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India To Buy $60 Million Supercomputer To Predict Monsoon


Mar 15, 2015
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New Delhi: India's forecasting of the monsoon - the crop-nourishing seasonal rains that are the lifeblood for farmers in the country of 1.3 billion people - is getting a high-tech makeover.

Jettisoning a statistical method introduced under British colonial rule in the 1920s, India's meteorology office is spending $60 million on a new supercomputer to improve the accuracy of one of the world's most vital weather forecasts in time for next year's rains.


A surface observatory is pictured inside the premises of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) in New Delhi. (Reuters Photo)

The new system, based on a US model tweaked for India, requires immense computing power to generate three-dimensional models to help predict how the monsoon is likely to develop.


An employee works at the main observation centre at the India Meteorological Department (IMD) in New Delhi. (Reuters Photo)

Experts say better forecasting could help India raise its farm output by nearly 15 percent, by helping farmers tweak the best time to sow, irrigate or apply fertilizer to crops and if rains fail plan state-wide measures. This would be a major boon for a country already either the world's biggest or second-biggest producer and consumer of rice, wheat, sugar and cotton.

"If everything goes well, by 2017 we'll make this dynamical model operational by replacing the statistical model," said M. Rajeevan, the top scientist in the ministry of earth sciences, which oversees the weather office on a 30-acre campus in the heart of New Delhi.


Weather monitoring equipment is pictured at the India Meteorological Department (IMD) in New Delhi. (Reuters Photo)

Mr Rajeevan declined to name the companies the bureau was talking to obtain the new supercomputer, but said it would be 10 times faster than the existing one supplied by IBM.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issues forecasts for the country as a whole and five regions, though does not give separate ones for the country's 29 states.


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Because of India's size, one national forecast is of little help to farmers spread across diverse climatic zones.

"I'll cherish the day they'll come up with a forecast for my state. It's going to mitigate our risks and help us plan our crop better," said Dharmendra Kumar, whose farm is in Uttar Pradesh.


The IMD, set up in 1875, produced its first monsoon forecast in 1886 after the famine of the 1870s.

Back then, it relied on melting snow in the Himalayas to predict rains. Early forecasters also observed plants and animals, and consulted almanacs.

Now, about 5,000 IMD employees gather data, obtained from radar, observatories, ships, sensors and satellites, for the weather office, where staff peer at computer screens flickering with charts, graphs and multi-coloured maps of India.

In 2015, the IMD accurately forecast a second straight drought year, in contrast to predictions of bountiful rains by Skymet, India's only private forecaster.

But the weather office failed to foresee the worst drought in nearly four decades in 2009 and, as this year's monsoon starts, farmers hope its forecast of above-average rains will be right.
C-DAC is going to build and It will be part of National SuperComputing Grid.
A separate body will be built to handle SuperComputing projects, as of now IIS, Bangalore will manage the project.
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What Happened to India's indigenous model to predict rainfall??

In the next six months, the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, will be able to operationalise a dynamic numerical climate model it has developed to forecast extended-range rainfall for a timescale of 15-20 days after results from the experimental stage were found to be reliable.

"For the first time, we have indigenously developed a prediction system that was not available in India. The tests have been done, the performance of the experimental model was found to be good and can be operationalise. We can now forecast rain every five days for 15-20 days especially for the agriculture sector which is the mainstay of the economy," M Rajeevan, director, IITM told HT
What Happened to India's indigenous model to predict rainfall??

In the next six months, the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, will be able to operationalise a dynamic numerical climate model it has developed to forecast extended-range rainfall for a timescale of 15-20 days after results from the experimental stage were found to be reliable.

"For the first time, we have indigenously developed a prediction system that was not available in India. The tests have been done, the performance of the experimental model was found to be good and can be operationalise. We can now forecast rain every five days for 15-20 days especially for the agriculture sector which is the mainstay of the economy," M Rajeevan, director, IITM told HT

still going on... R&D takes time... sometimes more than anticipated..
What Happened to India's indigenous model to predict rainfall??

In the next six months, the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, will be able to operationalise a dynamic numerical climate model it has developed to forecast extended-range rainfall for a timescale of 15-20 days after results from the experimental stage were found to be reliable.

"For the first time, we have indigenously developed a prediction system that was not available in India. The tests have been done, the performance of the experimental model was found to be good and can be operationalise. We can now forecast rain every five days for 15-20 days especially for the agriculture sector which is the mainstay of the economy," M Rajeevan, director, IITM told HT
Man that could be an algorithm,nd we need a high computing tech to run meteorological models. The new requirement for supercomputers is for running that algorithm.
What Happened to India's indigenous model to predict rainfall??

In the next six months, the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, will be able to operationalise a dynamic numerical climate model it has developed to forecast extended-range rainfall for a timescale of 15-20 days after results from the experimental stage were found to be reliable.

"For the first time, we have indigenously developed a prediction system that was not available in India. The tests have been done, the performance of the experimental model was found to be good and can be operationalise. We can now forecast rain every five days for 15-20 days especially for the agriculture sector which is the mainstay of the economy," M Rajeevan, director, IITM told HT
Read the article carefully......it talks about buying of supercomputer......algo will be ours

Thus to meet the demand for accurate prediction of weather and climate, a leadership-class HPC system with petaflops-scale capabilities is required. This requirement is similar to other climate centers in the world.
  • To establish a petaflops-scale HPC facility at MoES institutes to cater the needs of modeling activities of short-, medium-, extended- and long-range predictions, R & D to improve these predictions under the Monsoon Mission, Climate Change Research, National Training Centre and other programs of the Institute, and also to share the facility with other groups in the country.
  • To make available computational resources to the academic and other R&D community to work on the operational forecasting system and to improve forecast skill.
  • To maintain the facility by providing the necessary supporting infrastructure such as UPS, cooling system, Power and Generator backup. Significant investment has to be planned for maintaining the Facility.
  • To facilitate development of Indian model for monsoon weather and climate prediction and to generate climate projections.
Here above article says:
"If everything goes well, by 2017 we'll make this dynamical model operational by replacing the statistical model,"

From your quote:
will be able to operationalise a dynamic numerical climate model
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You did nothing wrong. Stop apologising. You didn't troll, all you did was state a FACT!

You need to understand, this is not a pakistani forum. This is a money making machine for its owners, and these Indians help boost their profits. So when facts offend these Indians who dont like seeing facts , they will complain and the owners/admins act to remove the facts so that they can pretend its all a lie and think they are the greatest in their wonderland.

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