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Russian military: Turkey entering Syria soon

I'm not gonna get mad like the likes of you which i look down upon....just stop BS about our people and heritage.
that's racist dude ...it seems that turks have a habit of looking down upon arabs unfortunately that was one of the main reasons that caused the downfall of a great empire.
From the very beginning of unwritten history our ancestors conquered lands from here and there, built states and empires. Today more than 50 states lay on ex-Ottoman lands. So how would you expect them to keep same genes from Mid-Asia? That's pure stupid thinking after centuries long interaction :) So oh yeah, fvck the genetics.. Btw @Nadhem Of Ibelin, your country was one of them, so by your saying, your people got invaded massacared raped and assimilated by the Turks? Feel humiliated?
From the very beginning of unwritten history our ancestors conquered lands from here and there, built states and empires. Today more than 50 states lay on ex-Ottoman lands. So how would you expect them to keep same genes from Mid-Asia? That's pure stupid thinking after centuries long interaction :) So oh yeah, fvck the genetics.. Btw @Nadhem Of Ibelin, your country was one of them, so by your saying, your people got invaded massacared raped and assimilated by the Turks? Feel humiliated?
your ancestors built great civilizations throughout history nobody denies that
History of Anatolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
what i'am trying to say that modern turks aren't turco-mongols they're anatolians turkified by turkic tribes
Turkification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Actually tunisia was liberated by ottoman fleet under the command of the italian muslim sinan pasha(Cigalazade Yusuf Sinan Pasha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia from the spaniards who commited atrocities against tunisian muslim people and there were no assimilation nor atrocities commited by the ottoman soldiers against tunisian population.
your ancestors built great civilizations throughout history nobody denies that
History of Anatolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
what i'am trying to say that modern turks aren't turco-mongols they're anatolians turkified by turkic tribes
Turkification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Actually tunisia was liberated by ottoman fleet under the command of the italian muslim sinan pasha(Cigalazade Yusuf Sinan Pasha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia from the spaniards who commited atrocities against tunisian muslim people and there were no assimilation nor atrocities commited by the ottoman soldiers against tunisian population.

Again, fvck the genes, as Atatürk said, " Whoever feels himself Turkish, he is Turkish ". Period
that's racist dude ...it seems that turks have a habit of looking down upon arabs unfortunately that was one of the main reasons that caused the downfall of a great empire.
Not Arabs, i got many Arab friends here. But foolish guys like you.
If Turkey fights in Syria it will go up against Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kurds :o:

My guess - it is going to be Turkey vs ISIS. Dabiq.

Ha Ha Ha.. WTF am I doing, believing in fairy tales..just trolling. :-)
guess invading Iraq is not an option any more, but what about Syria? Is Turkey coming in or not?
Not coming....these are just the rants of Russia, they are lying just like when they said we didn't Turkish airspace (twice), Turkey buying oil from ISIS, Turkey bombed civilians in Syria Turkey is going to invade Syria. Stupid Soviet propaganda to divert the attention from their war crimes.

These fvcks bombed civilians, hospitals, marketplaces, schools, mosques and still have nerve to point their finger at us.

Syria conflict: Russian air strikes 'killed 200 civilians' - BBC News
Russian Air Force Drops Bombs on mosque During Prayer Time in Syria | USA Politics Today
Russia blamed for deadly air strike in Syria's Idlib - Al Jazeera English
Four Syrian hospitals bombed since Russian airstrikes began, doctors say | World news | The Guardian
Syria children killed as Russian missile hits school - Al Jazeera English

Child killers has no right to accuse us of anything.
Not coming....these are just the rants of Russia, they are lying just like when they said we didn't Turkish airspace (twice), Turkey buying oil from ISIS, Turkey bombed civilians in Syria Turkey is going to invade Syria. Stupid Soviet propaganda to divert the attention from their war crimes.

These fvcks bombed civilians, hospitals, marketplaces, schools, mosques and still have nerve to point their finger at us.

Child killers has no right to accuse us of anything.
The US and Saudis has bombed a couple weddings. So the US has no rights, am i right?

Turkey destroy whole Russia too.
are u serious?o_O:rofl:
It is a dilemma for us. We are the only Islamic power and we will be to take side.We will stand with Turkey if it will Turkey vs Russia only.Russia knows what can we do with them but it it is going to be Russia vs NATO then our brotherly nation China will for sure come to help out Russia.In that case we will have to fight alongside Russia.Better Turkey and Turks understand it.
Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, and also in case of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is threatened. - Russian Military Doctrine.
So if missile warning system detect any launch it would means the end of state of Pakistan.
Seriously? First of all it's 2016, and nobody, at least in Serbia gives a **** about Constantinople, Turkey is certainly not the favorite country for many Serbs, but that has nothing to do with the fall of Constantinople. During that time, Serbian despotate was vassal state to the Ottoman empire, which means that Serbian troops particpated in the siege on the Ottoman side (around 1500 cavalry and miners from Novo Brdo). We had our own reasons not to like the Turks through most of our history, but that doesn't mean that Serbia would participate in some kind of a future war with Turkey. Let me give you some facts:

- we don't even share a border.
- we have nothing to gain from that war
- even if you ignore facts from above, Serbian army is not capable to engage in any kind of offensive actions against Turkey. Most of Balkan states armies are small defensive forces, with old equipment and small budgets. Not to mention that some of the countries you named are in NATO just like Turkey. For example Croatia. Why the **** would Croatia declare war to Turkey. And Russia and Ukraine on the same side against Turkey :woot:

There is no way in hell that Serbia is going to declare war on Turkey. And we don't really care that much about wars in Middle East. You are either trolling or you dont know anything about this topic.

You really took your time to write such a long detailed response to Superboy??:rofl: That's even funnier than superboy himself.:lol:

Is Turkey going to attack where thousands of Iranian , Iraqi , Syrian and Lebanese forces are directly operating ?


I forgot to mention Russians .

I don't know what is wrong with Turkey but some sane people should control Erdogan , He seems to be unable to digest the truth .

Thing is even IF (that's a big IF)Turkey was to intervene in Syria, what makes you think it will be against Russia?? They will simply intervene to possibly create a buffer zone along their border with Syria and secure their own interest in the region (which is what every other power in this conflict is doing).

I don't understand why there is all this fuss about their intervention. After all there several countries already operating/directly involved in Syria from Russia,U.S, U.K,France, Iran,to Lebanon etc etc. Adding in Turkey wont change much.

MOREOVER THE UNSC/P5 powers/UN have all call for any capable country/power in the world to intervene in Syria to dislodge ISIS and bring about peace BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY. So any country intervening in Syria is legitimate/justified.:pop:
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