kill all Americans when she is a neuroscientist because of her American professors in an American university where she earned her PhD degree. Even Dr Aafia's mother and sister said on television that they dont hate Americans they just hate the injustice that some people have done to her.

To me Dr Aafia Siddiqui looks like any other Pakistani woman. Not a terrorist.

The legal aspects of the "snatching" case can be debated as no forensic evidence was provided but I was asking about hear earlier activities. IMO, the "snatching" case was just a farce to make sure that she stays in the US so they can find more about her "earlier" activities. I asked you specifically about her being chased since 2003 and there is no doubt based on the chronology of events that she was certainly involved in "suspicious" activities. I was stressing that crying against injustice should not be a reason not to evaluate whether she is guilty of conspiring to commit terrorism or not.

As for being educated in the US and not killing Americans, that is quite a failed logic. Terrorists who attack us have mostly been locals and while they might not have been educated, radicalization certainly can affect the most educated minds. Radicalizing illiterate people would be far easy but convincing an educated person won't be impossible. The world has seen its fair share of educated terrorist liberators as well and educated people who thought that violence as a means can be justified based on the ends, the sanctity of their mission or what they perceived as their religious duty.Remember, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the guy who radicalized the Muslim brotherhood and found Al Qaeda is a learned doctor and an amazing orator (listen to his speech inside the court prosecuting Muslim brotherhood after the assassination of Saadat).

PS :- No arguments like Zawahiri isn't a terrorist. He's responsible for bombings across the world including the first major suicide bombing in Pakistan on November 19, 1995 at the Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad.
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Her uncle claims that the boy might not be her son as her refused to recognize her pictures or her family. Her sister keeps him away from giving an interview as it might shed light as to what "activities" Aafia Siddiqui was involved in during her visits to Afghanistan.

when she was kidnapped/disappeared her kids were tooooooo young its unlikely that the boy at a tender age could remember anything after being kept in isolation in Afghanistan by US forces.

Above all its the most stupid and dumbest assumption that Afia would have carried her small kids to a War zone or even if she would have carried out any activity in front of them.

Remember that Aafia Siddiqui being charged on absolutely ridiculous charges of snatching a gun from a soldier does not mean that she was never associated with any terrorism related activities.

The verdict against her has been given on the basis of shame trial in US and on the basis of the same ridiculous charges of snatching a gun from a soldier So first give her Justice and stand for her for this victimisation by US.

After you clean your hands of this injustice then do carry out investigations into any of her "terrorism related activities".

Her case is shrouded in mysteries. Some are now saying that her ex-husband might have taken money to frame her up, although again these are random accusations without any proof.

Not now but from very start there had been media reports that her ex-husband was an FBI Agent hence chances of his framing her are very high.

We also know that she wasn't being investigated for nothing and that she had been in Afghanistan for not so humanitarian activities.

Do you have any proof that she went to Afghanistan willingly and was not kidnapped and imprisoned at Bagram by US and its allies ??

While the case in which she has been charged is bonkers, it does not mean she was never involved in any terrorism related activities. Asking for her release shouldn't cloud this side of the story. We should prosecute her ourselves for these allegations.

You can investigate her for allegations but first give her justice after you have sentenced her on the basis of pure lies.
... The verdict against her has been given on the basis of sham trial in US and on the basis of the same ridiculous charges of snatching a gun from a soldier ... her ex-husband was an FBI Agent ...
Yesterday sb told me sth strange,,, that, Musharaf's son had interest in her & when she refused Mushi punished her by fabricating all these allegations ...

Any truth in this?

Remember few days back a politician was caught on tape for beating a student in Police station just because he defeated politician's son in an atheletic race...!!! That's how crazy ppl in power can be,

Edit:-I just found this:-

Barrister Iqbal Jafferi, who is 70 years old and suffers from prostate cancer, has filed a petition in Islamabad High Court on August 8, in which he has accused President Pervez Musharraf’s son, Bilal Musharraf, of taking the bounty money that the FBI had announced for the head of Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

It’s true that some Pakistanis received bounty money for handing over the wanted men and women to the FBI and CIA, and General ® Pervez Musharraf also mentioned that in his not-so-celebrated book “In the Line of Fire”, but it is yet to be established that his son Bilal Musharraf is one of those Pakistanis.

Dr. Aafia’s plight is very terrible, and from the latest images of her coming out in the media, it is pretty much clear as how much torture she has received, and FBI authorities say that her children are safe, but given the health and condition of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, it is very highly unlikely that her children would be in great shape.

Regardless of the flimsy charges and haphazard proofs against Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, which law of earth permits FBI to keep her children under arrest for all these years? If Bilal Musharraf has committed that horrendous crime of handing over Dr. Aafia’s children for some dollars, then he should also be tried along with his father in the Pakistani court, and he must tell the court as according to which law he received the bounty and why? If he hasn’t done anything like that, then such mud must not be slung over him, just because his father has screwed and sold the nation for all these years.

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