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One dead as PIA employees, LEAs clash at Karachi's JinnahTerminal

Status quo of same ole same ole can't continue, if you want to survive as a nation, 70 years of mess cleaning will require some hard decision.
Hard decisions by hard people........

My mother is Teacher. My aunts are all teachers. AND THEY WORK VERY HARD!!!!
One of my aunt is past her retiring age, and has no service left but THIS DEMOCRATIC government is not letting them retire. Do you know why because they cant pay her pension!!! and yet hire someone else to take their place. So please DO NOT LECTURE US. YOU DO NOT EVEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMMENT SITTING COMFORTABLY IN USA.
It mean your family is passing through same trouble as mine.......
This government lack zero wisdom to manage the education department........

Or a nation that wants everything without working hard for it?
Don't be so naive in your approach Sir......
Being so negative doesn't bring positive change in you or the one you are targeting and the society......

PIA should be privatized, but transparent.
Very good and wise point.

What's next?
Education department
Post service
Health department

How about privatizing the entire country then?
Modi will be interested in buying some land from Kashmir, Sindh and Punjab.....
Don't be so naive in your approach Sir......
Being so negative doesn't bring positive change in you or the one you are targeting and the society.

I am not being naive nor negative, merely realistic. Besides, I am in that part of life where I really have no need nor desire nor ability to change anything, myself included. :D
I am not being naive nor negative, merely realistic. Besides, I am in that part of life where I really have no need nor desire nor ability to change anything, myself included. :D
I know Sir......
That's why I hate when old generation try to demoralize the young generation instead of trusting their abilities and keeping faith for some thing better......
I know Sir......
That's why I hate when old generation try to demoralize the young generation instead of trusting their abilities and keeping faith for some thing better......

Where did I demoralize anyone? PIA is a white elephant, but it will still be served, bankruptcy or not. How is that reality demoralizing anyone? It is exactly reality, unless you wish to present some evidence that I am wrong.
Where did I demoralize anyone? PIA is a white elephant, but it will still be served, bankruptcy or not. How is that reality demoralizing anyone? It is exactly reality, unless you wish to present some evidence that I am wrong.
The "negativity" is very clear.....


If some one else have said that.... then I must have ignored...... but you sir....? I believe you are old man with young hope. Such comments were disappointing for me........
The "negativity" is very clear.....

View attachment 291203 View attachment 291204

If some one else have said that.... then I must have ignored...... but you sir....? I believe you are old man with young hope. Such comments were disappointing for me........

Sir, several years ago, I predicted on PDF that attempts to privatize PIA will fail. I said that for good reasons, since the free travel and limitless cargo transport (and other benefits) is enjoyed by so many vested interests that it simply cannot be allowed to happen, despite lip service by many. I was correct then, and I am correct now. There is nothing negative in what I have said here. I have hope, but I also tell things like how they actually are, not how we wish them to be.
We love protesting and breaking into government property and LEAs love finring that water canon and baton-charging.

We are a nation obsessed with violent entertainment.
Plz sir....... I bet I am half of your age ...... :D

Online, everyone is equal, unless their views are the "preferred" ones, then they are "special". :D

The IMF can push the gurnamint as much as it wants to privatize PIA, but I just do not see that happening anytime soon.

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